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DIY Don'ts For Your Most Successful Home Renovation Projects Yet

Updated Jan 8, 2021, 03:54pm EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

A perfectly painted wall from Clare.


Whether you are watching HGTV or looking through Pinterest, DIY looks so easy. After all, who needs professionals when you can put in your own sweat equity to create something beautiful? But DIY can go terribly wrong when you attempt a project beyond the scope of your own abilities. You don’t simply risk something being completed incorrectly, but also losing time, money or potentially injuring yourself. If your projects start as D-I-Why-Not and turn into D-I-Why-Did-I-Do-This, it doesn't mean you should never attempt things yourself. However, you probably need to plan differently and follow these professional guidelines.

DIY Doesn’t Mean Doing Everything Yourself

They say "If you want the job done right, then do it yourself." But perhaps not. You don’t need to tackle every aspect of a renovation or even a redecorating project alone. Andrew Renck owns a company in Florida that fixes other people’s mistakes and has seen thousands of examples of when DIY or lack of permits and inspection go wrong in both residential and commercial spaces.

When planning a project, he suggests being realistic about what you can and can’t do yourself.  Replacing sheetrock is an example of something that many people can do themselves (or with a friend for pizza and beer). However, it’s best to stay away from anything structural, as an engineer might need to be involved.

Renck also says to make sure DIY is actually cost-effective. For example, if you have to purchase a $200 drill to make four holes—that’s $50 per hole. Don’t forget your own hourly rate for doing the work either.

But the biggest mistake he sees people make is hiring unqualified or unlicensed contractors. If a contractor can’t show he is licensed and insured or is unwilling to pull permits in his own name (so he isn't riding under someone else’s license)—then he probably isn't qualified. You can verify a contractor's license status with the state or county. 

Thumbtack is a great resource to find professionals to help you complete any kind of home improvement project. All you need to do is fill out a form and you will receive bids for the job in a matter of minutes. There are so many services available from plumbing and electrical work to sound system and countertop installation.

Don’t Assume Everything Will Go According To Plan

DIY expert and author Jordan Reid of Ramshackle Glam says it’s best to expect the unexpected. “You will go over budget and it will take more time than you expect. Just know that, and prepare for it.” 

However, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to be a taskmaster. She explained, “Don't micromanage people on the job, rather put together a manageable scope of work with the contractor, and review daily to make sure you’re on track both with budget and timing."

Some more advice Reid has is to complete projects before starting new ones. Her personal tendency to multitask hasn’t always worked to her advantage. “I started bathroom No. 2 before bathroom No. 1 was anywhere close to done.” Don’t potentially leave yourself without a toilet or shower. 

Don’t Paint Without Preparation

Interior designer Nicole Gibbons recently launched Clare, which is a direct-to-consumer paint line. It features 55 curated colors as well as innovative peel and stick color swatches. She believes the key to DIY painting projects is preparation. She explained, “This includes things like filling holes, sanding over rough patches, wiping down your walls so they’re clean and dry, and masking all of your doors, trim, windows and even things like electrical outlets using painter’s tape. Depending on your space, these steps can be tedious and time-consuming, but once they’re done, the rest of your paint job will be a breeze." 

Gibbons added that priming is a very important part of the prep. “If you’re making a drastic color change, like going from dark to light, a primer is a must-have. Primer helps seal your surface and hides what’s underneath it, creating a uniform base for an even color application. Without primer, you’ll need a lot more coats to hide over a darker color, which will require a lot more work and physical stress. The primer also helps conceal surface imperfections on your wall so you have a more flawless-looking finish.” 

Gibbons also recommends removing your painters tape before the paint dries completely. “It’s best to remove your tape when your paint is just dry to the touch, but not dry all the way through, usually one to two hours after painting. If you wait until the paint is fully dry, you risk pulling some of your freshly painted paint along with it.” 

While painting walls is easy, other surfaces can be anywhere from tedious to difficult. Emily Farris of The Boozy Bungalow painted her kitchen cabinets on three separate occasions. She learned the hard way that this isn’t a good idea. “It’s definitely not something I’d recommend tackling on your own. It’s an incredibly time consuming job and I can almost guarantee that about halfway through, you’ll end up crying on your kitchen floor cradling a bottle of whiskey at 2 am and wondering why you ever thought it was a good idea in the first place. And that’s before you even try to re-hang the damn doors.”

Don’t Be Afraid To Try Something New, But Don’t Be Unsafe

In many cases, lighting projects really can be done yourself. According to Matt Elsey, associate merchant of interior lighting of the Home Depot, “Electricity is intimidating, but don’t overthink it. Most lighting projects are a simple swap to update fixture décor, which really just requires the connection of three wires.”

At the same time, don't risk shocking yourself or accidentally causing an electrical fire. If you’re unsure or something feels uncomfortable, Elsey suggests calling a professional. “It’s best to leave some lighting projects to professionals, like adding lights to a new location where there isn’t already an electrical junction box.  If you have to run wires inside of a wall, especially if a new line is required from the service panel, you should always consult a professional.”

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Creative

K'era Morgan is a mixed media artist and founder of textile line k-apostrophe. She designs everything from pillows to throws, inspired by her own art. Morgan sees DIY as a powerful way to tap into your creativity. “If you have the creative urge, then follow your intuition and dive in. The one thing I can recommend is don't be afraid to experiment. Experimentation is your creativity at work and yes, you may not like the outcome the first time or the second time but it will force you to keep digging deeper and coming up with more creative solutions until you land on something that you love and that works.”

Warren Struhl, CEO and founder of MyPhoto and Wallkeepers, shares a similar sentiment when it comes to finding inspiration to create those photo walls that are so popular right now. "Start by looking at the space you want to fill, looking at your most meaningful photos. Then find the place in your home where they can tell your story."