Tip Sheet | How to Succeed in College

Uli Seit for The New York Times
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Jeffrey Durso-Finley and Holly Burks Becker are co-directors of college counseling at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, N.J.

Dear High School Graduate:

Whether you and your college-bound classmates are heading to a research university across the country or a small liberal arts college just up the road, it’s exciting (and potentially a bit intimidating) to think about a completely new academic environment.

Accordingly, we have compiled some advice to help guide your success in the next phase of your life. We’ve distilled some of our own experiences from working at high schools and colleges, along with some of the feedback we’ve received from college students, to give you the essence of what you need to be successful over the next four years.

Combine these suggestions with your ability and best efforts, and you will succeed brilliantly over the next four years. We wish you the best of luck.

Live in the Academic Moment

A college education is a classic process-versus-product paradigm. Plenty of students complain about their work or obsess about their G.P.A., but that’s just wasted energy and time. Don’t get caught up in any academic ennui. Instead, focus on your assignments, papers and projects for their intrinsic learning value; the grades will come naturally.

Don’t Study in Your Room

Unless you have a spartan single and concentration powers of steel, your room is the worst place to study because of the comfort and the distractions.

Given the realities of dorm life, it’s far too easy to wander across the hall and talk to your neighbor, or to have Facebook on while you glance back and forth from your book to the screen.

Find a spot that works for you, and call it your “homework home.” A carrel in the upper stacks of the main library usually works perfectly; there are no distractions. Oftentimes, smaller, more lightly used libraries on campus have great study spaces and light traffic. Unoccupied classrooms or common areas with less traffic can have excellent lighting, privacy and plenty of space to spread your materials.

Find the Working Side of Academia

Every college has opportunities for undergraduates to do research or to assist in large-scale academic endeavors, so actively seek them out, even if you haven’t been on campus very long. You’ll be rewarded by the people you’ll meet and the insight you’ll gain on the institution as a whole.

If your financial aid package includes work-study opportunities, look for employment in departments and libraries instead of going to dining services or the athletic department. The connections you’ll make outside the classroom could even lead to study opportunities.

Choose Professors, Not Classes

It’s a classic picture of undergraduate life: a student leafing through the course guide, picking classes for the next term based on what looks interesting and also fulfills curriculum requirements. Don’t follow that model.

Find the best professors on campus and take their classes, even if they don’t seem interesting at first read. You may find these professors by talking to your adviser, using the school’s faculty review resources and asking older students about their favorite faculty members. Follow their leads.

A good professor will turn neutral subject matter for you into a joy; a poor professor will blunt your interest in a subject area you love. As a corollary, visit several classes the first week or two of a term. Most colleges have some sort of shopping period when the class rosters haven’t been finalized. Visit 8 or 10 or even more classes during that time before you settle on your final schedule.

You are only going to take 35 to 40 courses during your time in college. Why waste one on a poorly designed class or a dry, energy-sapping professor?

Get Connected to Campus Life

Academic clubs, social organizations and professional associations take on a larger, more applied and energetic meaning in college. You should jump in with both feet, even if it means getting outside your comfort zone a little bit.

The breadth of opportunity for student interaction is outstanding even at the smallest of colleges. Getting involved will dramatically increase your enjoyment and experience.

Always Go to Class

It may seem silly to remind you to go to class. But it won’t be quite so obvious as you settle into college life, when you realize that there’s no detention or punishment for missing classes, when you discover that the professor’s lecture notes are online and as your roommate pulls the covers over his head when the alarm clock rings for an 8 a.m. class.

Your class hours drop by more half when you go to college. You have access to some of the most accomplished experts in their field, and you are paying a tremendous amount of money to have access to them. Don’t waste it.

Go to Office Hours

Professors like talking to students. Seriously. If you go to office hours with questions, ideas or just to find out more about the course material, you’ll be surprised at how enthusiastic (most) professors are to sit and talk to you. More important, you may be surprised to learn how they’d like to get to know you beyond the paper or lab assignment you’ve handed in.

Take advantage of ways to talk to professors outside the classroom. You’ll learn more, have a greater appreciation of your academic experience and have more ways to find mentors, professional and academic references, and employers for research projects.

Take Care of Yourself

Part of college life is learning how to take care of yourself. Regulate your diet by eating healthy foods and resisting the temptations of the unlimited and unsupervised dining options. Exercise to maintain your physical health: sign up for a gym class, join an intramural team and find people who share your athletic interests. Don’t forget to sleep. Keeping your body well cared for will help you stay healthier and be more successful academically.

Be Patient

Many students report that their high school experience is both a blessing and a burden as they make the transition to college. Whether you graduated from a comprehensive public high school with 3,000 students or a small private school with 35 seniors, you will find that college life is simply different and that you’ll need resilience to acclimate to the differences.

This next stage for you is about living and learning independently, skills that develop over time. Be patient as you and your classmates settle into college life. Don’t expect to be perfect, but draw strength and inspiration from your previous learning experiences. Good luck!

Do you have any advice for college freshmen? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

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Call your parents once in a while.

