10 Ways to Make a Minimalist Home Feel Warm and Cozy

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Have you ever wondered how to make your minimalist home feel cozy? First things first, a minimalist home is characterized by simplicity and laconism in decoration. This is achievable through the use of functional furniture, geometric shapes, and a combination of just a few basic colors. However, the minimalist aesthetic can feel a bit too clean and clinical at times. Luckily, you can bring life into your home and still keep it clutter-free. Here are some of the best ways you can make your minimalist home feel warm and cozy.

how to make a minimalist Home Feel Warm and Cozy

Steps for making your home cozy

cosy minimalist home decor

1. Curve it Up a Bit

A minimalist room is defined by harsh edges and straight lines. However, this can look impersonal and dull. The solution to this problem is simple: curvaceous pieces of furniture. Whether it’s an angular armchair, classic beanbag, arc floor lamp, or a round coffee table, you can break up a symmetrical room while still remaining within that minimalist aesthetic.

photo of a grey couch and wood flooring

2. Focus on the Walls

If you’re living in a small space or simply don’t want to clutter the floor with home décor, you may find it hard to add a personal touch to your space. Consider adding decorative wall accessories. They will instantly make your minimalist home cozy, especially if you choose something that speaks deeply to you. And this can be anything from photographs of the people you love, interesting paintings, or even a piece of nature-inspired tapestry that takes you back to a happy place.

white couch and decorative shelves

3. Add more Accessories

An accessory is something that brings aesthetic value to any space, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have to have some sort of functional purpose. If you want to remain a true minimalist, just know that you do have plenty of options. Some of the most popular functional accessories include throw pillows, wall mirrors, decorative bowls, coffee books, scented candles, and low-maintenance indoor plants. You’ll want to place these items in a way that still preserves the balance you created. And voila, you have easily created a warm living room.

white living room

4. Play with Light

It’s amazing what good lighting can do. Color and light can instantly set a different tone for a minimalist space, having the power to make it look more comfortable with just the flip of a switch. Think about how a sunny day makes you feel and then think about your mood on a rainy, cold day. The same applies to your home. Some lights cast a cold, harsh tone that suppresses the release of melatonin in our brains, lowering the quality of our sleep. Warm light, on the other hand, evokes feelings of happiness and joy which is what you are after when you want to create a cozy atmosphere.

white couch with pillows in a cozy home

5. Add Touches of Wood

Wooden interiors are always inviting regardless of how heavy or light you want to go on the wooden accents. Break off the cooler-toned materials like marble, steel, or nickel by incorporating wood to add a sense of warmth. You can do this by picking up some wood furnishings or go a bit “wild” with a simple board cladding or maybe even a few faux wood beams that go so well with the minimalist home décor look. Plus, it is also one of the most sustainable ways of bringing coziness to your home.

cozy home decor

6. Play with Texture

Another great way to add the “cozy” factor to the equation is by layering pieces that create a contrast with each other. You can do this by playing with different textures. It will make your space look more interesting and thought through. However, you will want to make sure that the objects you pick have enough in common. For example, you could layer by using a recurring pattern.

white chairs in a living room

7. Don’t Forget the Textiles

Adding textiles in any form or texture can create a visually-stimulating room. Consider decorating with textiles that say something about yourself and what you like, rather than just going for something that’s trending in the home décor industry. You could add items such as floor pillows, beautiful drapery, and layered bedding for heaviness.

white cabinets and a round mirror in a cozy home

8. Grow Indoor Plants

Minimalists love plants. It’s no wonder some of the most visually-appealing homes are decked out in plants. There are plenty of low-maintenance indoor plants that will fit perfectly in a minimalist home. The trick is to avoid clustering too many pots together and turn your space into a jungle. Why not go for succulents? They are adorable and a breeze to take care of!

white couch with pillows in a living room

9. Put Your Own Stuff on Display

Minimalists tend to store most of their personal items to avoid cluttering the space. However, finding a few objects you really love and putting them on display will go a long way in injecting warmth to your home. But remember: each piece should serve a purpose.

paintings on a wall

10. Choose a Warm Paint Color

Many minimalists choose cold-toned colors for their walls, but if you want your home to feel warm, there’s no way but to go for a warm paint color. To remain within the minimalist aesthetic, don’t pick a bold color. Instead, try something like eggshell or a similar, delicate color that can evoke the feeling of coziness.

Tags: how to bring warmth to your home

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