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How to Ollie on Your Skateboard

Sep 18, 2017

Still haven't figured out how to ollie like Tony Hawk? Spending more time putting Band-Aids on your road rash than riding your skateboard? Check out Simon's step by step guide to landing an ollie on your skateboard!

Step 1:
Get going on your skateboard at a comfortable speed. Place your front foot near the middle of your board, about two inches from your bolts. Put your back foot on the tail.
Step 2:
Bend your legs and squat so you can spring yourself up.
Step 3:
Kick your back foot down so you can pop as you jump up. Your front foot should rub upward on your grip tape. This will cause your tail to hit the ground, and pop the board up into the air.
Step 4:
Tuck your knees to your chest, and pick up your back foot to level the board at a good height.
Step 5:
Once you are evened out in the air, extend your legs to the ground as you drop. Extending your legs helps you absorb the shock.
Step 6:
Come down comfortably with your knees bent and both feet on the board. You should land with all 4 wheels at the same time, with both feet over the bolts.
Step 7:
Roll away smoothly with a smile on your face.
Step 8:
Congratulate yourself for popping an olly. Practice ollying over curbs, down stairs, over your dog (not) or wherever. Then tell your friends you learned it from Kidzworld!

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