Stop Muddling Your Mint When You're Making Mojitos

Forget everything you know.

Photo: Aydin Aksakal / EyeEm/Getty Images

It's hot. You're thirsty. And you want a refreshing, summery cocktail that's as easy to make as it is easy to down. Enter the Mojito: that classic rum-based drink that's perfect for summertime. Jim Meehan says the oldest recipe comes from a 1929 cocktail book called Libro de Cocktail, but since then, of course, we've seen variations galore. Jose Enrique makes a Pineapple Mojito, while Jean-Georges uses kumquats.

Though recipes vary, most call for muddled mint. According to Nomad bar director, Pietro Collina, you actually shouldn't muddle those leaves. Muddling will create a bitter taste, he says. All you have to do is remove the leaves from the stem, and throw them into the shaker with the rest of the ingredients. The mint flavor will still be pronounced, but you'll avoid any bitter flavor or discoloration from pounding the leaves.

Of course, if you're expert mixologist Dave Arnold — founder of the Museum of Food and Drink in New York City — you could use liquid nitrogen to freeze the leaves to avoid what he calls the "swampy" taste that results from muddling. Since not everyone has liquid nitrogen lying around at home, Arnold suggests using a blender as an alternative: just a quick pulse with all the ingredients, then pass everything through a strainer. This method won't impart quite as fresh a flavor as the liquid nitrogen, but it's better than crushing the leaves by hand. Take note, however: With the blender method, it's crucial to make at least two drinks, Arnold cautions, because the blade needs to be completely covered with the herbs. No problem there.

Another pro tip? When you're garnishing a cocktail with a sprig of mint — mojito or otherwise — don't simply drape it in the glass, Collina says. Instead, twist it in your hand, then stick the sprig in, let go, and watch the leaves unfurl. The garnish will look fresh and alive this way — a brighter garnish to match that brighter-tasting, muddle-free mojito. And without the muddling, your cocktail will be ready to drink that much faster.

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