How to Clean a Microfiber Couch So It Looks Good for Many Years

Learn the best ways to clean a microfiber couch, including how to remove stains and protect the fabric.

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10

Microfiber furniture is known for its supreme stain resistance, making it a top upholstery choice in homes with kids and pets. The fabric has a velvety texture, but even though it's much more durable for everyday use, knowing how to clean a microfiber couch will keep yours comfortable and looking its best. When appropriately treated, microfiber couches can last years longer than other fabric options, but when spills or stains happen, it's important to know how to get the upholstery clean again.

person cleaning microfiber couch

BHG / Laura Wheatley

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

Cleaning a Microfiber Couch

  • Vacuum with upholstery attachment
  • Stiff fabric brush
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soft brush

Removing Stains on a Microfiber Couch

  • Stiff-bristled brush


Cleaning a Microfiber Couch

  • Baby wipes (optional)

Removing Stains on a Microfiber Couch

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Dry-cleaning solutions (optional)
  • Soapy water
  • Upholstery cleaning product
  • Baking soda


How to Clean a Microfiber Couch

  1. person cleaning microfiber couch

    BHG / Laura Wheatley

    Vacuum or Brush the Couch

    Clean your microfiber couch regularly with a quick cleaning using your vacuum's upholstery attachment. You can also use a stiff fabric brush to loosen dirt and restore the fabric. Do your best to keep the surface free of crumbs, dust, and anything that might harm the material.

    Take care of your microfiber couch as you do your carpet; a good rule is to vacuum the couch every time you vacuum the floor. If possible, enlist a "no pets on the couch" rule to help control pet hair.

  2. Treat Fabric Stains

    Treat the occasional stain as quickly as possible with a microfiber cloth, slightly dampened if necessary. Small spills typically won't sink into the fabric, so these are easy to wipe away.

    Alternatively, baby wipes offer an easy household solution to clean a microfiber couch. This self-contained cleaning product is easy to use and relatively inexpensive to purchase. Keep these in a closed storage container or drawer in the living room so you can immediately have some on hand if something spills.

Eclectic style living room
Annie Schlechter

How to Clean a Microfiber Couch That's Stained

For how to clean a microfiber couch with set-in stains, look for its cleaning code, usually marked on the tag or under the seat cushions. "W" means it can be cleaned with water, while "S" means it shouldn't be treated with water. In this case, use a solvent, such as rubbing alcohol or a consumer dry-cleaning solution. "S-W" means using either a solvent or water to clean the microfiber couch.

  1. Clean a "W" Code Fabric

    If you have a "W" code and your cushion covers are removable, launder them according to the manufacturer's instructions or gently in cold water. Hang to dry, and brush to restore the smooth texture. If your cushions aren't removable, use a small amount of soapy water and brush the spot with a stiff-bristled brush as it dries. If the stain persists, move on to an upholstery cleaning product, such as Woolite Carpet & Upholstery Foam Cleaner ($5, Walmart).

  2. Clean an "S," "S-W," or No Code Fabric

    For how to clean a microfiber couch with an "S," "S-W," or no code, try using straight rubbing alcohol. Spray it on lightly, then blot it with a clean white cloth or sponge. Be sure to test it in an inconspicuous spot first. Continue blotting as the stain lifts. Let dry completely (this shouldn't take long since alcohol evaporates quickly), then brush the fabric with a natural or white stiff-bristled brush.

  3. Eliminate Lingering Odors

    Once the microfiber is completely dry, dust the couch with baking soda. Lightly brush the baking soda over the fabric, getting it into crevices, including trim and piping. Leave it overnight, then vacuum up the baking soda. Any leftover smells should be gone.

    cozy family room with tan storage bins and blue and white walls
    Brie Williams Photography Inc

    How Frequently to Clean a Microfiber Couch

    Microfiber couches that get a lot of use will need to be cleaned regularly, especially if kids and pets are in the home. Plan to clean your couch once a season. For example, when the kids return to school, before guests arrive for the holidays, as part of your spring cleaning, and after July 4th. Avoid waiting too long to clean up spills, crumbs, and dirt. The more quickly you vacuum or wipe up messes; the easier it will be to lift them out of the fabric.

    How to Protect a Microfiber Couch from Wear and Stains

    Once you've cleaned your microfiber couch, treat it with a spray-on fabric protector, such as Scotchguard, to keep it spot-free for longer. Protection length varies based on use and care. Be sure to apply the product according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    If your microfiber fabric feels stiff or tough after cleaning, the fibers might be tangled. To fix this, run a fine-tooth comb or a dry sponge over the surface until it softens.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • How do you clean microfiber furniture without leaving water spots?

      Ensure your microfiber fabric is ok to be cleaned with water to prevent water spots from happening. Most existing water spots that need to be removed are from spills or previous cleanings. Use baby wipes or rubbing alcohol to remove them. 

    • Can you clean a microfiber couch with vinegar?

      Yes. Clean microfiber couches labeled S/W that are heavily stained by filling a spray bottle with water, a capful of vinegar, and a teaspoon of baking soda. Blot the solution on stains with a clean, white cloth and let dry.

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