Corruption of Science: Destruction of the U.S. Constitution

Fourth Open Message to the Space Science & Technology Committee,
US House of Representatives
17 July 2013
The United States House of Representatives
Committee on Space Science and Technology
Washington, DC, USA
RE: Open Message on the Corruption of Science;
The Destruction of Inalienable Rights of Citizens

The manuscript is finally completed and hereby transmitted to members of the Space Science & Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives for their consideration and action.

The conclusion is just this: Two seemingly minor falsehoods, promoted as scientific facts to save the world from possible nuclear annihilation in 1945:

  1. Neutrons attract neutrons
  2. H-fusion powers the Sun

Destroyed the integrity of science, education, research journals, the news media, and world leaders – and Creator-endowed rights to self-governance, as a virus living only in nerve cells might totally incapacitate an entire organism without leaving any visible outward sign of its presence

A copy of this manuscript is being sent to others interested in this topic, and to the editor and publisher of Nature.

Contact me if you are unable to open the links and pdf or doc files will be sent directly to you.

My research mentor, the late Paul Kazuo Kuroda, directed me to start research in 1960 that would finally reveal this information.  Four others provided helpful information about events and emotions that elevated scientific models above scientific observations in the tragic ending of the Second World War: Fred Hoyle, David Snell, Robert Jungk and George Orwell.

I regret that it took so long to complete that 1960 assignment.

With deep regrets,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA PI
for Apollo Samples


Who Cares If Neutrons Repel and Stars Make Hydrogen?


A nuclear “holocaust” was avoided, nationalism and racism were reduced as the result of official deception in 1945-46.  So, who cares if :

  • Neutrons repel, rather than attract, other neutrons
  • Stars make and discard rather than burn Hydrogen
  • A pulsar is the Creator, Destroyer & Sustainer of Life ?

These consequences of the 1945-46 falsehoods provide the answer:

  1. Education was “dumbed down” to hide deception.
  2. Egos of world leaders have been dangerously inflated.
  3. Many seriously believe they can control humans and Nature.
  4. They are dangerously unaware the Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer of Life now lurks beneath the Sun’s placid photosphere.
  5. Technology depends on the reliability of mathematics and the physical sciences, but the foundation of physical sciences was destroyed by promoting falsehoods on the energy (E) stored as mass (m) in cores of atoms, planets, stars and galaxies, including the foundation of astronomy, astrophysics, climatology, cosmology, nuclear, particle, planetary, solar, space, and theoretical physics, for example.

The whole world is in a “mell of a hess” – precisely because world leaders and leaders of the scientific community used deception to try to save the world – a noble goal. Members of the Space Science & Technology Committee can either correct the situation now, or wait for the  next major EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) [1] or cosmic eruption [2] from the Sun to do the job.

– Oliver K. Manuel (18 July 2013 Addendum)

[1] Stuart Clark, The Sun Kings: The unexpected tragedy of Richard Carrington and the tale of how modern astronomy began (Princeton University Press, 2007) 224 pp:

[2] I. G. Usoskin, B. Kromer, F. Ludlow, J. Beer, M. Friedrich, G. A. Kovaltsov, S. K. Solanki and L. Wacker, “The AD775 cosmic event revisited: The Sun is to blame,” Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters 552, L3 (2013):

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Who Cares If I Tell

A Little White Lie?

The Creator,

Destroyer &

Sustainer of


– – – – – – – –

Third Open Message to the Space Science & Technology Committee,
US House of Representatives
9 July 2013
The United States House of Representatives
Committee on Space Science and Technology
Washington, DC, USA
 RE: Open Message on the Corruption of Science;
The Destruction of Inalienable Rights of Citizens
You face a most formidable task:  To restore integrity to government science and basic constitutional rights to US citizens, the fabric of science must be examined as carefully as the Emperor should have examined the fabric of The Emperor’s New Suit in Hans Christian Anderson’s classic tale of grand deceit:

You can begin by asking who reviewed the budgets, approved and allocated public research funds for these mostly, if not entirely, false assertions:

  • The SSM model of the Sun and the AGW model of Earth’s climate?
  • The String Theory that holds modern physics together?
  • With a universe of quarks, gluons, God Particles?
  • That began with an imaginary Big Bang?
  • And ends in imaginary Black Holes?
  • Stars composed of Hydrogen?
  • Oscillating solar neutrinos?
  • Meteorites filled with:
  1. Fission products from super-heavy elements?
  2. Ne-A, Ne-B, Ne-C, Ne-D, Ne-E, etc.?
  3. Interstellar dust grains?

Nobody is competent to review all these stories, but I can confidently assure you they are mostly, if not entirely, false.  Who violated the basic principles of science and converted government science into a tool of government propaganda so governments could extract more funds from the public to create more misleading propaganda?  Who?

The US National Academy of Sciences, an independent and self-perpetuating organization that reviews budgets of federal research agencies for Congress.  The US NAS was assisted by the UK’s Royal Society, the UN’s IPCC, the Swedish and the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committees and the publishers and editors of mainstream research journals like Nature, Science, Proceedings of the US National Academy of Science, Proceedings of the Royal Society, etc. 

