Step-by-step summer makeup guide: Here’s how you can make your makeup sweat-proof and long-lasting!

Flaunt flawless and long-lasting makeup this summer!

Published: May 26, 2017 3:30 PM IST

By Priya Prakashan

Step-by-step summer makeup guide: Here's how you can make your makeup sweat-proof and long-lasting!

Summer not just takes a toll on your skin and hair, but it also messes up your makeup. Just because you fear melting foundation, smeared eyeliner and bleeding lipstick, you do not have to go out bare-faced. With change in the season, you need to accordingly incorporate some changes in your makeup routine. Summer requires a makeup that is long-lasting and sweat-proof. In the humid climate, you need to change your makeup regimen and opt for products that are specifically designed to be long-lasting. Here is a step-by-step guide to nail your sweat-proof, long-lasting summer makeup look! (ALSO READ Top 7 tips to keep your body feeling fresh and cool this summer!).

STEP 1: Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser to get rid of all the dirt and impurities. Use an alcohol-free toner followed by the cleanser. Apply a moisturizer with SPF built in. This will moisturize your skin and at the same time prevent your skin from any kind of sun damage. Also, apply an eye cream with SPF formula around the eye area if you will be heading out in the sun.

STEP 2: Choose a foundation that matches with your skin tone. Apply  long lasting foundation all over your face and neck. Blend it well using a brush or a makeup sponge, so that the foundation evens out your skin.

Step-by-step summer makeup guide: Here's how you can make your makeup sweat-proof and long-lasting!

STEP 3: To hide dark circles under your eyes and to conceal any blemishes, apply concealer sparingly. Then to set the base brush in some translucent powder, it will keep the foundation from coming off. (ALSO READ Skincare essentials for summer: 5 must-have products in your bag to beat the heat!).

STEP 4: Forget contouring, simply apply bronzer on the apples of your cheek, hairline, nose, chin and along your jawline. Do not go overboard, keep it looking natural and not too far off from your real skin tone.

Step-by-step summer makeup guide: Here's how you can make your makeup sweat-proof and long-lasting!

STEP 5:  Go for a light eye makeup, ditch the eye shadow and simply apply the eyeliner and mascara. Use a waterproof eyeliner in black or brown shade. Curl your eyelashes and then apply a coat of waterproof mascara. To define the arch of your brows, apply just a hint of highlighter on your brow bone.

STEP 6: Define your lips with a lip liner before you apply lipstick. Use  lipstick in the same shade after using the lip liner. Blot it with a tissue paper and dust some translucent powder over the tissue paper. This will make your lipstick long lasting. But if you want a natural look, use a tinted lip balm instead of lipstick.

Step-by-step summer makeup guide: Here's how you can make your makeup sweat-proof and long-lasting!

STEP 7: Use a setting spray after completing all the steps, hold it at an arm’s length and the spray a few squirts. You don’t have to rub it in, just allow it to dry naturally. Your makeup will last all day long!

You can also take inspiration from the video below to get the perfect summer long-lasting and sweat-proof makeup look.

(Photographs: Shutterstock)

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