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7 Things Passive-Aggressive Employees Do

Updated Dec 7, 2015, 10:30am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

Passive-aggressive employees seem like they're on board with your company’s mission on the surface. But, a little closer investigation may reveal how they’re secretly sabotaging your best efforts.

Passive-aggressive behavior isn’t always meant to be malicious. Sometimes, people become passive-aggressive because it’s convenient. At other times, they develop indirect communication methods because they think it's unacceptable to express anger.

Unfortunately, for some people, passive-aggressive behavior becomes a way of life. And it can impact their career - and your company - if left unchecked.

It’s important to recognize passive-aggressive behavior among your employees before their destructive behavior takes a toll on your business. Here are seven things that passive-aggressive employees do.

1. They Manipulate Others into Doing Their Work

Passive-aggressive employees use sly manipulative techniques to get out of doing things they don’t want to do. They’re not above faking a wrist injury to avoid typing a report or claiming they lack the skills to complete a project, just to get out of doing the work. Others often take pity on them and excuse them from their duties.

2. They are Inefficient on Purpose

Passive-aggressive employees definitely don’t do their share of the workload. Rather than work hard to complete a project, they procrastinate on purpose in hopes they can avoid taking on new tasks. They frequently claim to forget deadlines in hopes you’ll excuse their absent-minded nature.

3. They Avoid Confrontation at All Costs

For most passive-aggressive employees, confrontation is out of the question. Expressing a contrary opinion can feel too stressful, so they work hard to give the impression they agree with others, even when they don’t. Their efforts to avoid conflict often leaves them feeling angry and resentful.

4. They Exhibit Learned Helplessness

Passive-aggressive employees are convinced they’re victims of terrible circumstances and they believe they lack the power to create positive change. Whether they blame “the man” for holding them down, or they're convinced they'll never earn a promotion, they refuse to take steps to improve their circumstances.

5. They Seek Revenge

Many passive-aggressive people spend a lot of time quietly plotting revenge. They use indirect methods of retaliation - like spreading a nasty rumor about a co-worker or calling in sick to sabotage a group’s deadline - that prevent them from articulating their anger.

6. They Backstab One Another

Rather than file a formal complaint or address a problem in a direct manner, passive-aggressive employees are known backstabbers. They gossip and complain about everyone else and stir up a lot of trouble within the office.

7. They Say Yes Even When They Mean No

Even when they have no intentions of following through, passive-aggressive employees will always say yes. On the surface, they want look like team players so they come across as very agreeable. But they're known for cancelling at the last minute or offering creative excuses about why they can’t fulfill their obligations.

Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Employee

Passive-aggressive employees can create a toxic environment, so it’s important to address indirect communication head-on. Confront a passive-aggressive person with the facts. Identify the behavior you’ve observed and discuss why it is problematic.

Role model open and honest communication. Show that you’re willing to listen to feedback and be careful to avoid punishing people who disagree with you openly. Doing so will only encourage more employees to take the passive-aggressive route.

Make your expectations for your employees clear and stay consistent. Periodically evaluate the culture of your organization and take steps to ensure that one or two passive-aggressive employees aren’t having a negative effect on your entire organization.

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist, keynote speaker, and the author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, a bestselling book that is being translated into more than 20 languages.