Wixon Jewelers in Minneapolis, MN

Choosing Jewelry Based on Skin Tone

Necklace and earrings on a woman


“I like both platinum and yellow gold jewelry but I’m not sure what looks best on me. Any advice on how I can tell what jewelry I should wear?”

– Melissa R. | Stillwater, MN

Amy’s Answer:

Jewelry is an accessory that’s worn right next to the skin, and often it’s the first thing people notice about your outfit. I always suggest that you should choose a piece based on what you love, but it’s also important to consider how the colors compliment your skin tone. Here is a quick and easy way to find which pieces will suit you the best. Your skin tone will generally fall into one of two categories, cool or warm.  The best way to determine your own personal skin tone is to look at the color of the veins located on the inside of your arm.


Cool skin tones are identifiable by bluish colored veins. People with cooler skin tones may notice pinkish or rosy-red undertones when looking in the mirror. Most people have cool skin, including people with dark skin and tan skin.

Jewelry for Light Skin Tones

If you have determined that you have a cool skin tone, you’ll look best wearing pieces crafted of platinum and white gold. In terms of gems consider pearls, Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, Pariaba Tourmaline, Tanzanite and Zircon.


Warm skin tones are identifiable by greenish colored veins. People with warmer skin tones may notice yellow or golden-apricot undertones when looking in the mirror. People with darker skin are not usually warm-skinned.

Jewelry for Warm Skin Tones

Designs crafted in classic yellow gold or rich rose gold look fantastic on those with warm skin tones. Warm hued gemstones such as Alexandrite, Citrine, Garnet, Morganite, Peridot, Ruby, Mandarin Garnet, and fancy yellow diamonds are also a flattering choice.


Still not sure about what works best for you? You can’t go wrong with diamonds! They look fantastic on both warm and cool toned skin. What really matters is that you feel comfortable in whatever earrings, necklace, bracelet, or ring you choose regardless of the color of your veins.

Amy Meyer HeadshotAmy shares her pearls of wisdom in her weekly column, Ask Amy. Her impeccable taste helps to select beautiful, current yet timeless looks for our clients in harmony with their own personal style. She believes that jewelry should have a story to tell about the person who wears it and is delighted to commemorate life’s celebrations. If you have a question, just Ask Amy! Skin tone images via ShadesDaddy

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