How to make the most of your natural lashes

Want a fluttery, flirty and never-ending set? Here's how

Sarah Young
Friday 03 March 2017 13:25 GMT
Curling your lashes might seem simple but there’s a strategy to it that’s easy to get wrong
Curling your lashes might seem simple but there’s a strategy to it that’s easy to get wrong (Getty)

When it comes to eyelashes, the longer, thicker and flirtier the better but, unfortunately, we’re not all been blessed a never-ending set, nor a posse of beauty pros waiting to spruce them up at our beck and call.

Alas, us mere mortals just have to make do with what we’ve got and here’s how.

Perfect your curling technique

Curling your lashes might seem simple but you’d be surprised at how easy it is to get wrong. So, how should you be doing it?

Gently place the curler over your lashes, getting it as close to your lid as possible, then squeeze and hold. Repeat again midway up the length of the lash, and finally, towards the tip.

It’s important not to repeatedly pump the curler as this can cause breakage and always curl before any mascara is applied as this can cause your lashes to stick and pull out.

Eyelash Primer

If it’s longer, thicker lashes you’re after a primer might just end up being your new best friend. Not only do they work to maximise the results you get from mascara by creating an extra layer of product but they also serve to condition and protect your lashes from any harsh chemicals.

Choose your mascara wisely

With so many types on offer promising to add length, volume, thickness and definition, it can be hard to know which formula to go for so evaluate your lashes first to see that they’re lacking most.

When it comes to brushes, a big, bulky brush will make your lashes thicker and more volumised while a brush with spikey bristles will add length and definition.

Also, don’t feel like you have to choose black. For fairer skin and if you’re a light blonde or redhead especially, trying a brown mascara can actually be a lot more flattering.

Mascara application

Apply your first coat of mascara by holding the wand horizontally and wiggling gently at the base of your lashes; this will help to add thickness. Next, pull the wand through the lashes while continuing to barely wiggle.

Let this coat sit for around 10 seconds and apply a second coat if necessary. Finish by using a clean mascara wand or a lash comb to remove any clumps.

Growth serum

Eyelashes can take up to six months to grow back so if you’re looking for a way to give them a boost growth serums can help them to grow back visibly stronger, fuller and quicker.

Apply to clean lashes every night and you should notice your lashes growing longer and more curled in a matter of weeks but you have to stay consistent for it to work.

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