I wish you well in this challenging, but necessary task: Government by the people depends on public access to reliable.information.  The integrity of our government thus depends on the integrity of government science.

The following books and manuscripts [1-5] may assist you with factual information to initiate the review.  I will be happy to provide names and addresses of reliable scientists that can also help.

With deep regrets,
– Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo


1. Stuart Clark, The Sun Kings: The unexpected tragedy of Richard Carrington and the tale of how modern astronomy began (Princeton University Press, 2007) 224 pages

2. Ian Plimer, Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science (Conner Court Publishing Pty, Ltd., 2009) 504 pages

3. Oliver K. Manuel, “Neutron repulsion,” The Apeiron Journal 19, 123-150 (2012):

4. Jim Baaggott, Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth (to be published, 1 August 2013)

5. Hilton Ratcliff, Stephen Hawking Smoked My Socks (copyright by Hilton Ratcliff, available from Muse Harbor Publishing, spring of 2014)

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Second Open Message to the Space Science & Technology Committee,
US House of Representatives
4 July 2013
The United States House of Representatives
Committee on Space Science and Technology
Washington, DC, USA
RE: Open Message on the Corruption of Science:
The Destruction of Inalienable Rights of Citizens

On this, the 237th birthday of this once great nation (2013 – 1776 = 237 yr), it is my patriotic duty to inform you of this sad fact:For the past sixty-eight years (2013 – 1945 = 68 yrsthe scientific community has lied to Congress about the energy (E) stored as mass (m) in cores of atoms, planets, stars and galaxies.  Why?  Fear and a deep sense of guilt and remorse for having released that energy to vaporize Hiroshima and Nagasaki and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on August 6 and 9, 1945.  Einstein explained in 1905 how energy (E) is stored as mass (m) and can be released as E = mc^2 from atomic mass data the Brookhaven National Lab tabulates for every known atom (under the conditions here on Earth):

Inline image 2
The whole universe is composed of two forms of One Fundamental Particle:  The Neutron on the extreme left; the  Hydrogen atom (H-1) on the extreme right.  Open symbols represent unstable atoms; Filled symbols show stable ones (on Earth).  Quarks, gluons and God particles are imaginary.
From left to right (corrected: right to left), the most abundant constituents of the Sun are H-1 in its atmosphere, Fe-56 in the solar mantle, and  neutrons in its pulsar core.
Under high pressure, nuclear stability changes: H-atoms become unstable and may  collapse into neutron stars.  The collapsed cores of stars also called “pulsars.”  When that happens, the neutrons become highly energized.  Pulsars generate the most energetic radiation knowncosmic rays and gamma rays.  Solar images with filters reveal the core “Father of Sunlight”
In 2000 five students and I showed that neutrons are also highly energized by neutron repulsion when confined in the cores of ordinary atoms, like U and Pu that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki on on August 6 and 9, 1945.  Neutron repulsion is the source of energy that vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki and frightened world leaders into forming the United Nations on 24 October 1945.
Again, copies of this open message will be made available to others concerned with the loss of integrity in government science and the loss of our most basic rights that were first outlined in the US Declaration of Independence of 4 July 1776.
With deep regrets,
– Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
PhD Nuclear Chemistry
Postdoc Space Physics
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This postscript identifies a few of the very talented, but now deceased, individuals and experimental findings that correctly describe our relationship to the creative force* of every atom, life and world in the Solar System, a larger version of the force that decided the winner of WWII: *Neutron repulsion in the Sun’s pulsar core.  No one can see the “Father of Sunlight” directly, but solar images with energy filters partially reveal this beneath the photosphere:
1. Deceased Heroes
a.) Kristian Birkeland organized The 1902-1903 Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition  that revealed the invisible force fields connecting Earth with its creator – the Sun. Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfvén championed this finding, and it is still supported by many scientists worldwide:


b.) Paul K. Kuroda recognized the beginning of the world “while standing in the ruins of Hiroshima” in August 1945 and described it in the last paragraph on p. 2 of The Origin of the Chemical Elements and the Oklo Phenomenon (Springer Publishing, 165 pages, 1982)

c.) Sir Fred Hoyle acknowledged that his 1946 model of hydrogen-filled stars heated by H-fusion was unanimously adopted without debate or discussion on pp. 153-154 of his autobiography, Home Is Where the Wind Blows (University Science Books, 441 pages, appropriately published on April 1, 1994):

d.) News Reporter David Snell reported how near Allied forces came to losing WWII in “Japan developed atomic bomb; Russians grabbed scientists,” The Atlanta Constitution   (Headlines, 3 Oct 1946)

e.) Robert Jungk describes the emotional strain on scientists for using nuclear energy to in 1945 kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A personal history of the Atomic Scientists (translated by James Cleugh), Mariner Books; 5th Printing edition (October 21, 1970) 384 pages. Originally published in 1956 by Alfred Scherz Verlag as Heller als Tausend Sonnen (German):

f.) George Orwell (Eric Blair) started writing his warning to the public in 1946 about a new tyrannical government in 1984″, Signet Classic (July 1, 1950) 328 pages

