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When it comes to beauty regimens, using a deep conditioner on my hair is a must. I do it religiously, and pretty much always have ever since my mama introduced me to it when I was young(er) and living at home.  My hair is very prone to breakage, so I try my hardest to keep it moisturized and as healthy as possible.  I have spent some big bucks on deep conditioners in the past, and sometimes not too happy with the results – so several months ago, I decided to attempt making my own.

Since I started DIY-ing my own deep conditioner, I haven’t purchased a single store-bought version.  I absolutely love it!  It’s all-natural, super simple, and filled with moisturizing goodness.

Here’s What You Need:

I make this in about 7-8oz batches – so that’s the recipe I’m sharing. However, you can make this in a small or large of a batch you would like. You simply need 2 parts coconut oil to 1 part jojoba oil – plus a few drops of Tea Tree oil per batch. I have also tried grapeseed oil & extra virgin olive oil in place of the jojoba oil.  Argan oil also works really well in this, but because of the price of it, I prefer the jojoba. You can also substitute another kind of essential oil for the tea tree if you like, but I prefer this one because of the fantastic moisturizing qualities it has on the hair.


  • 8 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 15-20 drops tea tree oil

First, start stirring up your coconut oil.  No need to microwave it, the stirring will heat it up just enough to form a smooth & silky consistency.


Add in the jojoba oil and essential oil.


Beat it with a whisk (or electric mixer) to thoroughly combine.


Transfer it to a resealable container. 



For deep conditioner: Slather on damp/wet hair and let sit for 3-5 minutes. Shampoo & condition as normal.

For hot oil treatment: Slather on damp hair. Cover hair in a hot towel (fresh from the dryer) – or pop on a shower cap and heat your hair up with a blow dryer. Let sit for 15 minutes. Shampoo & condition as normal.

Not only is this a great thing to make for yourself, but this would make a great gift as well!  

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