How to Make Homemade Lip Balm

Cracked lips are a thing of the past with this DIY balm.

homemade lip balm DIY

Bryan Gardner

Few things are more uncomfortable than chapped lips, especially when you can't find a way to remedy them. If you've tried a handful of salves and still have cracked lips, consider making your own balm from scratch. Homemade lip balm is easier to DIY than it sounds—all you need are containers, beeswax, safflower oil, and the essential oils of your choosing.

When selecting an essential oil for your lip balm (which imparts flavor and fragrance), we like to use options with an "edible" scent, such as citrus. Lavender essential oil is another popular choice, but keep in mind that its fragrance can be very strong. To soften it, try mixing in basil, mint, or lemon essential oil with a ratio of one to two drops.

The foundation of our homemade lip balm is beeswax pellets, which can be found at any craft store. When the lip balm mixture is complete, pour it into paperboard containers and label each with its designated essential oil. To make more than one kind of lip balm at a time, divide the recipe in half and add the essential oils separately.

What You'll Need


  • Beeswax pellets
  • Safflower oil
  • Essential oil (lavender, basil, mint, or lemon)
  • Paperboard containers


  1. Melt beeswax:

    Place 2 tablespoons grated beeswax (or pellets) in a heatproof spouted measuring cup. Heat in microwave on medium for 30 seconds; stir with a craft stick. Repeat until wax is fully melted.

  2. Stir in safflower oil:

    Stir in 1/4 cup safflower oil and heat for 30 seconds in microwave.

  3. Add essential oil:

    Add a total of 10 to 15 drops essential oil (combining scents as desired); stir.

  4. Pour into cardboard tubes:

    Pour mixture into cardboard tubes and pots, stopping just shy of tops; let set for several hours.

Originally appeared: Martha Stewart Living, July/August 2014

Updated by
Madeline Buiano
Madeline Buiano is an associate editor at, sharing her knowledge on a range of topics—from gardening and cleaning to home and pets. She has five years of writing and editing experience in the digital publishing industry.

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