Here's the One Mascara Hack Makeup Artists Think You Should Know

If only applying mascara was as simple as swipe, swipe, swipe. Truth be told, there's an art to coating your lashes just right. (FYI: There's actually a perfect number of strokes that yields a perfect no-clump effect. Who knew?) While we apply it daily—and think we're experts in the stuff—there's a lot to learn about using a tube to its full capability. Here, 11 beauty experts share their best tips and tricks to step up your mascara game.

Plump your lashes."Apply mascara, then pat pressed powder onto your lashes and add another coat of mascara. The powder acts as a thickener and keeps mascara in place." —Ramy Gafni, a makeup artist who has worked with Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and Britney Spears

Avoid clumps. "Apply mascara with a flat-edged synthetic brush. Paint the mascara onto your bottom lashes for soft, luscious lashes without any clumping or smudging." —Viviana Martin, the director of global artistry and pro artist relations for Kevyn Aucoin

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Use it as eyeliner in a pinch. "Your mascara can also double as a gel eyeliner. Use an eyeliner brush to apply a thin line of mascara on your top lid. If you have oily lids, use a waterproof formula." —Daniel Chinchilla, Ariana Grande's makeup artist

Cover grays. "Mascara can serve as a temporary cover for gray hairs on your head or around the hairline of the face. Pick a mascara color that mostly matches your hair, and wipe it the length of the gray hair to make the gray disappear until you shampoo." —Matthew Waitesmith, the founder of Artis Makeup Brushes

Solve a fashion crisis."Behind the scenes in a fashion emergency, I've used a stroke of mascara on leather bags or shoes to cover scratches. And save your mascara wands! They are the best lash and brow combs on the planet. Between coats, nothing works better to put rogue brow hairs and lashes in their place." —BJ Gillian, a makeup artist and the creative director of Ready to Wear

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Keep your shadow pristine. "When you apply mascara, you sometimes make a blunder and get those lash marks on the shadow you worked so hard to blend. Don't fret. Once the mascara dries, take a dry spooley brush and sweep the marks away without ruining your shadow!" —Marina Gravani, Mariah Carey's makeup artist

Revive the formula."Have a mascara that's drying out? Put a couple drops of saline solution—the kind you use for contacts—into your mascara and swirl around with the brush. This will give your mascara a second life." —Brandie Hopstein, a makeup artist who works with Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow

Enhance brows."I usually like to use a dark-brown or a black-brown mascara for this. Clean as much as you can off of the wand so you can apply the product lightly without any clumps. Comb through your eyebrows lightly with the remaining mascara on the wand and voilà, filled-in brows. If there are any smudges outside your brow area, just clean the area with a Q-tip and some Bioderma, so it's nice and neat." —makeup artist Robert Greene

DIY a new shade."Create your own fun mascara shades by mixing loose pigments and clear mascara. I love making metallic mascara using this method—it is an unexpected bit of sparkle." —Lori Leib, a makeup artist and the reative director of Bodyography Cosmetics

Brighten your eye color. "I apply one coat of blue mascara first, then apply black on top but leave about a quarter of the lash blue at the lash line. This way you get the pop of color close to your eyes, which will draw focus to them and intensify the color, but you still get the look of black lashes." —Paige Padgett, a makeup artist who works with Jillian Michaels

Eliminate mess. "Use an old (clean) gift card for mess-free application. Hold the card behind your lashes at the roots, apply your mascara, root to tip, pressing into the card. This is especially great if you like to apply your shadow and foundation before mascara." —Lindsay Ellingson, a cofounder and the creative director of Wander Beauty