2. Unyielding Experimental Evidence

a.) In 1960, Drs. John H. Reynolds (UC Berkeley, Physics) and Paul K. Kuroda (Univ Arkansas, Nuclear Chemistry) published the first Unyielding Experimental Evidence our elements were produced in a violent stellar explosion just before solids started to form in the Solar System (Phys. Rev. Lett. 4, 8-10; Nature 187, 36-38).  These are my graduate and post-graduate research advisors.

b.) Former UMR Chancellor, Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, a member of the National Science Board and the National Academy of Engineers in 1976 encouraged the editor of Science magazine to publish a debate between scientists from UMR and the University of Chicago: “Strange xenon, extinct superheavy elements and the solar neutrino puzzle”, Science 195, 208-210 (1977). Table 1 of that debate includes unyielding experimental evidence of local synthesis of elements in the Sun.

b.) Dr. Carl Sagan, Professor of Astronomy at Cornell and editor of Icarus, published data from the analysis of isotopes and elements in diverse meteorites [“The enigma of helium and anomalous xenon”, Icarus 41, 312-315 (1980)] with more unyielding experimental evidence that all primordial helium was associated with “strange” xenon at the birth of the Solar System.

c.) Nobel Laureate, Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, former Chancellor, University of California – Berkeley and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, helped the author organize the 1999 ACS Symposium on the Origin of Elements in the Solar System.  Proceedings of that symposium contain many other pieces of  unyielding experimental evidence that the Solar System formed directly from chemically and isotopically heterogeneous debris of a local supernova.

d.) Former UMR Chancellor, Dr. Gary Thomas, encouraged the author to attend the 2002 SOHO/GONG Conference on Helioseismology to answer criticism by NASA’s Dr. David Hathaway of evidence iron (Fe) is the most abundant element in the interior of the Sun. Proceedings of the 2002 SOHO/GONG Conference include additional unyielding experimental evidence of the Sun’s iron-rich interior.

Who Defies Neutron Repulsion, the Driver of the Solar Chariot? 

When every leaf and blade of grass on Earth point toward a giant “fountain of energy”  Copernicus discovered in 1543; Galileo defended at his trail in 1633 as a Divine order that persistent observers could decipher; Einstein explained with E = mc^2 in 1905; Solar oscillations validated in 1977 [1]; and the most precise nuclear and space-age measurements from 1960 to 2012 and observations like these [2-4] confirmed:  Enormous solar flares rising from rigid, iron-rich structures below the fluid solar photosphere,; Planetary disks that formed orbiting pulsar cores of embryonic new stars; and magnetic portals that randomly divert and/or focus bursts of solar energy onto the Earth – I.e.,  These are just a few of the  empirical facts Al Gore and the UN ignored in promoting AGW as settled science: The Creator, DestroyerPreserver of lives is the force [5,6] that vaporized Hiroshima !

The CreatorDestroyer & Sustainer of atoms, worlds and lives in the solar system is a continuous chain of cause and effect triggered by neutron repulsion and emission   from the Sun’s pulsar core- still making and controlling every atom in the solar system  as astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell ( and neurologist, Dr. Eben Alexander ( suspected.     World leaders collectively attempted to hide the Destroyer of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and inadvertently ended up losing their ability to promote the general welfare of society

See video (15 Jan 2013) of pulsar-like events in current solar cycle #24:

Who defies reality?  Those caught in the internet of distractions from reality: Those social networking without time for private meditation, experimentation, contemplation; Followers of consensus models of reality, regardless of experimental measurements and observations of reality;  Pursuing the illusion of knowledge without personal effort.

AGW dogma is the latest action to implement a 1945 decision to save the world from nuclear annihilation by forming a tyrannical one-world government and denying the  force that made our elements, birthed the world, sustained the beginning and the evolution of life, endowed mankind with inalienable rights [compromised by the United Nations for sixty-four years until divine coincidence (karma) released those Climategate emails in 2009:], and now extends >100 AU beyond Earth !

As our social and economic systems now crumble, we must individually speak:  1.  The truth as revealed by unbiased experimental observations, or . . . . we can join the crowd promoting:  2. Nobel-prize winning consensus science fabricated by cherry-picking data.  Regardless of our decision, the human spirit will survive: Truth will be victorious !

sun_cme.jpg (1024×1024)

Climategate History: World Leaders Chose Illusion of Control over Reality in 1945 !  George Orwell described the rise of Communism under Stalin before WWII in Animal Farm.  The process continued under the UN after WWII, as predicted in a 1948 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four and explained in a UN’s Report on Sustainability and Agenda 21.    Peter Toth [1] told the truth & vanished [“Is the Sun a pulsar?” Nature 270, 159 (1977)] Those who had ruled a godless regime, pre-WWII, now control post-WWII  science.    Curt Suplee et al. [3] show observations [“The Sun -Living with a stormy star,” National Geographic Magazine feature story (July 2004)] that fit empirical facts [4] about “The Sun’s origin, composition and source of energy ” [LPSC  XXIX, 1041 (March 2001)].

