20 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories

Smart snacking can be the difference between easy weight loss and a permanently stuck scale.

bowl of popcorn purple background abstract

Popcorn can be a healthy low-calorie snack when eaten in moderation.

When the afternoon slump hits, it can be tempting to reach for the candy jar or swing by the vending machine. But while that sugar rush may feel satisfying at first, it quickly fades away, sending you back for more unhealthy snacks. A research review notes that people who experience bigger dips in blood sugar report greater hunger and tend to eat more calories overall than people with smaller dips in blood sugar. Over time, all those extra calories can easily add up to weight gain.

Smart snack options, on the other hand, can have positive effects: “Snacking helps to ensure blood sugar doesn’t drop too low, so you don’t feel dizzy, weak, irritable, and hungry,” says Los Angeles–based dietitian Mascha Davis, RDN, MPH, author of Eat Your Vitamins. In addition, incorporating regular mini-meals or snacks into your routine can contribute helpful nutrients to your diet, prevent overeating, and help you maintain a healthy weight, according to a review of research.

When choosing a waistline-friendly snack, look for low-calorie options with nutritional benefits.

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To narrow your search, check out this list of 20 snacks with fewer than 100 calories.


1 Cup of Blueberries

a bowl of blueberries

Don’t let their small size fool you: Blueberries are packed with impressive benefits for weight and health. Research has shown that these tiny pearls offer some of the highest levels of antioxidants among common fruits like bananas and apples. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that a single cup of fresh blueberries packs roughly 14.4 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, making it a good source of the antioxidant. Plus, 1 cup of fresh blueberries only has about 84 calories. “Keep them a little frozen, and you’ve got a crunchy, sweet treat,” says Gregory L. Jantz, PhD, an eating disorder specialist in Edmonds, Washington.


1 Hard-Boiled Egg

A Hard-Boiled Egg, 100-calorie snack

Boil up a batch of large eggs, put them in the fridge, and you’ve got an instant snack that packs 6.3 grams (g) of protein into just 78 calories, according to the USDA. Dr. Jantz recommends a high-protein snack such as eggs for a midmorning or afternoon nosh — the protein will keep you full and may help prevent overeating later. Eggs are also one of the few food sources that offer vitamin D, a key nutrient for bone and general health, notes the National Institutes of Health (NIH): You’ll score roughly 1 microgram (mcg) per egg (7 percent daily value), according to the USDA.

RELATED: 10 Vitamin D-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Taste Test: Ants

Did you know that you can (and should) eat ants? Packed with protein, iron, zinc, and polyphenols they’re a boon to a healthy diet. See what our taste testers think of eating them!
Taste Test: Ants


1 Orange

Orange, 100-calorie snack

Sometimes, the simpler the snack, the better. Oranges are a great snack option because they’re high in helpful vitamins and fiber, and contain only 72 calories each. A single orange provides nearly 3 g of fiber, making it a good source, as well as a whopping 82 mg of vitamin C, an excellent source. “Vitamin C is an important nutrient for immune function, skin health, and lung health,” Davis says. Plus, the fact that you have to spend time peeling and sectioning oranges may help you savor your snack, preventing additional snacking later.


1 Cup of Strawberries

A Cup of Strawberries,100-calorie snack

A 1-cup serving of sliced strawberries is a good source of fiber with about 3 g, and it’s an excellent source of vitamin C with 97.6 mg per cup, according to the USDA. At the same time, these red fruits set you back only 53 calories. “They’re a great, juicy snack whenever in season,” Jantz says. And when they’re out of season? Frozen strawberries can be just as healthy, he says.

RELATED: Fresh vs. Frozen Produce: Which Is Better for You?


1 Piece of String Cheese

String Cheese, 100-calorie snack

“[String cheese] is a perfect preportioned snack that’s easy to eat on the go,” Davis says. Choose one stick of part-skim mozzarella string cheese, and you’ll net 84 calories and a whopping 6.7 g of protein, according to the USDA. Plus, string cheese is a good source of calcium, a key mineral for bone health, notes the NIH.


½ Cup of Oatmeal

1/2 cup of oats, 100-calorie snack

When the afternoon slump rolls around, toss some oats into the microwave. A ½-cup serving of oatmeal cooked in water contains just 83 calories, according to the USDA. You’ll also get 4 g of fiber, “which will help keep you full and also regulate bowel movements,” Davis notes. Finish with a sprinkle of cinnamon to add flavor without sending your blood sugar levels soaring. (One study even suggested that cinnamon may help lower blood sugar in healthy people, though more research is needed.)


A Handful of Almonds

One Ounce of Almonds, 100-calorie snack

Nuts such as almonds are a great source of plant protein (6.2 g per ounce) and vitamin E (5.8 mg, making it an excellent source), according to the USDA. “The protein will help keep you full, while vitamin E has important antioxidant properties that will support your overall health,” Davis says.

Plus, almonds offer heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In fact, one study found that consuming almonds in place of a carb source (like bread or muffins) reduced cholesterol and belly fat in people with elevated LDL “bad” cholesterol levels. So instead of reaching for that coffeehouse muffin for an energy boost, grab some almonds to power you through the afternoon. Keep in mind that 1 ounce (oz), which is about a handful, of almonds provides 204 calories, so keep your serving to 0.5 oz to stay within the 100-calorie limit.

