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Surgical abortion

High-quality, compassionate surgical abortion care up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

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I felt so comfortable and made to feel at ease as soon as I came through the door. Laura, the nurse, was so kind and made sure all questions/queries were covered in such a caring way. I was extremely nervous for my appointment and was so relieved to have such a caring nurse. Thank you so much.
BPAS client
Plant at clinic

Surgical abortion involves a minor operation. There are two types of surgical abortion:

Vacuum aspiration can be done with local anaestheticsedation or general anaesthetic:

Midwife with patient reviewing documentation

Dilatation and Evacuation – between 15 and 24 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Up to 18 weeks it may be under general anaesthetic or conscious sedation.
  • At 18 weeks or above the procedure is done under general anaesthetic.
  • The pregnancy is removed using narrow forceps through the neck of the womb (cervix).

Up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, medical abortion is usually preferred but the procedure can also be done surgically.