How to schmooze your boss at the office party

If you thought the office Christmas party was a chance to let your hair down with your colleagues, think again.

It is actually an opportunity to accelerate your way up the corporate ladder, with help from a guide to successful schmoozing from the Forum of Private Business. The key, says John McKee, the report's author, is not to appear to be trying too hard — nobody likes a creep.

He advises party-goers to plan their strategy and desired outcome in advance. Arrive early, maintain a high visibility, exude self-confidence and effectively communicate what you do for the organisation without boasting.

Getting too drunk, dancing on tables, focusing too much on yourself and airing work grievances are all no-nos.

Mr McKee, a business success coach, said: "Think through a few realistic scenarios of how you might work towards your objective."

• A separate study by warns that drunken antics at office parties are increasingly being caught on camera and circulated on the internet.

Scott Button, the website's managing director, said: "Your hangover might be over in 24 hours but these clips will last much longer."