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Why You Should Be On LinkedIn, Even If You're The Boss

Forbes Coaches Council
Rick Itzkowich
Updated Nov 15, 2017, 09:28am EST

When people ask me how I earned my alias, “Rick I. The LinkedIn Guy,” I take them back to 2007.

I owned a self-development company when the recession hit. I resorted to guerrilla tactics to get new clients for my learning vacations and weekend workshops. I stumbled upon a portal website called LinkedIn. It had been around since 2002, but I hadn’t given it the time of day. Why? Business was great.

Facing the downturn, LinkedIn was a light at the end of a tunnel, promising to be a legitimate avenue to connections, referrals and success. Setting up your profile and connecting with others on LinkedIn was free. Like most people who signed up, I wanted to generate new referrals fast. But had no idea how to go about it. I invited a few people to connect and wondered what next?

During my weekly face-to-face networking meeting, a member asked for an introduction to an individual. Since I didn’t know the person, I wrote down the name and thought to myself, “Ah-ha, maybe they're on LinkedIn.” I did a search and found them. To my amazement, I not only found him, but I also found that he was connected to two other people I knew. I asked the people I knew if they would be willing to facilitate an introduction.

The short story is: My networking colleague ended up doing substantial business with the person they wanted to meet. The lightbulb went on. I had witnessed LinkedIn’s true potential.

Connections Do Matter

As a CEO, business owner or entrepreneur, you may think LinkedIn is just for employees to post their resume. But it is much more. It’s a valuable technology that offers speed and convenience in today’s marketplace. It fosters relationship building and the ability to start conversations with people based on your connection.

With close to half a billion members, LinkedIn is the directory for business professionals. When you’re looking for a working capital loan, the lending firm will be looking for your LinkedIn profile. If you want to establish a new legal firm for your business, trust me, your LinkedIn profile will be checked out. It’s just too simple and quick to get a glimpse at a person’s background, experience and personality.

From here on out, I’m going to point out five things you need to do. If you have a LinkedIn profile, congratulations, but keep reading. If you don’t have an effective profile page, get started putting your information together today.

 Top Five To-Dos

1. Be sure you to use your professional headshot.

2. Write your 320-word (2,000 characters with spaces) summary in the first person. Let your verbiage speak to your background, your current position, what sets you apart from others in your field and your specialties. Include hobbies or what you do in your spare time. Mention what inspires you. If you are not a writer, call in your marketing person to orchestrate your write-up. When a person scans your summary, they should have a good feel for both your expertise and personality.

3. Send out invites. LinkedIn is used as the first point of contact that gives you visibility and reach. For my line of work, when I meet somebody offline, my first action is to send them a LinkedIn invitation to connect. I use LinkedIn to gather some basic information and then use my invitation and LinkedIn’s messenger to start a conversation. Once we are connected, LinkedIn allows me to be visible to that person’s connections as well as search for professionals connected to my new contact. Essentially, LinkedIn is a giant database that allows you to find more targeted people via a variety of filters.

4. Your activities need to have some congruency as well as a strategy for growth. If you already did an impressive job of having a thorough profile that targets specific things related to what you are wanting to accomplish, complement that by actively staying involved on LinkedIn and clearly speaking to target individuals. This way, others feel like you are real, that they know more about you and that you know what you are talking about in your industry.

5. Lastly, LinkedIn’s feature of being able to give people recommendations adds trust. A recommendation on LinkedIn is different from many other places because it can be traced back directly to the individual. If you leave me a testimonial, somebody can click on that and know that you exist. They can read your profile, which gives them confidence that this was a real recommendation. In addition, you cannot change a single word of a testimonial, which adds validity.

So, it’s not just having your profile up on LinkedIn, but it’s utilizing LinkedIn to the max. Use these suggestions, and let’s connect if you have questions!