Earth’s stormy heat source (above) is 333,000 more massive than our home, the Earth.  More than ten billion, billion (>10,000,000,000,000,000,000) Earths would  fit inside the volume of interstellar space cleaned out five billion years (5 Gyr) ago by the Sun’s supernova explosion in birthing the Solar System.  [Nature 489, 20-21 (2012)

Deception  Tainted 24 Oct 1945 Decision to Unite Nations on Water-Covered Planet

The 1543 scientific revolution gave rise to respect for the basic rights of citizens and their right to impose constitutional  limits on government but the “nuclear fires”  that consumed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Aug 1945  frightened world leaders into 1.)  Abandoning nationalism and racism as techniques to control people; 2.) Re-establishing tyrannical control through the United Nations in Oct of 1945; and 3.) Then promoting false models of nuclear (7) and stellar cores (8-10) in 1946 !  As post-WWII science focused on false models of reality, instead of unbiased observations of reality, government science changed from the path of enlightenment into an instrument of  enslavement, as Orwell predicted in 1948 would happen in 1984″, probably after a warning by Sir Fred Hoyle in 1947:

Like cores of the atoms that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the core of the Sun is composed of neutrons [6].  The Sun’s “sphere of influence” extends on out about eighteen billion kilometers (~18 x 10^9 km, 18 G km), encompassing all of the planets that the Sun birthed five billion years (~5 x 10^9 yrs, 5 Gyr) ago [2], just as the nucleus of each atom dominates a “sphere of influence” that encompasses all of the electrons orbiting it. The 1945 decision to unite nations and promote misinformation on the cores of atoms [7] and stars [8-10] led to Climategate in 2009.  Official responses to fraudulent global temperature data revealed major events on the road to Climategate and also confirmed the ancient wisdom from various philosophies, religions, and cultures on the fine art of living:

1543: Copernicus discovers “fountain of energy” – Sol at core of the Solar System 1633: At inquisition, Galileo says “fountain of energy”  is part of the Divine order  1776: US Declaration of Independence acknowledges the Divine rights of US citizens  1791: 10 Amendments to the US Constitution protect the Divine rights of US citizens  1905: Einstein shows m => E powers the Sun because mass (m) is stored energy (E)  1915: Niels Bohr finds electrons orbit massive core of atoms as planets orbit the Sun  1945: Energy (E) from cores of U and Pu destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August  1945: Aug 12 Japan releases energy (E) from cores of U as USSR troops approach  1945: Frightened scientists and world leaders form the United Nations 24 Oct 1945  1946: Deceptive models of atomic and stellar cores betray lofty ideals of UN Charter  1948: Orwell writes a futuristic novel to warn of tyranny in “1984” from deception 1957: The USSR’s launch of Sputnik threatens immediate world tyranny 4 Oct 1957 1960: Richard M. Nixon’s narrow defeat delayed this march to tyranny 8 Nov 1960 1961: Eisenhower warns about the “scientific-technological elite” [11] 17 Jan 1961 1961: Kennedy announces USA will win the space race with Apollo on 25 May 1961   1962: Cuban missile crisis confirms the 1945 UN agreement is dead 15-28 Oct 1962 1963: John F. Kennedy assassination ends obstacle to nuclear détente 22 Nov 1963 1998: CSPAN video shows [10] NASA releasing data on the Sun’s core, 7 Jan 1998 2007: Czech President Vaclav Klaus [12] reports that tyranny now engulfs the planet  2009: Climategate emails and documents confirm global temperature manipulation

Conclusions from Hiroshima in Aug 1945 to Climategate in Nov 2009
Living inside the “sphere of influence” of the Sun’s pulsar core
Is like living in electron orbits around an atom’s nuclear core
We are humbly connected to RTG (Reality, Truth, God), or
We are arrogantly connected to false illusions of control !

Living in the benevolent stream of energy, all moral and religious teachings advised us to make the stream of life more benevolent downstream, as the great religious leaders,  musicians, chefs, philosophers, scientists, humanists, and artists have all done!

Scientists who are aware of their purpose in the stream of life will be compelled to pass along information that has been obtained by following basic principals of science, undistorted or compromised by their own human weaknesses.

The teachings of Lord Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad and other religions; Beautiful music composed by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Schubert and others; Gourmet meals famous chefs make from the best selection of vegetables and meats; Philosophical insight of Aristotle, Plato, Confucius, Avicenna and others; and even      Thomas Jefferson’s writing of the US Declaration of Independence, . . .

Proclaiming the rights of ordinary citizens to establish governments to protect human Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness – are all by-products of that energy stream! Climategate demonstrated that lofty ideals of the 1945 UN Charter – “to save humanity from the scourge of war and to reaffirm rights, dignity and worth of humans”  cannot be accomplished by using deceptive science [7-10] to promote global fears [12].  Deception is now well-documented:  Therefore, integrity cannot be restored to government science until constitutional limits are restored on government.  Then  AGW  proponents and skeptics can join forces in “getting right sized and then restoring  our deeply troubled society to its proper place in God’s beautiful bountiful universe:

Working together we can achieve goals 1-6, instead of abandoning goals 5 and 6 for 1-4 !

