Sharing by email or text

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Sending Emails


Emails can be sent directly from the iPad using SMTP email or they can be sent from a Windows PC running Breeze Hub.

To email photos using the iPad's Mail app or SMTP email add a touchscreen action for "stillsShareEmailLocal" to the "share" screen or "gifShareEmailLocal" to the "gif_share" screen using the Event Editor.

To email photos using Breeze Hub add a touchscreen action for "stillsShareEmail" to the "share" screen or "gifShareEmail" to the "gif_share" screen. You also need to set up Breeze Hub to send the emails (please see Breeze Hub for details).


Sending emails directly from the iPad using the iOS Mail app has the following advantages:


1. Simple to set up (the iPad only needs an internet connection)
2. Users can preview the email and edit the message text if required


And the following disadvantages:


1. Only limited formatting of HTML emails is available
2. Privacy can be an issue because users can tap the "To" email address and see the email addresses of emails that have already been sent


Sending emails using Breeze Hub or directly from iPad using SMTP email have the advantage of better privacy because users cannot see each others email addresses. They also give complete control over the formatting of HTML emails and how images and animated GIFs are embedded in the email.


Please see the app settings section for setting up the SMTP email settings for sending emails directly from the iPad using SMTP instead of the iPad's iOS Mail app.

Please see the sharing settings section for information about how to specify the email subject and text in the Event Editor.


Sending Texts


Texts can be sent directly from the iPad with a SIM card using the standard iOS Message app, directly from the iPad via Twilio or they can be sent from a Windows PC running Breeze Hub.

To send a text using the iPad's Message app or directly from the iPad via Twilio add a touchscreen action for "stillsShareTextLocal" to the "share" screen or "gifShareTextlLocal" to the "gif_share" screen using the Event Editor.

To send a text using Breeze Hub add a touchscreen action for "stillsShareTextl" to the "share" screen or "gifShareText" to the "gif_share" screen. You also need to set up Breeze Hub to send the texts (please see Breeze Hub for details).


Please note: Sending a text only sends a text message and does not include the photo or animated GIF. Normally you send a text with a link to an online gallery or a link to a microsite where the photo or GIF may be viewed and shared from the user's phone or tablet. Photos and GIFs can be automatically uploaded to a web site using the "Upload to cloud" option in App Settings. Alternatively the photos and GIFs can be saved to Dropbox and then uploaded to the gallery or microsite using software running a PC by monitoring the Dropbox folder.


Sending texts directly from the iPad using the iOS Message app is simple to set up but has the disadvantage that users can see the phone numbers of other users. This is not an issue if texts sent directly from the iPad using Twilio.


Sending texts using Breeze Hub requires additional set up and a Windows PC either at the venue or back at base if you sync the photos via Dropbox. It has the advantage of better privacy because users cannot see each others phone numbers.


Please see the app settings section for setting up the Twilio settings for sending texts directly from the iPad.

Please see the sharing settings section for information about how to specify the content of text messages in the Event Editor.




Tokens can be used in email messages and texts to include information such as the date and time or the event name and a link to the image in an online gallery e.g.

Your photos from {eventName}: {tinyUrl,{uid}}


The {tinyUrl,str} token is useful for shortening URLs when sending texts and the {uid} token can be useful for enhancing privacy when using microsites by giving each photo or GIF a unique, hard to guess id.