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Amazing Benefits of Using Almonds on Skin, Body and Diet – Face Packs

Reviewed by: | Author: Manoja Kalakanti

Almonds are a great way of controlling your skin, digestive system and cholesterol levels. They can be a rich source of energy after consumption, and also can be used to acquire a natural skin without side effects. There are many different methods of using almonds apart from preventing dangerous diseases like cancer. You might have heard about the almond oil, which makes your skin smooth and soft naturally. This rich in protein and fiber food can help you in acquiring amazing results when applied on skin. Check out the below different methods of using almonds to improve your skin naturally.

benefits of almonds

Amazing Benefits of Using Almonds

Simple Almond Body Scrub:

Almonds can be used to make as an instant scrub to clean your body. They can glow your body with natural vitamins and can stay fresh for longer period of time.

Credit: livegreatonless.com
Credit: livegreatonless.com


  • Almonds – Half cup
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp
  • Water – As per the paste thickness.

Take half cup almond cloves and soak in water for 2-3 hours. Drain the water after sometime, and make it into a paste. Use this mixture as an instant body scrub whenever required.

Almond Face Scrub:

Almond face scrub can be used to remove dead skin cells from your skin. It act as a very good recipe to add shine to your face by giving a refreshing and younger look.

almond scrub
Credit: incrediblesmoothies.com


  • Almond cloves – 7
  • Milk- 2 tbsp
  • Water – As per the paste thickness.

Soak the almond cloves in water for 2-3 hours and then drain the water to make it a thick paste. Add 2 tbsp of milk for extra glow to your skin.

Almond Face Mask:

Almond face mask can be applied on a dry skin which appears dead. It can remove unwanted dead cells from face, neck to avoid acne and extra dryness.


  • Almond powder – 1 tbsp
  • Egg white – 1 egg
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp

Almond Face Mask

Mix all these ingredients and apply this mixture on face for 20 minutes and wash with cold water.

Almond Oil for Dark Circles:

Almond oil can be a great source of controlling dark circles under your eye. Take few drops of almond oil to massage your skin under the eyes. Doing this daily can gradually decrease the depth of dark circles, which can be observed within 2 weeks or less. You can also use the almond oil to make a scrub for your skin.

almond oil

Ingredients for Almond Oil Scrub:

  • Almond oil – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 1 egg

Mix the almond oil and sugar to massage your skin for 5-6 minutes with your finger tips. Wash your face with normal water, and don’t use any soap for at least 2 hours to wash your face after the massage. Doing this will make your skin more smoother and better instantly. This works great if you have pimples on your skin. Almond oil can also be used to take massages on head to decrease pressure, stress and anxiety.

Almond Hair Pack:

Almond hair pack is very useful to make your hair scalp free from impurities and dandruff. Doing this regularly can clear your bad scalp routines.almond hair pack


  • Almond powder – 1 cup
  • Yogurt – 1/2 cup
  • Fenugreek Seeds Powder – 1 tbsp
  • Egg white – 1 egg

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl before night, and apply as a pack the next morning by adding 1 whole egg white. Doing this will nourish your hair by removing dandruff and impurities.

Benefits of Eating Almonds:

Regular intake of almonds in your diet supplements can enrich your digestive system, and will free you from respiratory disorders. Almonds can also increases your memory power, control the cholesterol levels, and protect you against diabetes, weight loss, and blood pressure. Almonds can be consumed directly without soaking the last night for additional benefits.

almond hair pack

You can add almonds to any of your diet foods for enjoying additional benefits with taste. Many people prefer eating almonds with dates, chicken, fish, green beans, desserts, butter sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches and Indian masala curries. According to The Almond Board of California, you can actually eat 23 almonds a day for maximum health benefits.

I hope this information has helped you in understand the benefits of almonds in many ways. Please let us know your queries via comments in the below section.

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