How to eat your way to healthy hair


If your bad hair days are turning into bad hair weeks or even longer, have you thought that your diet may be at fault?

Although people say your hair is 'dead' this is incorrect as the roots still need the right vitamins and minerals to be healthy, shiny and prevent conditions like a dry scalp.

Your hair can also be the first place to spot signs of any underlying problems in your body. Dry hair can be caused by dehydration, lifeless hair is down to poor nutrition and hair loss can be brought on by stress. Find out how to eat your way to tempting tresses below.

Hair loss - Hair is made up of protein so if you are not eating enough protein, this would cause an iron deficiency and subsequently hair loss.

Maryon Stewart, founder of the Women's Nutritional Advisory Service, says, 'Poor hair growth or hair loss can be caused by a mild iron deficiency and/or a lack of vitamin C.'

She suggests taking a multivitamin supplement including vitamin C and iron every day. You can also top up your intake of protein by eating red meat, oily fish - which is also good for promoting shiny hair - and green leafy vegetables.

If you are losing lots of hair, it may also be worth seeing your doctor for a blood test to see if you are suffering from anaemia.

High stress levels can also cause hair loss as they raises the levels of androgen in your blood. Androgen is a male sex hormone so increased levels can cause hair loss similar to that seen in men, in women. Try to find a way to relax, such as yoga or breathing techniques, to combat stress.

Dry scalp - a dry, flaky scalp is often a sign that you are not eating enough essential fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fats which are vital for locking moisture into your skin and hair cells to keep them supple.

Good sources of essential fats include

oily fish such as salmon or mackerel, avocados and nuts.

If your scalp is red and itchy, this could indicate you are eating too much salt and sugar. Eating an excess of these can change to oils secreted by the hair follicles causing bacteria on the scalp to multiply, leading to dandruff.

Contrary to popular belief, dandruff is caused by an oily scalp, not a dry one. To regulate the scalp secretions, Maryon advises eating enough fatty acids but also washing your hair with an antifungal or tea-tree oil shampoo.

Lifeless hair - it is hard to find a specific cause of lifeless hair, so make sure you are eating enough fruit and vegetables to keep your body stocked up with the right vitamins and minerals. Aim for five portions every day.

Dry hair can be caused by a lack of iron or zinc. Brittle hair may be a side-effect of smoking. This is because smoking restricts the blood vessels, severely limiting the amount of fresh nutrients that can reach the hair roots.

Split ends could also be caused by a lack of protein and essential fatty acids.

If you have started eating to feed your hair, don't be disappointed if it seems to be taking a long time to have any effect. nutritionist Angela Dowden says, 'Any improvements you make to your diet now won't be reflected in the health of your hair for at least three months.'