15 Best Games For Dinner Parties

I am of the opinion that a good game is what truly brings a dinner party together. Yes, you have a delicious menu, good friends, and plenty of alcohol flowing, but an activity is really what gets the party rolling into an unforgettable night.

For the 15 Best Games for Dinner Parties Slideshow, click here.

Be it a formal board game, a classic party game using just the people in the room, or a card game brought back from your college days, having a game to play around the coffee or dinner table can break the ice within a group of new acquaintances or it can be a bonding element between the oldest friends and family.

Here are some of our favorite party games for grown-ups. Some require a board, others just a pen and paper, and some require nothing but a batch of willing participants.

So clear off the table, break out some extra bottles of wine, and prepare to have a long and memorable night. These are the 15 best games for dinner parties.