Breasts that leak, drip or even spray milk in the weeks (and sometimes even months) after delivery are a common and normal postpartum symptom. Here's what new moms need to know about leaking breasts in the postpartum period, plus ways to minimize the mess.

What causes leaking breasts postpartum?

Leaking breasts are your body's way of getting used to both making milk and the feeding schedule you and your baby are trying to perfect right now if you're choosing to breastfeed. Breasts leak because of the letdown reflex — a powerful and normal part of the breastfeeding process.

Leaking should improve as your body adjusts to breastfeeding. But until your breasts become adept at the art of releasing milk from the ducts at precisely the right time (i.e. when baby is at the breast), letdown and the subsequent leak could occur at any time, without warning.

What you need to know about leaking breast milk

Leaking breasts have both physical and emotional triggers, which is why you might find yourself suddenly soggy even though your baby is miles away.

A baby's cry (even if it's not yours) or even a glance at your baby's picture might trigger a squirt. You might spring a leak in the shower, in your sleep or when you're thinking or talking about your baby. You may also leak if you're running a little late for a feeding, and you can drip from one breast or both.

There's just no telling when or where you might leak, so keep that in mind as you plan your day — and your outfit.

What can you do about leaking breasts?

Luckily, there are some steps you can take to minimize the mess of leaking breasts while it lasts:

  • Stock up on nursing pads. They'll absorb leaks and keep your clothes clean and dry. Like diapers, they should be changed whenever they're wet in order to avoid irritation. You can opt for disposables or washable cotton pads, but skip ones with a plastic or waterproof liner — they'll just trap moisture.
  • Save your sheets by sleeping on a large towel or a nursing pad. You've got enough diapers to change now without dealing with your bed linens, too. 
  • Dress smart. Stash away the silks for a while, and opt for darker colors (better for camouflaging milk marks) until the leaking stops.
  • Avoid trying to pump breast milk to prevent the problem. You'll probably just make the situation worse by stimulating your breasts to make even more milk, which means more leaks.
  • Be patient. Once your milk production is well established and your feeding schedule is in full swing, you can try to plug the dam by pressing on your nipples when they leak or crossing your arms tightly against your breasts. Avoid this trick in the first few weeks after delivery, though, since it may inhibit letdown or lead to plugged milk ducts, which you definitely don't want.

When to call your doctor about leaking breasts

Although leaking breasts are normal in the postpartum period, call your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Significant leaking that continues after you've stopped breastfeeding
  • Nipple discharge that doesn't resemble milk, such as discharge that looks like blood or pus
  • Breast pain, swelling or redness accompanied by fever and other flu-like symptoms, which may be signs of mastitis

Leaking, dripping or spraying milk can all be par for the course during the early days of breastfeeding. The good news is that it's a temporary symptom that should ease up as your body adjusts to nursing. In the meantime hang in there — and have some nursing pads at the ready.