Let's have a cool, civil debate about global climate change

A container cargo vessel is seen under the midday sun on the horizon crossing the Pacific Ocean. The world's oceans are warming but debate rages over the cause. FREDERIC J BROWN / AFP/Getty Images

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I find myself caught up in a dispute on these pages between Herb Pinder (“Climate change alarmists ignore nature’s role,” July 16) and Michael E. Mann (“No time for fake debates on climate change,” July 19). I would like to set some matters straight.

Mann’s model that Steve McIntyre and I critiqued was not a climate forecasting model, it was a statistical calibration model used to reconstruct past temperatures.

The story of this dispute is long and complex, but readers wanting the details should read U.K. science journalist Andrew Montford’s superb book The Hockey Stick Illusion. Most of Steve’s and my work is posted at my website (rossmckitrick.com) and on Stephen’s blog ClimateAudit.org.

Mann claims that a 2006 panel of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) affirmed his findings. As is so often the case in the climate issue, one must ignore the spin and look at the underlying evidence. Steve and I told the NAS that Mann’s methods yielded biased results that depended strongly on a flawed subset of data (the “stripbark” series), and they understated the statistical uncertainties.

The final report upheld all our criticisms (pp. 52, 90-95, 112-113). Mann had claimed to be able to show that today’s climate is the warmest in a thousand years, but the NAS panel only affirmed the comparison back to the Little Ice Age 400 years ago, something that had been established by others long ago.

Pinder correctly cautioned against focusing on the warmth of the last two years, since they have been affected by a strong El Nino. He referred to a study I published showing that the last 15-20 years of some common temperature data sets show no significant upward trend, and noted that the IPCC has also acknowledged a hiatus in warming. Mann then dismissed this argument … on the basis of the warmth of the last two years.

Despite being so contemptuous of Pinder’s reference to a slowdown in global warming and the role of natural variability, Mann himself is coauthor of a recent study that confirmed “the existence of a real reduction in the surface warming rate in the early 21st century relative to the 1970s–1990s” and concedes that natural variability plays a larger role in climate than previously recognized.

Mann said of me that I have “no scientific credentials” and that my work is “specious” and has been “rejected by actual scientists.” I have published dozens of studies in the field, including in many leading climate science journals.

He cites as evidence for his slur a 12-year old Internet post by a blogger who found an error in a paper I wrote that showed key climate data sets are likely contaminated with land use effects. I acknowledged the error at the time and immediately published a correction showing that it did not undermine my conclusions. The blogger has never amended his post. That Mann still cites it is misleading, but it also shows how far back he had to dig to find a snippet against me.

I sympathize with readers who find the tone of these interactions unpleasant. The climate change topic is deeply complex and the policy implications are momentous. More than ever we need civility, rationality, openness to all views and careful attention to real data.

Mann said that Pinder’s opinion column did a disservice to readers. In my view it was the inflammatory and derogatory tone of his response that is the real disservice.

Ross McKitrick is professor of economics, University of Guelph.


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