How To: Throw A Memorable Halloween Party
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How To: Throw A Memorable Halloween Party

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To ensure your adult Halloween party goes off without a hitch, follow these tips and you’ll be the talk of your social circle until Christmas-party season comes along.

prep work

Pick a theme

Picking a theme is the best way to make sure that everyone shows up in a costume. You’ve done half the thinking for all those lazy friends who would probably arrive wearing hockey jerseys and saying they're dressed up. You can go the Halloween-y route and choose a monster theme or you can get creative and instruct your friends to do their best Mr. T impersonations at your ‘80s-themed bash.

Pick a date

It is not advised to throw your party on the actual night of Halloween. First, if it falls on a weekday, you risk having fewer people show up. Second, the last thing you need is to have your party constantly interrupted by obnoxiously adorable kids collecting their treats.

Send the invites

You can do this the old-fashioned way by sending your invites by snail mail or you can send a cool, personalized e-vite to all your guests. Aside from all the important “when and where” details, don’t forget to announce your theme and let them know that they must wear a costume to participate in the fun.

Anticipate the non-costumed guests

Chances are someone will show up without a costume or a really lazy version of a costume. To maximize the authenticity of your Halloween bash, prepare a stash of extra costumes and accessories to hand out to those unmasked partygoers.

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