How Wide Is a Walker? Standard, Minimum, and Maximum Figures
If a walker or rollator with its small wheels is only used in the home as a walking aid, it is called an indoor walker, and two properties are essential.
How to Protect Hardwood Floors From Walkers? Tips and Tricks!
If you’ve received a new walker to assist your mobility, you know how challenging it can be to get used to it.
How Much Do Walkers Cost? Guide to Prices!
Whether old or young, circumstances may arise that will tamper with our standing and walking stability.
How do Walker Brakes Work? Everything You Need to Know!
Are you shopping for a rollator with bicycle-style walker brakes?
How Much Does a Walker Weigh: Comparison Chart
People who have broken a bone or are at risk of falling because they are too old or too weak to walk without support need a walker to get around more easily.
How Wide Is a Walker? Standard, Minimum, and Maximum Figures
Learn what walker widths are common to get the perfect one for your needs.
How Much do Wheelchairs Weigh – All Types Considered
This article explains how much different types of wheel chairs usually weigh.
How to Help Elderly Stand Up? Proved Methods and Safety Tips!
Helping an elderly person stand up can be tricky, read how to do it properly.
How do Walker Brakes Work? Everything You Need to Know!
This article describes how walker brakes work and how to control them.
July 04, 2022
Senior Personal Trainer educational program creates exciting new career opportunities for you. Our Association training opens doors into the homes and gyms of valued personal training clients. You can provide the best specialized one-on-one training for older adults ranging from...
July 04, 2022
The National Association of Seniors Fitness provides older adult fitness specialists with educational programs specifically designed to help them conduct...
July 04, 2022
NASF's "Senior Fitness Instructor" educational program is specially designed for those who plan to lead active older adults in safe,...
July 04, 2022
Fitness Leader Your Long Term Care Fitness Leader educational program can open up new professional opportunities for you as an...
July 04, 2022
Are you looking for continuing education credits? Most fitness organizations accept National Fitness Association's educational programs for up to 31 hours credit (3.1 ACE). See below for full CEC award information. Our Association is recognized as a provider of Continuing...
July 04, 2022
Advanced Qualification programs are designed for those participants who are planning to focus on the older adult segment of the...
July 04, 2022
SeniorFitness makes senior-specific fitness education convenient! Certificate of Completion programs: Your Certificate of Completion program includes all paperwork necessary to...
November 09, 2022
Why do older people lose their balance? There are a number of health problems that can contribute to loss of balance, such as low blood sugar and vertigo, but why do these types of issues impact older people in particular?...
October 02, 2022
Many people believe that a cane and a walking stick are the same things, but that’s not actually correct, and...
July 01, 2022
A prolapsed bladder is usually associated with poor sleep. The symptoms of a prolapsed bladder can even affect your overall...
July 01, 2022
Caring for a family member or loved one at home can be physically and emotionally challenging. Meeting the demands of...
June 30, 2022
Frequently Asked Questions Many frequently asked questions are answered below. If you have additional questions or would you like more detailed information, please email [email protected]. 1. Q:  What services does the Association provide? A:  The Association of Senior Fitness Association ...
December 27, 2022
Bidets became more popular when toilet paper was in short supply during the Covid pandemic...
November 09, 2022
Why do older people lose their balance? There are a number of health problems that...
November 13, 2022
If you’re new to using a walking cane, one may seem just like the next....
November 13, 2022
Canes are a fantastic tool for mobility. For it to function properly and supply the...
October 31, 2022
Over 30% of adults over 60 years of age suffer from various pains in the...
October 29, 2022
Elders with low mobility have 25% worse blood flow in their limbs than 30-year old...
ICAA 2022 (International Council on Active Aging 2022)
November 8 – November 10, 2022 
International Day Of Older Persons 2022
October 1, 2022
National Senior Health and Fitness Day 2022
October 26, 2022
105-year-old athlete sets a new world record in athletics
Individual Membership
Individual Membership

Join the National Association of Seniors Fitness to share perspectives, exchange best practices, learn the latest developments, and network.

If you are a physician, researcher, fitness trainer, nurse, student or other allied health professional, this organization is for you.

Facility Membership
Facility Membership

Explore how the NASF’s facility benefits can help you distinguish your facility apart from your competitors.

Useful resources about the mobility of the elderly

Canes are a fantastic tool for mobility.
If you’re new to using a walking cane, one may seem just like the next.
Why do older people lose their balance?
Aerobic exercise and a good diet are essential components of a healthy lifestyle.
The idea of exercising can be quite overwhelming for everyone, especially for older people in society.
When it’s cold outside or raining, when you’re too busy or tired from work or kids to go to the gym or even the park, or especially in recent times when there has been a pandemic keeping us all inside, it can feel impossible to stay in shape and healthy.