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25 Creative & Awesome Ideas To Celebrate My Husband’s Birthday

husbands-birthdayThis week I am planning and preparing to celebrate my husband’s 32nd birthday. I thought it would be perfect timing to take advantage of one of our family’s bucket list items and go see the Tulip Fest here in Oregon.

My kids and I went to the store to pick out all we would need for a picnic at the Tulip Farm, including some of my husband’s favorites like beef jerky and dates!

We are getting up early in the morning to pack the car and then we are off on a wild, colorful adventure! I can’t wait to share it with you on our family Vlog on Youtube.

I asked the wives in our community what other fun things they have done to celebrate their husband’s birthdays and many of you chimed in. You can check out the original post HERE.

Creative & Awesome Ways To Celebrate My Husband’s Birthday

1.Celebrate his half birthday with half of a cake, half of a card, and sing him half of a birthday song!

2. Every day for a whole year write down one thing you noticed your husband did for you that day and appreciated. In all you should have 365 notes! For a gift, compile all of your notes and make a book with them just for him.

3. Celebrate his birthday all week long with a card and a gift that explain why you love him. This requires thoughtfulness he is sure to appreciate.

4. Celebrating with family is fun! Play a game together, go on a hike, share his favorite dinner together, or bake his favorite dessert with a new twist.

5. Coordinate a family getaway with your husband’s friend’s families too. Spend a few nights at a hotel, a resort, or go to Disney! This is a surprise that would be hard to pull off, but sooooo much fun.

6. Throw him a sweet surprise party!

7. Throw him a themed party like a murder mystery or a roaring 20’s.

8. Surprise him with a bucket list goal such as sending him on a helicopter tour or overnight fishing trip.

9. Have friends of his write a letter of affirmation for him and make a scrapbook of them.

10. Gift him tickets to see his favorite sports team play.

11. Set up a 24 (the tv show) or Mission Impossible scavenger hunt. Coordinate your husband being sent all over town to meet contacts and figure out what’s going on. Land the last spot at a paintball field where he has to track down bad guys or diffuse a bomb.

12. Set up his first flight lesson! Leave him guessing until you are on the runway!

13. Plan a few nights just the two of you in your nearest big city. Go to dinner, get dessert, and have fun exploring.

14. Bring him back to childhood with a family get together, decorated with Ninja Turtle or Batman streamers, and games like pin the tail on the donkey. Don’t forget a piñata. A good game of hide-n-seek in the dark is the cherry on top.

15. Blanket fort, movie marathon, lots of laughter.

16. Plan a sports tournament – basketball, home-run derby, ultimate frisbee, or two-hand-touch – with his family and friends making up the players. Get jerseys, rent out a gym or find a big field, and get a trophy as a gift!

17. Give him a spa day. Massage and mud and cucumber water to make him feel really special.

19. Get him tickets to see his favorite band.

20. Road trip! Video record your trip and make a little memory for him with music.

21. Trampoline park.

22. Sky diving? Better not tell him until he gets there.

23. Throw him a luau!

24. Set-up a day at the shooting range so that he can practice his aim.

25. Candle lit dinner at home…where you are the gift he needs to unwrap!

**For the husband who is deployed:

Send him his favorite cake in a jar along with some silly accessories like a banner and balloons. 

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