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How to Organize Your Life So You Can Stress Less

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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In a world bursting at the seams with tasks and distractions, have you ever come across individuals who seem perpetually disheveled? Those who perpetually miss deadlines or misplace items, and as a result, wear their stress like a heavy cloak?

You might think it’s just clutter or a mere backlog of work, but dig a little deeper. The mayhem strewn across desks and the mental weight of unfinished tasks are often silent culprits of anxiety and gloom.[1]

However, by systematically tackling the disorder and trimming down that never-ending to-do list, not only can we bring order to our external environment, but we can also gift our minds the tranquility they so desperately seek.

Dive into this article, and you’ll discover a roadmap to an organized life, one that offers a passport to reduced stress and elevated joy.

1. Jot Things Down

Ever met that person who never forgets a birthday or misses a holiday greeting? Let’s be clear: they’re not wizards, nor do they possess an extraordinary memory. The truth is far simpler—they write things down.

While you juggle millions of tasks in your head, the chances of something falling through the cracks are high.

Don’t be a hero; give your brain a break. By jotting down everything from grocery lists to birthday reminders, you’re essentially constructing a digital brain.


Leverage apps that keep your tasks and schedules in line; think of it as offloading your overworked mind and creating a second, more organized one.

The written word is more than just ink on paper or pixels on a screen; it’s the architecture of your life, streamlined and stress-free.

2. Plan And Schedule

Being organized isn’t just a solitary goal; it’s the backbone of productivity. But how do you go from haphazard to harmonious? Two words: Plan and Schedule.

This isn’t about micromanaging every moment of your day but setting yourself up for focused, consistent action.

That’s the essence of our Time Flow System, which advocates a dual approach: Plan Weekly, Do Daily.

Plan Weekly

Why weekly? Because life is unpredictable. Daily plans get tossed out the window with a single, unexpected phone call.

Juggling responsibilities within a single day can be frantic. A weekly lens gives you breathing room to rearrange your hours, based on evolving needs.

A week-long view also allows you to align your tasks with your broader goals. It’s not just a to-do list; it’s a ‘why-to-do’ list that anchors you to your bigger vision.

That’s where Focus Blocks come into play. Think of them as unshakeable appointments with yourself to tackle something important, distraction-free.

How to Organize Your Life So You Can Stress Less

    Do Daily

    Here, the focus is on consistent, realistic steps. Forget about committing to marathon sessions that only set you up for procrastination. Instead, zero in on smaller, actionable tasks that can be done daily.

    Why does ‘Do Daily’ work?

    It’s the little actions, repeated day after day, that build up momentum. Massive projects are intimidating; bite-sized tasks are achievable.


    By employing a tactical weekly plan and punctuating it with daily actions, you turn what seems like an insurmountable mountain into a series of manageable hills.

    Give the Time Flow System a try if you want to get more organized.

    3. Stop Procrastinating

    Ever noticed how the longer a task lingers on your to-do list, the heavier it feels? It’s like a backpack filled with bricks, growing heavier with each passing hour.

    The mantra is simple: Do it now, not later. Waiting, delaying, or postponing only amplifies the task’s perceived difficulty and weight.

    Why does kicking procrastination to the curb help with organization?

    • Clarity: Handling tasks promptly provides a clear vision of what lies ahead. No more guessing or being blindsided by forgotten tasks.
    • Momentum: Finishing one task fuels your energy and confidence to take on the next. It’s a cycle of accomplishment.
    • Peace of Mind: An immediate approach to tasks ensures they don’t pile up, preventing that overwhelming feeling that can paralyze action.

    Timely action streamlines life. It’s like clearing the fog, allowing you to navigate with precision and purpose. The more you act without delay, the more you set the stage for a structured, stress-free life.

    Read more on how to end procrastination here: What Is Procrastination And How To End It

    4. Give Everything a Home

    Think about it: How can you find your way if you don’t know where you’re going? The same holds for your belongings. Without designated spots, things drift, get lost, and chaos ensues.

    Organizing isn’t just a one-time activity—it’s a mindset. And a key principle of this mindset is giving everything its rightful place. Here’s the lowdown:

    • Storage with Purpose: Randomly shoving things into drawers? That’s a recipe for disorder. Instead, use clearly labeled storage spaces. For instance, instead of a jumbled drawer, have separate compartments for pens, notepads, and other office essentials.
    • Accessibility Matters: The stuff you use frequently? Keep it within arm’s reach. Maybe it’s a kitchen gadget you swear by or a favorite book. Don’t bury them under heaps; have them accessible. For example, store daily cooking utensils on a hanging rack near the stove.
    • Avoid the ‘Miscellaneous’ Trap: This is a vortex of confusion. A box labeled ‘miscellaneous’ might as well be labeled ‘I’ll never find it again.’ Break items down into categories—even if it’s as simple as ‘bills’ or ‘craft supplies.’
    • Be Innovative: Sometimes, the best storage solutions aren’t bought; they’re imagined. An old ladder can become a quirky bookshelf; mason jars can organize your art supplies.

    Try this: Pick a corner, any corner, in your home that’s crying out for order. Start small, like that messy desk drawer or the cluttered shoe rack.

