#RandomActsOfKindnessDay: Here Are 7 Ways to Practice Kindness Today!

3 min read Feb 18, 2016


Photo via mhatzapa/Dollar Photo Club

FACT: Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. I know what you’re thinking…

(via GIPHY)

Exactly. We love it, too!

Here are 7 ways you can practice kindness today (and every day):
An Extra Helping
Do you bring your lunch to work or school? Take a few moments to pack an extra sandwich or serving for lunch and give it to a homeless person. If you go out to eat, consider getting half your meal boxed up before you dig in and give it to someone on your way back to work.

You Rang?
Call someone you love and say just how much he or she means to you. Bonus points if it’s an older relative or teacher in your life. Double bonus points if you start with this…

(via GIPHY)

The Lion, The Witch, and Your Wardrobe
Go through your closet and pick out five items of clothing to donate to someone in need. Make sure the items are in good shape, clean, and will make someone feel as fabulous as you are.

How Are You? Really?
Oftentimes, we walk by the same people every day, saying the same pleasantries as if we were on autopilot. But are we really listening? Today, make an effort to speak with at least one person about how they’re doing. Really. Do you remember an event they were going to or a volunteer opportunity they were excited about? Go a little deeper and listen to those around you.

(via GIPHY)

New in Town
Is there a new person at work or in your class? Invite them to have lunch with you. Being in a new place can be unsettling, so be a shoulder for them to lean on while they grow accustomed to their new surroundings. Plus, it’s a great time to share your wisdom about what you’ve learned in your time so far.

Literary Love
You know that childhood book you love? The one you’ve had since you were twelve and still keep by your bedside? Imagine passing that physical manifestation of your love of reading on to a younger person in your life. Today, you can. Inscribe the inside cover with why the book means so much to you, as well as your wishes for them. Run your hand over the cover one last time and send it on its way. It’s hard to say goodbye, but sharing your love for the book with someone makes its literary magic even more powerful.

(via GIPHY)

Have a Seat
There are days when you’re at your wits’ end, when everything seems to go wrong, when you finally find your Metrocard after missing two trains…and the next train is packed. Remember those moments the next time you do have a seat. Whether it’s a mom and her kids, an older individual, or someone who just looks like they’ve had a day, if you’re able to stand, consider giving up your seat to someone who needs it.

Remember, Smart Girls, you change the world by being yourselves! Kindness towards others is the perfect place to start.

How do you show kindness to people in your life? Tweet us @smrtgrls or comment below!

Featured image via Flickr