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The Importance Of Quality Over Quantity In Digital Content Marketing

Updated May 29, 2018, 09:13am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

When it comes to digital marketing, quality trumps quantity and makes your brand more personable in the long run. We live in the age of transparency, and consumers crave authenticity.

Think about your day and the long list of tasks you give yourself to complete. Consider the frequency of interactions you have with others — both in your work and home life. In that time, how many of your interactions do you conduct digitally? How many ads do you think you see?

Research reveals the average consumer may see as many as 5,000 or more ads daily, and of 590 total media minutes spent, they note 153 ads. What is the average number of ads that engage the consumer? The answer is 12. It makes sense companies need to focus more on engagement and quality and less on quantity. Here are a few tips to lead your brand into generating more personable content for connection.

  1. Whom Do You Connect With?

Textbooks on marketing tell you to aim for your target audience, but quality engagement is more than statistics and demographics. Never write or shoot for a generalized audience. Be relevant, current and specific.

Who are your existing readers and consumers, and why do they connect with you? What problems do you solve? Do you make them laugh? Getting to know your audience and conversing with them via your content keeps readers engaged because you’re building a relationship, not unlike in real life with real folks. That’s because your consumers are real people.

  1. Stop Content Bombing

Don’t annoy your audience with too much content. Be the brand that offers a laugh or meets a need by gracefully slipping into the fold, communicating to the consumer, “We’re here, and look at this cool thing you didn’t know.”

Don’t content bomb. Don’t speak at or down to your consumer. Create a conversation.

Does your site have too many bells and whistles? If so, your company looks like it’s screaming for attention and doesn’t know what it’s about or who it serves. Don’t be the brand with the newsletter subscription box that pops up every minute, especially when the consumer could barely find the “x” to close out the ad in the first place.

Get to the point and leave them with a strong takeaway.

  1. Be Reliable

When building a relationship, consistency is king over too much randomized content. Among marketers, only 30 percent believe their programs are effective, and only 32 percent possess a defined content strategy — those 32 percent are 60 percent more likely to be successful than everyone else. Create a content calendar that outlines what content gets posted when, and your engagement levels will be easier to track.

Your content calendar allows you to plan out sources in advance and get more creative with specific strategies and content — enabling you to engage with more niche consumers. You also ensure you won’t miss messages when consumers do engage.

Streamline access to the content calendar so various departments see it and can better engage consumers on their end. Get everyone on the same page.

4. Stop Underestimating UX

User experience (UX) is vital to product and brand success. User interface (UI) is closely related to UX. When a consumer is on a company app or website, they must experience an appealing, functional and cohesive interface. UX design focuses on technical functions, such as prototyping, site testing and customer interactions. UI design focuses on the layout and content, aesthetic appeal to consumers and user responsiveness.

Both these design aspects affect the way consumers perceive and interact with your brand, which can make or break customer engagement. When your team understands the importance of both, the company thrives and increases its engagement with consumers. Is it easy for the customer to self-service on various digital platforms, so your brand can engage them in other needed ways? If consumers click away from a specific page repeatedly, you’ll know you need to update the tone and angle of that content.

Keep testing, checking and asking consumers what they think on these design types. It pays off with quality engagement and loyal consumers.

Take more time to generate less content. Quality over quantity in digital content marketing is a must in a time where consumers are getting bombarded with content from competing brands.

Focus less on competition and more on your consumers and the conversations you’re having. Then, you will become a force for innovation and change. Your consumers will trust your brand because it’s transparent and authentic.

In the end, you create a more personable brand with measurable and beneficial impact in the world. What’s better than that?