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Leftover Juice Pulp Gets a Second Life with These DIYs

Reduce food waste and create something equally delicious with these ideas for using fiber-rich pulp.

Photo: Westend61 / GettyImages

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One of the questions I get asked most about juicing is “What can I do with the juice pulp?” Tons of things! Read on for 20 of my favorite uses for leftover juice pulp — and get inspired to reduce your food waste and make fantastic use of healthful fiber.

1. Blend pulp into a smoothie to add fiber.
2. Add to a soup to thicken and boost fiber and nutrient density.
3. Use fruit pulp to make frozen “pulpsicles” or fruit pulp ice.
4. Make a veggie broth by boiling pulp with water, herbs, and spices, then straining.
5. Make a “fruit tea” by boiling fruit pulp with water, adding spices such as cinnamon or ginger, cooling, and then straining.
6. Use veggie pulp to add nutrient density to mac n’ cheese or pasta sauce, or layer into a lasagne.
7. Make fabulous fruit leathers.
9. Use in homemade veggie burgers or fritters. Pulp adds moisture, flavor, and nutrition.
10. Mix pulp into baked goods like muffins, cakes, bread,  dehydrated or baked cookies, and granola bars. Celery, onion, carrot, sweet potato, spinach, apple, and berry all work beautifully.
11. Use fruit or veggie pulp to add flavor, texture, and moisture to pancakes.
12. Make dehydrated pulp crackers.
13. Use pulp for raw pizza crust.
14. Make pulp marmalade.
15. Make a pulp crumble by mixing pulp with fruit and juice, reducing, and then topping with oats, spices, nuts, or seeds.
16. Dehydrate and make trail mix with raw nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.
17. Dehydrate and use like bread crumbs.
18. Use in DIY skincare recipes like scrubs, masks, and soap.
19. Mix pulp into your dog’s food or make dog treats.
If all else fails:
20. Feed it to your chickens, freeze it in ice cube trays to use later, or compost it.

*Please note, the moisture content of your juice pulp can vary depending on your juicer, so you may need to squeeze out excess juice for the best results in some of these recipes.

Tess Masters is an Australian actor, presenter, voice-over artist, cook, and writer living in Los Angeles.
 Her alter-ego,“The Blender Girl”writes the quirky vegetarian recipe blog Healthy Blender Recipes, where she shares super quick and easy gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, and raw recipes. Join Tess on FacebookTwitter,PinterestYou Tube, and Google +.

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