1.  We all want world peace.

2.  An end to racism and nationalistic warfare.

3.  An end to the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation.

4.  Cooperative efforts to protect Earth’s environment and bounty.

5.  Governments controlled by the people being governed, including.

6.  Transparency and veracity (truth) of information given to the public.

However continued refusal by world leaders and by leaders of the Nobel Prize Committee,  the UK’s Royal Society, the UN’s IPCC, the US NAS, the European AS and editors and the publisher of Nature, Science, PNAS, MNRS, BBC, PBS, etc., to work toward a “Win-Win Resolution” of  the AGW debate will simply mean that Czech President – Professor Václav Klaus – correctly interpreted the motives for deception exposed by Climategate:     Tyrannical control of the world [12].

The lesson from Climategate:  World leaders and leaders of 
The scientific community are not different from the rest of us:
We are humbly connected to RTG (Reality, Truth, God), or
We are selfishly connected to a false illusion of control.


– – – –

What should we do?” asked one famous nuclear scientist.

The beginning of the world may have been just like this,”

Responded another to the “nuclear fires” of Hiroshima. – comment-720

Selfish attachment to the false illusion of controlling access to the source of energy that consumed Hiroshima on 6 Aug 1945 and Nagasaki on 9 Aug 1945 resulted in establishing the United Nations on 24 Oct 1945, to publication of misinformation on energy (E) stored as mass (m) in cores of atoms [7] and stars [8-10] in 1946, in order to safely unite the world‘s independent governments into a single one-world government and thus avoid a nuclear apocalypse:
– – – – –
This secret plan to control the world occasionally surfaced as events for the public to see: General Douglas MacAuthor was the effective ruler of Japan after WWII, until he was fired on 11 Apr 1951 for proposing to use “nuclear fire” to stop Chinese troops from entering Korea; The USSR launched Sputnik on 4 Oct 1957 threatened world domination; The USA President Dwight D. Eisenhower responded by investing our government funds in a military/industrial complex; Most dangerously, the three year period from Nov 1960 to Nov 1963, spanning the election and assassination of President John F. Kennedy, included President Eisenhower’s 17 Jan 1961 warning [11] about US public funds being misused by a “scientific-technological elite”,  USSR’s cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbiting the Earth on 12 Apr 1961the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba on 17 Apr 1961, followed by President Kennedy’s announcement of the Apollo program on 25 May 1961 to win the space race – by both sending and returning humans from the Moon, the  Cuban Missile Crisis on 18-29 Oct 1962, and finally the assassination of John F. Kennedy on 23 Nov 1963, an earth-shattering event that only his wife Jacqueline recognized at the time
The last barrier to a tyrannical, one-world government was eliminated: 23 Nov 1963 !  President John F. Kennedy’s service had been one of the greatest Profiles in Courage.
In 1948, George Orwell had predicted its arrival in “1984”
Czech President Vaclav Klaus recognized that tyranny had engulfed planet Earth in 2007: [Vaclav Klaus, Blue Planet in Green Shackles (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2007, 100 pp.)
Its firm grip on postmodern science was confirmed by Climategate in Nov 2009 !
Responses by leaders of nations and scientific organizations removed any doubt !

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Here is my good friend’s introductory video to

Nellie the Neutron and Neutron Repulsion

This tells of angry Nellie’s abrupt escape from the  compressed core of a Sun-like star:

Angry Nellie’s transformation from an invisible speck (less than a millionth of one billionth the size of an atom) into a contributing, light-emitting part of a beautiful, sparkling cosmos!

Neutron repulsion is the energy stored as rest mass (E = mc^2) in the cores of heavy atoms (A > 150 amu),  fluid planets, ordinary stars and galaxies.   Neutron repulsion, released on Hiroshima from cores of uranium atoms  on 6 Aug 1945, scared world leaders into hiding information on this powerful source of energy, . . .

hiro2.gif (60769 bytes)

Obscuring critical information on the fountain of energy that Copernicus discovered in 1543 at the core of the solar system (Sol) sustaining our lives, making elements and exerting dominant control over the planets [2-4], especially the rocky ones closest to the Sun – Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars:

Space age measurements [1-6] falsified information promoted on the source of energy in the cores of atoms and stars [7-10] after the United Nations was established on 24 Oct 1945 out of fear of the “nuclear fires” that consumed Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 Aug 1945 and 9 Aug 1945, respectively. World leaders reacted instinctively and started to provide research funds to test government approved models of Reality, rather than unbiased observations of Reality.

Reality, Truth, God, What Is, etc. are different names for that which is commonly perceived through experimentation, observation, meditation, contemplation, etc., all with these qualities: Benevolence,  Omnipotence, Powerful, Unyielding.

Fear and Faith are opposing response to Reality, God, Truth, What Is, etc., that cannot coexist in mankind.  

Post-1945 actions taken by world leaders out of  fear of  “nuclear fire” undermined the faith of our founding fathers in writing the US Declaration of Independence to establish this country on 4 July 1776:

Recent NASA photographs [13] and videos [14] show mankind’s total dependence on Sol – the fountain of energy – and the Climategate fiasco demonstrated the foolishness of trying to hide our total dependence on the Sun, an object our antecessors worship [15].


