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Friends in bar
Don’t be afraid of saying: ‘Hey, I’d like to spend some time with you.’ Photograph: Roy Mehta/Getty Images
Don’t be afraid of saying: ‘Hey, I’d like to spend some time with you.’ Photograph: Roy Mehta/Getty Images

How to keep your friends: Facebook, volunteering and working at it

This article is more than 8 years old

Feeling friendless? Our readers chip in with their tips on how to keep the friends you have – or find new ones

At 35, I find myself with no close male friends. I haven’t fallen out with anybody, but I have allowed friendships to take a back seat.”

Some articles you scroll through and instantly forget; others strike a chord. This writer’s admission that he he had let his friendships slip to the point he was struggling to pick a best man resonated with our readers. A large number of generally sympathetic people recounted their own struggles to maintain friendships in their 30s and 40s.

I'm in my late 30's and within the space of about 6months my two best mates emigrated, to countries that cost at least £700 in air tickets to visit them. They were friends I really trusted and could share emotions with not just beers. And crucially they had known me for a good few years. It's always warming to meet someone who 'knows' you, your history and was with you thru the good and bad times, and whom you've supported like wise.

My experience of trying to find new guy friends is that it's very hard - It's just an impression, but guys in this age range tend to be in relationships / married / busy with kids. Or the guy you'd like to hang out with and get to know, well he's already got a best friend and a group of mates he's know for years - there's no room for a new face, you don't know the history, you weren't there at the time, you don't get all the 'in' jokes etc.

Amid the empathy (and those saying they prefer their own company anyway), there was also constructive advice for those worrying about their friendless present.

Here are the five ideas that cropped up the most often.

1) It sounds obvious, but you really need to work hard on maintaining friendships

“If all your eggs are in one basket, you will be bereft and lonely if that basket disintegrates”, warns one commenter in a moving comment about his own experience.

I posted a rather flip comment earlier and regret it since this is actually quite a serious issue.

I have been through the same marriage/work/kids mill as many guys but have been lucky to keep two close friends who I see regularly without fail and have done since school. Equally lucky is that as we have progressed through life we have managed to integrate our own friendships into our family lives and become almost like an extended family with the children and wives all getting along together and having holidays in various permutations over the years. Just as well really, as it turned out, since when we lost our 17 year old son to an accident overseas in 2008 we had a massive well of support to help us and our daughter through the kind of living hell that might have broken us otherwise.

There are a bunch of other people of both sexes who I count as good friends and see regularly in various social situations but maintaining a social circle does involve sometimes putting in effort you don't feel like making because you are tired, broke, or just generally pissed off. Plus new friends tend to be made through old friends.

My real point is that friendships are like any other relationship - left to wither on the vine they will eventually die. Make the effort, chaps - apart from anything else, if all your eggs are in one basket you will be bereft and lonely if that basket disintegrates.

2) Don’t delegate responsibility to keep in touch

If you leave it to your partner to make all the arrangements, don’t be surprised if your diary is filled with evenings with your partner’s friends.

At least in my social circle, I can point to quite a few (straight) men who, once they are in a serious relationship, have delegated the administration of their social life to their girlfriend or wife. I do not know if this is a peculiarly male trait; none of my female friends have done the same thing. But it seems to me that Max's problem is not the lack of friends, but lack of his own friends.

As one of the "old friends" in this scenario, if you are close with the man but not the girlfriend or wife, you no longer invited to things with the same frequency, if at all. Even arranging one-on-one and other meet-ups direct with the gent can be difficult because of the need to "check with XXX whether I am free" etc. It can spell death by a thousand cuts for the close friendship - it's not that you fall out, but it's just hard to maintain a friendship with someone who acts like they're totally apathetic about seeing you.

3) Don’t be afraid of saying: ‘Hey, I’d like to spend some time with you’

A common theme was the suggestion than some men have a problem with direct admissions that they need to see their friends. Do men have a tendency to arrange friendships around activities?

A lot of what you say in this article resonates with me, as I can apply it to my husband. It's not that he doesn't have friends any more, more that he so rarely sees them. They're all as bad as each other, which at least means they don't blame each other for not getting in touch, but I do worry about him sometimes. He always says that between work, the kids, and the limited amount of time he has with me he's just too busy (and that it's the same for his mates) but my feeling is that it's important to have something outside of that, something that's really just for you.

The thing is, though, that I think men's friendships tend to revolve around what they do together, whereas women's revolve around just being together (mostly). And when you get busy (which you really do once you've got weans) then those activities often have to fall by the wayside - I'm thinking particularly of my brother-in-law, who used to play a lot of football and golf with his friends but doesn't any more since they all became dads. Maybe the sport/going to the footie/band practice etc is the excuse a lot of men need to avoid saying to their friends, "hey, I'd like to spend some time with you"?!

4) Keep making new friends

“Encourage new friendships and don’t become a creature of tramlined predestination,” advises this reader. Who also advises against going clubbing at 65.

I'm 30 years older than you, so can tell you that yes, this is normal - we all shed friends for a multiplicity of reasons, including finding and becoming obsessed (if temporarily) with boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner, thus excluding everyone else even if uninentionally; careers; moving away; growing out of once shared interests - there's a limit to how long you want to be racing Scalectrix (which I can't spell anyway) cars: and anyway I can't get up off the floor now and somehow it's not the same if you have to sit in an easy chair to do it.

From my remote standpoint, I have two pieces of advice: one - try harder not to lose them ... keep in touch, because you'll miss them if you don't; and two - keep making new friends, especially those younger than yourself if they'll have you; don't strive to keep up with the young physically - that way lies the double hernia and making yourself look ridiculous: I did know a 65 year old who went clubbing, but I regret to say he funned himself into a coronary.. Even so, within the realm of the feasible, encourage new friendships and don't become a creature of tramlined predestination, and thus both boring and increasingly isolated.

5) Volunteer

Commenter after commenter espoused the socially invigorating qualities of volunteering.

A great way to meet people is to volunteer. I've met people by volunteering for political events, film festivals, music festivals. There are groups out there for every interest.

6) Use social media

While ajarnbrian’s experience sounds a bit High Fidelity, social media might be a terrifying marketing factory in which your own life is the product, but it’s quite good for maintaining or re-establishing friendships.

Back in the 80s and 90s I found myself losing touch with friends and later regretting it and having a few more lonely years. Glad to say I have reconnected with many people through Facebook and LinkedIn. Whatever people say about the superficiality of social media, getting in touch with a former girlfriend 22 years on and hearing that she has done well for herself was a real joy. These days for young people it should be easier to maintain contact and rebuild lapsed friendships.

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