Fashion Dislike Alert Harem Pants Begone


Fashion Dislike Alert Harem Pants Begone
Fashion Dislike Alert Harem Pants Begone

Oh my gawd! Call me whatever you want but I think harem pants are AWFUL! I don’t care if they’re the latest fad or if the world’s superstars wear them. I don’t care if Topshop is selling them. I will never be caught dead wearing a pair of these scary, appalling, terrible harem pants!

Harem pants remind me of the bygone eras where** MC Hammer** was considered a god with his “Can’t Touch This” dance moves. Who wants to go back into a forgotten past?! SERIOUSLY?! There’s a reason why it’s called past, for chrissakes!

Singer Kelis was recently spotted wearing a pair of harem pants and I can literally feel shivers along my spine just by looking at her. I can understand all the hip-hop-fashion-whatever but this?!

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Haha, you just have to find the right kind. There are SEVERAL different styles of harem pants. I have two very good pairs, and I get commented on them frequently. You have to have the right body for it, and you need to know what to pair them with. The genie style and extreme crtoch drop styles are pretty awful, but you just have to search. They're also very good for dance wear. Try YesStyle - That's where I get mine. They have a wide selection. Maybe you'll find a pair you like!

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