01. Peter Toth, “Is the Sun a pulsar?” Nature 270, 159-160 (1977)

02. Oliver K. Manuel and Alberto Boretti, “Yes, the Sun a pulsar,” Nature (submitted 12 Dec 2012)

03. Curt Suplee, “The Sun – Living with a stormy star,” National Geographic  (July 2004)

04. “The sun’s origin, composition and source of energy,” in Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX, 1041, also available from Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX (CD-ROM, March 16-21, 2001)

05. Neutron repulsion video, “Scientific Genesis”: Neutron Repulsion (2001)

06. Oliver K. Manuel, “Neutron repulsion,” The Apeiron Journal 19, 123-150 (2012)

07. Hideki Yukawa, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (1946);  Introduction to the Theory of Elementary Particles  (1948)

08.  Fred Hoyle, “The chemical composition of the stars,” Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society 106, 255-59 (1946)

09. Fred Hoyle, “The synthesis of the elements from hydrogen,” Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society 106, 343-83 (1946)

10. Fred Hoyle, Home Is Where the Wind Blows [University Science Books, 1994, 441 pages], pages 153-154

11.  Eisenhower’s farewell address and warning to the nation (17 Jan 1961)

12. Vaclav Klaus, Blue Planet in Green Shackles (Competitive Enterprise Institute, first edition, 2007) 100 pages,

13. Thirty NASA photographs of “Solar flares & Sun storms”

14. NASA video captures,  “The surprising power of a solar storm

15. Bing’s images of Sun worshippers:

For more information see my abbreviated profile:

With kind regards,

Oliver K. Manuel

PS – Here’s your personal invitation to the end of eighty years (1936-2016) of official deceit about the Sun:

With kind regards,

Oliver K. Manuel
Posted in Uncategorized | 38 Comments

Hello world!

Abbreviated Profile (in progress)

o. Manuel, O.K. (1966): Error in “Binding energy of the nucleus,”  in Programme of the 1966 Annual APS Meeting in New York (26-29 Jan 1966), abstract EB1, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 11 (1): page 82.

1. “Noble gases in the Fayetteville meteorite,” Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31, 2413-2431 (1967)

2. “Mass fractionation and isotope anomalies in neon and xenon,” Nature 227, 1113-1116 (1970); doi:10.1038/2271113a0

3. “The xenon record of extinct radioactivities in the Earth,” Science 174, 1334-1336 (1971); 10.1126/science.174.4016.1334

4. “The role of isotopic mass fractionation in the production of noble gas anomalies in lunar fines from the Apollo 15 mission,” Proceedings of Third Lunar Science Conf, vol. 2, 1927-1945 (1972)

5. “Xenon in carbonaceous chondrites,” Nature 240, 99-101 (1972); CODEN: NPSCA6; ISSN: 0300-8746

6. “Double beta-decay of tellurium-128,” Physical Review 11, 1378-1384 (1975)

7. “Elemental and isotopic inhomogeneities in noble gases: The case for local synthesis of the chemical elements,” Transactions Missouri Academy Sciences 9, 104-122 (1975): See:

8. “Noble gases in an Hawaiian xenolith,” Nature 257, 778-780 (1975); doi:10.1038/257778b0

9. “Xenon record of the early solar system,” Nature 262, 28-32 (1976); doi: 10.1038/262028a0

10. “Strange xenon, extinct super-heavy elements, and the solar neutrino puzzle,” Science 195, 208-209 (1977); doi: 10.1126/science.208-b…195..208M-

11. “Iodine-129 in man, cow and deer,” Health Physics 34, 691-699 (1978)

12. “How A Single Supernova Made the Solar System,” comments in Proceedings of the  Robert Welch Foundation Conference on Chemical Research  XII. Cosmochemistry, pages 263-272 (1978);

13. “Isotopes of tellurium, xenon and krypton in the Allende meteorite retain record of nucleosynthesis”, Nature 277, 615-620 (1979); doi:10.1038/277615a0

14. “The neon alphabet game”, Proceedings of the  Eleventh Lunar Planet Sci. Conf. 15, 879-899 (1980); or

15. “The enigma of helium and anomalous xenon,” Icarus 41, 312-315 (Feb 1980); doi:10.1016/0019-1035(80)90014-7 http://tinyurl. com/nu82de or

16. “Noble gas anomalies and synthesis of the chemical elements,” Meteoritics 15, 117-138 (30 June 1980); or

17. “The noble gas record of the terrestrial planets”, Geochemical Journal 15, 247-267 (1981).

18. “Isotopically anomalous tellurium in Allende: Another relic of local element synthesis,” Journal Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry 43 (10), 2207-2216 (1981).

19. “Heterogeneity of isotopic and elemental compositions in meteorites: Evidence of local synthesis of the elements,”  Geokhimiya (12) 1776-1801 (1981) [In Russian].

