Help! I Went In For Bangs and All I Got Was This Lousy Forehead Breakout

The struggle with the style.
Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Coat Jacket and Face
Photo: Jason Lloyd Evans

Getting bangs back in March was totally game-changing. I had just gone through a rough breakup, and the style brought me back to life and then some. I felt like a new, improved person, and I instantly decided that my adopted signature look was here to stay. Sure, the waking up earlier every a.m. to style my new fringe was somewhat difficult, but the results were so worth it. Everyone told me I’d want to grow them out come the sticky, sweaty NYC summer, but I stood my ground and kept them, even if it meant emerging from the depths of the subway with a curly, frizzy pouf sitting atop my head. But, flash-forward to mid-July and suddenly, my bangs gave me another little surprise: a breakout on my forehead that just won’t go away. It’s probably a combination of starting-a-new-job stress and the NYC humidity — each day, my bangs unfortunately get greasy and, in turn, exacerbate the breakout. I decide to seek help from an expert to help banish the pimples and keep my beloved ‘do.

Why do bangs even cause breakouts anyway?
“The forehead is part of the T-zone, which generally produces excess oil. Because bangs lay directly on the forehead, they tend to trap oil and bacteria. In addition, oil can travel from the scalp onto the skin, and bangs are a conduit for the migration directly onto the forehead area,” says Dr. Howard Sobel, dermatologist and founder of DDF Skincare.

How do you go about treating the tiny bumps that bangs produce? They just won’t seem to budge.
“First, identify the type of bumps present, as there are two types of breakouts that can occur: whiteheads and milia. Whiteheads can form very easily and can be treated with regular exfoliation along with topical acne treatments. Milia form when dead skin cells get trapped under the skin’s surface, forming small, hard cysts. These cysts can be treated with in-office treatments such as peels, retinoids (Vitamin A) or, sometimes, removal by your dermatologist.

Washing your face twice daily and following a skincare regimen customized for your skin type is also important. Ingredients such as salicylic acid and glycolic acid will help exfoliate gently and clear away oil and bacteria. I also recommend using a toner to remove excess dirt, oil and bacteria, such as DDF’s Glycolic Toning Complex directly after cleansing to ensure that all bacteria is removed from the face,” says Dr. Sobel.

What if you've never had oily skin before and now you do? What gives?
“Excess oil and breakouts can be caused by a variety of issues – from stress, to using the wrong skincare regimen, to a dietary imbalance. It is important to identify the root cause of the problem, as it may not be the hairstyle itself which is causing these issues,” says Dr. Sobel.

What do you do if your old routine was relatively simple. Now what?
“The best method is a regimen: Cleanse, Treat, Moisturize and Protect with products customized for your skin type, from salicylic acid for acne-prone skin to glycolic acid for exfoliation. Always following these steps will help prevent breakouts from forming while preventing over-drying the skin which can ultimately cause more breakouts to form by causing an increase in oil production,” says Dr. Sobel.

What if this is more about stress and less about the bangs?
“Stress aggravates skin and causes breakouts, because our bodies produce excess hormones as a response to the stress, which, in turn, causes an increase of sebum, or oil, production. Sebum and dead skin cells mix together, clogging hair follicles on the skin and causing blemishes to form. You can avoid them by continuously exfoliating a few times per week to clear away debris from your face and finding a 4-step regimen that is right for your skin type,” says Dr. Sobel.

How do you know whether or not you should treat this yourself or head to a derm?
“Dramatic skin changes absolutely require a visit to the dermatologist, as they can signal a bigger issue. For excessive oil production and moderate to severe acne, it is a good idea to visit a dermatologist who can customize a skincare regimen and prescribe the appropriate medication needed. Blemishes can cause unnecessary long term damage to the skin if left untreated or if treated the wrong way, so if your breakout is not improving, make sure to call your doctor,” says Dr. Sobel.

Related: The Gross (and Sometimes Gooey) Details of Every Kind of Breakout — and How to Solve Them

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