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4 Mistakes To Avoid When Building A Financial Services Company

Updated Aug 16, 2013, 01:49pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Building a new financial services company, or any company, is challenging. The potential upside is worthwhile - particularly within financial services - but the roadblocks make success difficult to attain.

When we started ReadyForZero, we were relatively new to financial services and knew there would be many hurdles before we could see our vision through to completion. But the magnitude of these hurdles has often surprised us. As my co-founder puts it "if you knew all the challenges ahead of time, you would think twice before even starting." We’ve had our share of frustrations along the way, some of which we wanted to share here:

Mistake #1: Ignoring An Evolving Regulatory Landscape

Wherever there are profits, there are regulation and government oversight. Financial services companies face a strict and complex regulatory landscape that is constantly changing.

We identified a good rule of thumb: when a company gets paid, handles personally identifiable financial data, or attempts to move money, you will find a corresponding regulation. We also found that the best way to navigate the regulatory landscape is with the help of expert legal counsel.

There is no denying that regulations need to exist in order to protect customers. But many of them are outdated or don’t support the latest technologies (often the very ones you are looking to advance). For example, if you want to hold and transmit money in any way you will need to comply with money transmitter laws. And because these statutes are state-specific you will need the capital, patience and support of a competent legal team to file the necessary paperwork and keep your compliance current in every state your customers live. Similarly, lending laws vary by state in the US, as well as being dependant on the amount lent.

New financial services companies, like Balanced and Stripe, have partnered with larger financial institutions like Wells Fargo in order to bring their innovative services to market quickly. It’s not trivial to meet all the regulatory requirements of a large bank partner, but if you can, it will help get you access to money services significantly faster. The existing banking infrastructure allows these startups to create accounts, process payments as well as execute other money transactions the same way a FDIC-insured bank can. New options like BancBox or Treasury will manage the regulatory and infrastructure logistics so your business can build banking services without having to worry about the details.

The actual list of regulatory and compliance concerns is extensive. Want to handle credit bureau data? It took our team at ReadyForZero close to 3 months and thousands of dollars to secure a PCI Level 1 certification and comply with EI3PA as well as FCRA Guidelines to allow us to securely exchange credit data and allow users to track their personal credit data online.

Mistake #2: Not Raising Enough Capital

PayPal is an example of a massive success in the financial services industry that wouldn’t have been possible without sufficient capital resources and investor support. At a time when the nascent team was focused on solving important issues like fraud, capital helped them survive and reach profitability.

Max Levchin, founder of PayPal, on persisting through seemingly insurmountable trials,  “2000 was basically the year of fraud, where we were just losing more and more money every month. At one point we were losing over $10 million per month in fraud. It was crazy.”

It’s much more difficult to bootstrap your way to success in the financial services industry than in other industries with less strict regulations. Lending Club and Prosper went through a difficult period where they had to cease operations because they failed, albeit temporarily, to meet SEC requirements. A painful lesson for a fledgingly startup with limited capital resources and a changing regulatory landscape. Without the help of their investors, the two new companies may have been dead on arrival.

Mistake #3: Expecting Accurate or Standardized Financial Data

When we founded our company, we expected that technology would make it easy to accurately gather financial data. We could help people access their data then automate important financial decisions using new technologies. The reality is, the available data must be painstakingly combined and processed in order to ensure it is as accurate as possible.

If you are helping your customers with financial decisions, they will rightfully come to expect accurate and up-to-date information from your product. To get this right, your company will need to carefully integrate a variety of (possibly conflicting) data sources: transactional data directly from online banking accounts, credit bureau data, payment data, behavioral information and other user inputted data.

Bo Lu of FutureAdvisor, the automated online investment advisor, highlights this common challenge in his own words: “Data from financial institutions is still inconsistent and non-standardized - for example, almost every brokerage reports cash positions differently. As a result, financial services startups like ours have to get through a bunch of overhead engineering work just to deliver initial value to our customers."

Mistake #4: Failing to Build Trust

Customers haven’t heard about you, why should they trust you with their money? Recently, I wrote about building trust as an online financial services company because it’s something we’ve worked hard to maintain from the very beginning. Trust cannot be established overnight; it requires constant effort. The earlier you connect directly and authentically with customers, the better the chances of establishing trust even if you make missteps along the way.

This list is by no means exhaustive but I hope it will help others as they attempt to tackle new financial services companies and products. The important thing is to know that there are specific challenges inherent to financial services companies - and they cannot be brushed aside casually or dismissed as minor hurdles. These are significant barriers to entry that require substantial time, capital resources and persistence to overcome. Helping people accomplish their financial goals is different than helping them connect to friends, play games or share photos on their phones. There is a higher standard for security, reliability and trust, as there should be. Your challenge as an entrepreneur is to meet that higher standard while solving a real problem for real people.