20. “Terrestial-type xenon in meteoritic troilite,” Nature 299, 807-810 (1982); doi:10.1038/299807a0

21. “Iodine-129 in Missouri thyroids,” Health Physics 42, 425-432 (1982);;jsessionid=GvjQ5TwTvdB4ztsDRKQ95bfvTQ5lTGwVz1w2GJDGNrG1SRxnzmWx!-1804036389!-949856145!8091!-1

22.  “Composition of the noble gases in Canyon Diablo,” Geochem J. 16, 157-178 (1982):

23. “Information of astrophysical interest in the isotopes of solar wind implanted noble gases,” 14th Lunar Planetary  Science Conference, Houston, TX, pp. 458-459, March 1983;

24. “Solar abundances of the elements,” Meteoritics 18, 209-222 (1983); ISSN 0026-1114

25. Several of the above papers – especially #4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12-19, 22-23 – contributed to P. K. Swart’s 1983 suggestion to re-examine established dogmas on the formation of the Solar System.  [P. K. Swart, “The demise of established dogmas on the formation of the Solar System,” Nature 303 (1983) 286].  Unfortunately, the dogma was not re-examined:

24. “Double beta-decay of Se-82 and Te-130,” Nuclear Physics A457, 285 (1986); doi:10.1016/0375-9474(86)90378-7;

25. “Double beta-decay of tellurium-128 and tellurium-130”, Nuclear Physics A 481, 484-493 (1988)

26. “Geochemical measurements of double-beta decay,” Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 17, S221-S229 (1991);

27. “Terrestrial-type xenon in sulfides of the Allende meteorite,” Geochemical Journal 30, 17-30 (1996).

28. “Xenon isotope record of nucleosynthesis and the early solar system,”                    Chinese Science Bulletin 42, 752-756 (1997) – page-1

29. “Isotopic ratios in Jupiter confirm intra-solar diffusion,” Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, A97, abstract 5011 (1998).

30. “Strange xenon in Jupiter,” Journal of Radio-analytical & Nuclear Chemistry 238, 119-121 (1998).

31. “Origin of the solar system and its chemical elements,” 29th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, USA, March 16-20, 1998.

32. “Isotope ratios: The key to elemental abundance and nuclear reactions in the Sun,” in The Origin of Elements in  the Solar System: Implications of Post 1957 Observations, O. K. Manuel, editor, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 279-287 (2000).

33. “Abundances of hydrogen and helium isotopes in Jupiter,” in The Origin of Elements in the Solar System: Implications of  Post 1957 Observations, O. K. Manuel, editor, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 529-543 (2000).

34. “Origin of elements in the Solar System,” in The Origin  of the Elements in the Solar System: Implications of Post 1957  Observations, O. K. Manuel, editor, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 589-643 (2000).

35. “The Sun’s origin, composition and source of energy,” Abstract 1041 , 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conf., Houston, TX, March 12-16, 2001, LPI Contribution 1080, ISSN No. 0161-5297 (2001).

36. “Attraction and repulsion of nucleons: Sources of stellar energy,” Journal of Fusion Energy 19, 93-98 (2001).

37. “Paul K. Kuroda,” Meteoritics & Planetary Science 36, 1409-1410 (2001).

38. “Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda: 1917-2001,” Geochemical Journal 35, 211-212 (2001)

39. “My Early Days at the Imperial University of Tokyo,” Postmortem publication of autobiography The late Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda:

40. “Why the Model of a Hydrogen-Filled Sun Is Obsolete,” Paper presented at the 199th Annual AAS meeting, Willard Inter-Continental Hotel, Washington, D.C, 12:00 noon (January 7, 2002)

41. “Nuclear systematics: III. The source of solar luminosity,” Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry 252, 3-7 (2002).

42. “Neutron repulsion confirmed as energy source,”,Journal of Fusion Energy 20, 197-201 (2002).

43. “The standard solar model versus experimental observations”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference  on Beyond Standard Model Physics – BEYOND 2002  (IOP, Bristol, editor: H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus) pp. 307-316 (2003).

44. “Composition of the solar interior: Information from isotope ratios”, Proceedings of SOHO 12/GONG Conference  on Local and Global Helioseismology:  The Present and the Future, 27 Oct-1 Nov 2002, Big Bear Lake, CA, U.S.A. (ESA SP-517, editor: Huguette Lacoste) pp. 345-348 (2003).

45. “Super-fluidity in the solar interior: Implications for solar eruptions and climate”, Journal of Fusion Energy 21, 193-198 (2002).

46. O. Manuel and A. Katragada, “The Sun’s origin and composition: Implications from meteorite studies”, Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Asteroids, Comets and Meteors (ACM 2002), 29 July – 2 Aug 2002, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, GERMANY, ESA SP-500 (editor: Barbara Warmbein), pp. 787-790 (2003):

47. “The need to measure low energy, anti-neutrinos (E < 0.782 MeV) from the Sun”, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67, 1959-1962 (2004); Yadernaya Fizika 67, 1983-1988 (2004); DOI: 10.1134/1.1825512 Overheads: Manuscript:

48. “Is there a deficit of solar neutrinos?”, Proceedings Second International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations, Istituto Veneto di Scienze ed Arti, Venice, Italy, 3-5 Dec 2003:

49. Oliver Manuel and Adita Katragada, ” An iron-rich Sun and its source of energy”, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 19-23 July 2004 (Manuscript submitted for publication) Professor and Mrs. Donald Clayton and Oliver Manuel at the Vancouver Symposium

50. “The oxygen to carbon ratio in the solar interior: Information from nuclear reaction cross-sections,” Journal of Fusion Energy 23, 55-62 (2004) ISSN: 0164-0313

51. “Solar abundance of elements from neutron-capture cross sections”, paper #1033, 36th Lunar & Planetary  Science Conference (LPSC), Houston, Texas, March 14-18, 2005.