I would have to respectfully disagree with your advice not to study in your dorm room. At many colleges, mine included, the library is a major social scene, full of distractions from other students, coffee bars, and video-playing computers. Only senior honors students have access to carrels. If I want a study space, my dorm room is often quieter.

Better advice: figure out where the fewest distractions are at YOUR school (and at the times you study– my library is quite a bit better from 6-9 a.m., which actually is my best study time).

Also, don’t underestimate the amount of time professors actually expect you to spend out of class. Best advice my faculty adviser gave me was to block out 3 hours of study time for every hour of class. That does seem to be how long it takes to complete her assignments and those of many other professors. My friends who somehow think that they can do all their schoolwork in an hour or two each weeknight and half a day on Sunday are all doing very poorly. School is like a full-time job, with 10 hours per week in class and 30 outside class. There’s still plenty of time for extracurriculars.

Emma | iHELP students loans September 6, 2012 · 12:43 pm

Taking care of yourself is so important, and one area that most college students overlook. Eating well and getting enough sleep will make studying easier, and will also help avoid gaining weight. It’s always easier to avoid gaining weight than to struggle to take it off once you’ve gained it.

This is ALL really great advice. Grampy couldn’t have said it better! I like that idea of finding a study place. Excellent! There are too many distractions in your room!! Good Luck!

love you all,,


As one who has been a full-time professor for the past forty years, one who taught in tenured positions in state universities, small liberal arts college, and ivy league schools, I want to disagree with the advice to “choose professors, not classes.” Faculty popularity ratings in student polls and web sites tend to be based on easy grading, amusing lectures, and playing to the peanut gallery. If what you want is an easy course with pleasant, unchallenging lectures, multiple-choice tests, and no attendance taken, then yes, go by what other students say. If you want academic rigor, a challenging class, and a professor who requires you to attend class and participate — then you may have to find him or her yourself by trial and error. But going by “what other students say” will not lead you to the best classes.

A lot of this will work in high school as well.

Brian Quinby
Certified College Counselor

Yes, yes, yes. Go to class, schedule study time in a quiet place, and for my commuter students, do not try to work full time. Avoid getting married or pregnant. Don’t drink and drive. And ask your parents to find another moment to get divorced.

Somehow skipping a ton of my engineering classes has worked out well from me. I learn better teaching myself than trying to understand foreign professors while mindlessly taking down notes. It all depends on the person.

Try to make some good friends, ones who motivate you and still have fun with.

This is great advice! I lived 80% of this advice at college to my joy, and wish I had done the other 20%. My daughter is a freshman. I printed it and gave it to my daughter.

This was an informative and well thought out blog post. I would only make two minor comments:

1. “A college education is a classic process-versus-product paradigm.” The new freshman who knows what you’re saying here has a distinct advantage over me, a graduate with high honors thirty-some years ago.

2. I recently heard some sage advice given by an upperclassman at Cornell regarding joining clubs, organizations, etc. He said that freshman should get involved, but perhaps not “jump in with both feet” during the first semester. They should absolutely check out activities and become involved with one or two, but it’s most important that they get used to the academic rigor of college and the time it takes to do well before commiting too much time elsewhere.

Jeffrey Durso-Finley September 9, 2012 · 8:53 am

Hi All..

Thanks for your useful comments. Of course, the range and scope of students and institutions is daunting, so advice for one student may not be the same for another. The “Study Space” comment left me frustrated, as that hinted at an institutional failing: if you can’t study in the library, then what is the school doing?! … Thinking about choosing classes brings up an even larger point – students should be good “consumers” of information. Even popularity contest style class reviews are useful. Is the prof. easy and that’s why they get highly rated? What’s the content in the course like? If they learn to get input from friends, advisers, older students, reviews and then make a considered choice, that’s a far better way than saying, “I think I like studying the Revolutionary War and picking a course on its title” when that prof. has taught it for 20 years and just reads his notes. Anyway, complex stuff, but thanks for reading!

Before I left for college I read a short blurb about a study showing time spent attending class was more closely correlated to grades than study time outside of class. While people I knew slept in or took long lunches, I made sure I was always in class (no matter how unprepared I was). It paid off. A lot of what is covered is “not in the book” just as you are always told by the lecturers.

“Try to make some good friends, ones who motivate you and still have fun with.” I strongly agree with that. I’m on my third year in college now. It was so true and so important to choose your friends. I have this roommate who would advise me to stop studying at the very instant that I am very eager to study. She really washed out my appetite that I could no longer concentrate, that I would rather flip down my notes and sleep. I also have this friend who’s very self-centered. She never wanted to share whatever she knew or whatever resources she had because she’s afraid we might outrank her.

I enjoyed this blog both as a college student and fellow blogger. I agree that students should choose professors rather than classes. I’ve has some pretty terrible teachers, they can make even the easiest of classes difficult.

Find some friends from your area of study and get together for a study group.

Read your text book. The best time to do the reading is before the class period when it will be covered. That way you can ask questions about anything that is unclear to you.

thank you and bravo