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The Word of the Day is…malapropism.

Malapropism – ˈma-lə-ˌprä-ˌpi-zəm – the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase, often to amusing effect.

She was known all over town for her humorous malapropisms.

The word is derived from malapropos, which means “inappropriate”, and which is derived from the French phrase mal à propos (ill-suited).

Examples of malapropisms, with the should-have-been-used correct word in parentheses:

“I can’t wait to dance the flamingo in the competition!” (flamenco)

“I have a preposition for you…” (proposition)

“It’s a moo point.” (moot)

“And to the republic, for Richard nation, under God, invisible…” (which it, indivisible)