52. “Nuclear systematics: Part IV. Neutron-capture cross sections and solar abundance”, Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry 266, 159-163 (2005):

53. O. Manuel, M. Mozina and H. Ratcliffe, “The nuclear cycle that powers the stars: Fusion, gravitational collapse, and dissociation,” abstract submitted for presentation at the Hirschegg 2006 Workshop on Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, 15 – 21 January 2006:

54. “Isotopes tell origin and operation of the Sun”, in Proceedings First Crisis in Cosmology Conference, CCC-1, Moncao, Portugal, 23-25 June 2005 (AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 822) pp. 206-225 (2006); doi:10.1063/1.2189138

See Hilton Ratcliffe’s report on the First Crisis in Cosmology Conference, CCC-1:

55. “On the cosmic nuclear cycle and the similarity of nuclei and stars”, Journal of Fusion Energy 25, 107-114 (2006);

56. “Observational confirmation of the Sun’s CNO cycle,” Journal of Fusion Energy 25, 141-144 (2006);

57. “The Sun is a plasma diffuser that sorts atoms by mass”, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 69, number 11, pp. 1847-1856 (2006); Yadernaya Fizika 69, number 11 (2006); PAC: 96.20.Dt Popular version: Overheads: Manuscript:

58. “Fingerprints of a local supernova,” in SPACE EXPLORATION RESEARCH (Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, in press, 38 pp, 2009); ISBN: 978-1-60692-264-4;

59. Oliver K. Manuel, “Earth’s Heat Source – The Sun”, Energy and Environment 20, 131-144 (2009):

60. Oliver K. Manuel, “Is the Universe Expanding?” The Journal of Cosmology 13, 4187-4190 (2011):

61. Karo Michaelian and Oliver K. Manuel, “Origin and Evolution of Life Constraints on the Solar Model”, J. Modern Physics 2, 587-594 (2011):

62. Oliver K. Manuel, “Neutron Repulsion”, The APEIRON Journal 19, 123-150 (2012):

63. Oliver K. Manuel and Alberto Boretti, “Yes, the Sun is a pulsar,” Nature (submitted 12 Dec 2012)

64. Oliver K. Manuel, “Solar energy,” Advances in Astronomy (submitted 1 Sept 2014)

65.  Oliver K. Manuel, “Solar energy,”  ResearchGate (July 2015DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1529.0325

66. Oliver K. Manuel, “Solar energy,” International Education & Research Journal 2, (5) 30-35 (May 2016)

67. Oliver K. Manuel, “NEUTRON REPULSION – POWERS BEYOND THE DREAMS OF SCIENTIFIC FICTION,” International Education & Research Journal 2, (8) 43-55 (2016) Summary:                              Manuscript:

68. Oliver K. Manuel, “NEUTRON REPULSION – SOCIAL COSTS FROM OVERLOOKING THIS POWER,” International Journal of Advanced Research 4 (8) 1633-1638 (2016)–social-costs-from-overlooking-this-power/

69. Oliver K. Manuel and Golden Hwaung, “SOLAR COSMIC RAYS AND CLIMATE,”  International Journal of Advanced Research 4 (10) 929-933 (2016)

70. Oliver K. Manuel, Tribute to my research mentor: Paul Kazuo Kuroda recognized the beginning of the world in the 1945 destruction of Hiroshima   (This will be submitted for publication when I have a good English translation of Professor Tibor Braun’s tribute to  “The Nuclear Chemist Who Foresaw the Past: Paul Kazuo Kuroda and the Oklo Paleoreactors”  

71. Oliver K. Manuel, “PAUL KAZUO KURODA,” International Journal of Advanced Research 4 (12) 975-979 (2016);

72. Oliver K. Manuel, “Error in calculated nuclear energy,” Outline for next manuscript, posted on blogs for comments and corrections, before submission for publication.

73. Oliver K. Manuel,”The Universe Is In Good Hands,” akaThere Is A God,” International Journal of Advanced Research 5 (3) 2113-2123 (2017);

72. O. Manuel, A Journey to the Core of the Sun (book in progress)

01. Message to Congressional Space Science & Technology Committee, 17 July 2013

02. Synopsis:

03. Chapter 1:

04. Chapter 2:

05. Chapter 3 (in progress): The Forbidden Force of Fragmentation 

06. WHY ?  :

07. Aston’s WARNING (12 December 1922); CHAOS and FEAR (August 1945)

07a  In researching their book, “The Flight of the Hog Wild,” Bill Streifer and Irek Sabitov recently discovered an intriguing response from the official Communist newspaper of the Soviet Union – Izvestia – published on 13 Oct 1946, ten days after David Snell exposed in the Atlanta Constitution on 3 Oct 1946 the CHAOS and FEAR that gripped world after Stalin’s USSR troops captured Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea:

08. How All Humanity Lost WWII

09. The Force of Life

10. The Torturous Sixty-Four Year Path from WWII to Climategate

11. The Beginning of the World . . .


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