RELATED: More Evidence That Plant Protein May Prevent Disease, Increase Longevity


¼ Cup of Dried Cranberries

Quarter-Cup of Dried Cranberries, 100-calorie snack

Dried cranberries make a tangy treat that’s easy to eat on the go. Plus, this snack is loaded with antioxidants like quercetin, which can help reduce harmful oxidative damage in the body, Davis says. Stick to a ¼-cup of low- or no-sugar dried cranberries with fiber added for 100 calories, and you’ll score 10 g of fiber (an excellent source) to boot!


8 Baby Carrots With 1 Tablespoon of Dip

8 Baby Carrots With 1 Tablespoon of Dip, 100-calorie snack

Eight raw baby carrots have just 42 calories and offer a great source of beta carotene and lutein, which are “two important nutrients for eye health,” Davis says. Pair the carrots with a tablespoon (tbsp) of a dip like hummus (30 calories), which offers filling fiber (1 g), protein (1.5 g), and a dose of healthy fat (1.3 g), and you’ll feel satisfied until your next meal, she adds.


1 Cup of Cheerios

A Cup of Cheerios

This classic children’s snack can work for adults, too, Jantz says. In fact, you can enjoy an entire cup of crunchy Cheerios for a healthy snack that’s only 104 calories. You’ll also score nearly 3 g of fiber, meaning it’s a good source, and some calcium (about 100 mg), according to estimates from the USDA. To make the whole-grain goodness last, take a cue from kids, and eat them one by one.


Berry Smoothie

Berry Smoothie, 100-Calorie Snack

“Smoothies are an easy way to pack in a bunch of nutrients and even sneak some extra veggies into your diet,” Davis says. For a low-cal smoothie snack that offers tons of vitamins and minerals, she suggests blending a handful of frozen spinach (roughly 32 calories per ½-cup), 1 tsp of dried spirulina (roughly 7 calories), a ½-cup of frozen blueberries (40 calories), and 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (39 calories). Spinach, for example, is a good source of calcium (145 mg) and iron (2 mg) in ½ cup, according to the USDA.


1 to 2 Cups of Fresh Melon

A Cup of Fresh Melon

Mixing different types of melons gives your taste buds a flavor burst filled with nutrition, while making your snack feel more substantial. “It’s colorful, and when served cold, it satisfies any sweet tooth,” says Janet Colson, PhD, RD, a professor of nutrition at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. Melons typically have between 45 and 60 calories per cup, diced; go for a mix of watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew, and enjoy 1 to 2 cups for a satisfying snack.

RELATED: 7 Top Fruits for Weight Loss (and How to Enjoy Them)


1/3 Cup of Edamame

edamame in bowl

Edamame (soybeans) is loaded with protein and fiber, says Davis. You’ll also get a little bit of satiating fat. It’s this trio of nutrients that makes a good, satisfying snack, Davis notes. Best of all, a 1/3-cup serving of the shelled variety packs only 63 calories.


3 Cups of Air-Popped Popcorn

Air-Popped Popcorn, 100-calorie snack

At just 31 calories per cup, unbuttered air-popped popcorn is the perfect food to reach for when the urge to head to the vending machine hits. By using an air popper, you get the fiber boost (3.48 g per 3 cups, making it a good source) without the excess fat and salt of prepackaged varieties, notes the American Heart Association (AHA). Enjoy 3 cups of the unbuttered version for under 100 calories, and “eat it one kernel at a time to make it last longer,” Dr. Colson suggests.


2 Tablespoons of Hummus

Hummus, 100 calorie snack

Measure out 2 tbsp of hummus, which clocks in at roughly 82 calories, and scoop it up with a spear of cucumber (1.5 calories) or a stalk of celery (9 calories) for a 100-calorie snack option. “Hummus is a good source of protein, and vegetables have fiber, which makes this a satisfying snack,” says Jessica Levinson, RD, who’s in private practice in New Rochelle, New York.


Small Latte With Skim Milk

Latte with Skim Milk

The next time you could use an afternoon energy boost, use snacktime as an excuse to get your coffee fix. Besides, coffee has a ton of health benefits! For example, research suggests there may be an association between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, though additional studies are needed. Order your latte with skim milk, and skip the flavored syrups to lower sugar and calories. “Hot beverages are satiating, and lattes are mostly milk, which is a good source of protein and calcium — a nutrient many people are lacking,” Levinson says. Just 1 cup of skim milk offers 83 calories, 8.4 g of protein, and 325 mg (an excellent source) of calcium, according to the USDA.


½ Cup of Cottage Cheese With Cucumbers

Cottage Cheese with Cucumbers, 100-calorie snack

Low-fat cottage cheese has 93 calories in a ½-cup serving. Pair it with ½ cup of crunchy cucumber at 9 calories, and you have yourself a hydrating and filling snack. “Cottage cheese is a good source of protein, and cucumbers are rich in water, which means they fill you up without a lot of calories,” Levinson explains.

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Nonfat Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt, 100-Calorie Snack

A ½-cup serving of Greek yogurt is a satisfying, healthy snack that’s easy to grab on the go. “Greek yogurt is high in protein and calcium, which are important nutrients for bone health,” Davis says. This snack is also chock-full of probiotics, which promote gut health, she adds. Choose a fat-free variety to stay under the 100-calorie mark; plus, pack in a whopping 16.1 g of protein and 173 mg of calcium, making for a good source, per small container, according to the USDA.

Additional reporting by Brianna Steinhilber. 

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