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Rolling Out

Cheaters: 5 Must-See Websites to Research a Boyfriend or Husband

Top 5 Websites to Catch a Cheating Husband. (Posed by professional models).
Top 5 Websites to Catch a Cheating Husband. (Posed by professional models).

5. Liars, Cheats and Bastards

“The Website for exposing liars, cheats, and bastards.”

The Liars, Cheats and Bastards site is offers a platform for spurned lovers to dish the dirt on their no-good lovers. Some stories are hard to fathom, others are just heart-breaking. In any event, you can browse the site to search if your boo has been bad.

One user states: “He relates emotionally and physically to every woman except his wife…He bought a house with another woman while sleeping in the bed with his wife nightly…He sneaks women in the house while his wife works.”

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