How to be a 'perfect daughter': are you doing these 30 things?

The perfect daughter is always there for her mum in an emergency, texts her daily updates and watches the same TV soaps as her, according to a poll

 Patricia Hodge with her TV daughter Miranda
Miranda is not her TV mum's idea of a perfect daughter Credit: Photo: BCC

The perfect daughter sends her mum daily text updates, visits her once a week and lets her mum use her make-up.

On top of that, she writes her thoughtful notes, sends her “cute cards for no reason” and brings her flowers for the house, according to a new study by

Out of the 2,000 mums and adult daughters surveyed, the best daughters are always available in a crisis, honest on shopping trips and always confide in their mums, it was revealed.

The perfect daughter is also helpful, offering her mum frequent lifts, helping with family dinners and watering the plants if her parents are away.

She’ll typically share her mums taste in television, and the two will discuss their favourite soap operas together.

However, seven in 10 mums said they already have ‘perfect’ daughters, and said as long as their daughter led a good life they would be happy.

A spokesman for said: “Of course there is a special female bond that a mum has with a daughter; this research shows that sharing common interests will help that bond.

‘’It’s heart-warming to know that all mums really want is for their daughter to lead a happy life.

‘’As women leave home, get more involved with their careers and have their own families, it becomes more essential to make time to keep mum in the loop.

‘’This research shows that it’s the little things that daughters do that make a difference.

Most women said they already see their mums once a week, talk with them on the phone three times a week and text them every other day.

But, half of daughters still think they could do more for their mums.

The study also found that half of mums feel their daughters are much better at keeping in touch than their sons.

Daughters were more likely to remember important family dates and events their sons, and two thirds of women said their brothers always struggle to buy their mum thoughtful presents.

The spokesman added: ‘’The research is evidence that though mums would love more quality time with their daughters, just sending a text or a thoughtful note counts for a lot.

‘’Just asking how they are and showing an interest can ensure you stay friends as well as family members.

‘’We’ve found mums can be the trickiest people to buy a nice gift for, but often it’s daughters rather than sons who will try extra hard to find the right present.

‘’Just being thoughtful when gift-buying for mum rather than going for standard chocolate and wine can be a nice way of showing you’re not only thinking of her, but you know her as well.”

The 30 things that make a perfect daughter - how perfect are you?

A still from the film Brave

1. Tells her mum her problems

2. Is honest on shopping trips

3. Calls regularly

4. Always available in a crisis/emergency

5. Goes on girly daytrips/weekend breaks

6. Texts daily updates

7. Mucks-in with family dinners

8. Waters the plants whilst on holidays

9. Looks after the dog/cat/pets whilst on holidays

10. Offers lifts

11. Always on hand for a cup of tea

12. Lets her mum interfere with her wedding

13. Watches the same soaps

14. Helps her mum pick out clothes

15. Surprises her mum with unexpected gifts

16. Sends her mum funny things on Facebook

17. Takes her for girly lunches

18. Write her thoughtful notes / cards

19. Chats about TV shows they watch

20. Has a day that she always visits her mum, i.e. every Sunday

21. Gets on with her mum’s friends

22. Helps with the housework when she comes over

23. Brings flowers for the house

24. Recommends toiletries/products

25. Joins her mum and friends on days out together

26. Sends cute cards for no reason

27. Makes/buys more personal gifts for her mum

28. Invites her around for meals

29. Lends her clothes and accessories

30. Lets her mum use her makeup

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