
Quick Answer

There are two ways to form the future tense in Spanish: the informal future (ir + a + infinitive) and the simple future (el futuro simple ). The simple future, unlike the informal future, is expressed in a single word.

The Spanish simple future is used to talk about what will or shall happen. It is also used to express the possibility of what someone might or may be doing in the present.

Check out these sentences with the simple future.

Jugarás para el equipo nacional.
You will play for the national team.
Él hablará con su novia esta noche.
He will talk to his girlfriend tonight.
Llorarán al final de esa película.
You will cry at the end of that movie.

Regular Simple Future Tense Spanish Forms

To form the simple future tense, simply add the correct ending to the infinitive of the verb. All verb conjugations (-ar, -er, and -ir) have the same endings in the simple future tense.

Spanish Simple Future Endings

Subject Ending
usted, él, ella
nosotros -emos
vosotros -éis
ustedes, ellos, ellas -án

Historical Note

The simple future was originally formed by adding haber to an infinitive. For example, Viajar he. (Literally, Travel I must.)

Check out the future conjugations of three common verbs: viajar , conocer , and escribir .

Future Conjugations of Viajar, Conocer and Escribir

Subject Viajar Conocer Escribir
usted, él, ella
ustedes, ellos, ellas

Uses of the Simple Future

While the simple future is most often used to talk about what a person will do, it can also be used to talk about conjecture, possibilities, and probabilities in the present, make predictions about the future, and give solemn commands.

1. Conjectures, Possibilities, and Probabilities

The simple future is often used to talk about things that may be or are probably true.

Anita estará en la playa ahora.
Anita is probably at the beach right now.
Los niños tendrán hambre.
The children might be hungry.
Serán las ocho de la mañana.
It must be eight o'clock in the morning.
¿Dónde estarán mis llaves?
Where could my keys be?
¿Cuántos años tendrá el profesor?
I wonder how old the professor is.

2. Predictions about the Future

The simple future is often used to make predictions about the future.

Me casaré con un hombre guapo.
I will marry a handsome man.
Encontrará un trabajo bueno.
He will find a good job.

The simple future can also be used in conditional sentences with si (if) to talk about what someone will do. In sentences like this, the verb immediately after si is in the present tense, while the verb in the other part of the sentence is in the simple future.

Si tengo tiempo, saldré a correr en la tarde.
If I have time, I'll go running this afternoon.

3. Solemn Commands

Giving solemn commands is another way to use the simple future, although not a very common one.

No robarás.
You shall/will not steal.
Te sentarás aquí hasta que regrese.
You shall/will sit right here until I return.
Obedecerás a tus abuelos.
You shall/will obey your grandparents.

In Spanish, it's very common for the present tense to be used to talk about future events that are certain. Check out the examples below.

Te veo mañana en la escuela.
I’ll see you tomorrow at school.
Me caso el 6 de mayo.
I am getting married on May 6.
Mis padres me visitan mañana.
My parents are going to visit me tomorrow.

Check out this article on irregular simple future forms! Also, to round out your knowledge of the Spanish future tense, take a look at our article on the informal future in Spanish!

Tense about tenses in Spanish? Never fear! Read about other tenses in Spanish in these articles:

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