    First, group like items—maybe it’s all your work pens or all your running shoes. Now, designate spots for these groups, mark them (yes, labels are your friends), and ensure everything sits in its assigned spot.


    In essence, when everything has a home, you’re not just tidying up—you’re crafting a space where items are not just stored but are where they belong.

    It’s less about neatness and more about a structured harmony that makes daily living smoother and more enjoyable.

    5. Declutter Regularly

    Let’s get real: Organization isn’t a one-and-done affair. It’s like a garden; leave it unattended, and weeds crop up.

    The same goes for your life and spaces. Regular upkeep is necessary.

    Things naturally move toward disorder. You may have a perfectly sorted drawer today, but give it a week. Odds are you’ll find a random paperclip amidst your post-it notes.

    Besides, needs and priorities often change. Maybe you’ve taken up yoga and now need a spot for your mat, or perhaps you’ve gone paperless and that filing cabinet has become redundant. Regular decluttering keeps your spaces adaptable.

    The action plan here is straightforward: Schedule It. Yes, put it on your calendar.

    If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real. Whether it’s Saturday mornings or the last Sunday of the month, pencil it in. Use Focus Blocks that I mentioned earlier in point #2 to make sure you’re doing it.

    6. Keep Only What You Need

    Imagine your life as a boat. Every item you own is an ounce of weight. Add too much, and you start sinking.

    Living an organized life isn’t about having more; it’s about having what you need—and truly cherish. The less you have, the less you have to worry about.


    When you cut down to just the items you use and love, each one becomes more valuable to you. A kitchen with just the utensils you use is far more functional (and enjoyable) than one cluttered with gadgets you never touch.

    The fewer things you have, the more you’ll use them. Rather than a closet full of clothes you never wear, imagine a streamlined wardrobe where every piece gets regular use.

    Here’s a drill you can do:

    Needs vs. Haves

    1. Write down a list of items you feel are essentials in your life.
    2. Then list everything you own.
    3. Compare.
    4. If the ‘Haves’ column outnumbers the ‘Needs,’ then it’s declutter time.

    Or you can also check out this One Question to Help You Successfully Declutter Anything.

    The point is, you don’t need to find more space. You need less stuff. It’s not about creating room for more things; it’s about creating space for more freedom, clarity, and enjoyment.

    7. Know Where to Discard Stuff

    Got clutter? Don’t just move it around. Move it out.

    It’s one thing to identify what you don’t need, but the real magic happens when you clear it out for good.


    The principle is simple: Out with the old to make space for the new (or just enjoy the space!).

    So, how can you lighten your load?

    • Donate: Your old sweater might be another person’s treasure. Thrift stores are always looking for items. By donating, you’re giving items a second life and helping out someone in need.
    • Sell: Turn clutter into cash. Platforms like Carousel, Facebook, or eBay let you sell items with ease. One person’s trash can indeed be another person’s treasure.
    • Recycle: It’s not just about getting rid of things; it’s about doing it responsibly. Ensure recyclable items find their way to the right bins.
    • Garage Sale: Turn a decluttering exercise into a community event. Set up a stall, price your items, and watch them go.

    Here’s something to get you started:

    Select a spot in your house—maybe it’s that notorious junk drawer or the mysterious box under the bed.

    Dive in. Sort items into two piles: ‘Maybe Keep’ (reassess these later) and ‘Definitely Discard.’

    And here’s the clincher: get rid of the discard pile immediately.

    By having a clear plan on where items go when they leave your space, you ensure they don’t simply migrate to another corner of your home.

    8. Delegate Responsibilities

    Organized doesn’t mean doing it all yourself. It means knowing what needs your touch and what doesn’t.

    The more you try to juggle, the higher the odds something’s going to drop. Why be a jack-of-all-trades when you can be the master of your domain?

    Why delegate?

    • Stress Reduction: Less on your plate means less stress. Full stop. With fewer tasks to worry about, you’ll find more room to breathe and focus on what matters.
    • Leverage Time: Your time is a non-renewable resource. Use it wisely. By passing on tasks to someone who can do it just as well (if not better), you free up time to do what only you can do.

    Try to whip out that to-do list of yours. Scan through.

    Spot a task that doesn’t absolutely need your touch? Can someone else handle it, even if it’s just this once?

    Great, delegate it. Feel that? It’s the sweet relief of letting go.

    9. Don’t Just Work Hard, Work Smart

    Working hard is fine, but working smart—that’s where the game changes.

    How to level up?

    • Systematic Approach: Organizing isn’t just a one-time event; it’s a system, a way of life. Got tasks? Don’t just do them randomly. Prioritize them. Tackle them in order. Keep the momentum going.
    • Tech Tools: Your phone’s not just for scrolling through social media. Use apps to keep you on track. Need to manage time? There’s an app for that. Grocery shopping? There’s an app for that too. Delegate the remembering to your digital brain.
    • Automate: Automate bill payments, set up reminders for routine tasks, or use a programmable coffee maker to ensure your morning brew is ready when you wake up. Automation cuts down repetitive tasks and frees you up.

    Here’s a practical test:

    Find one task you do daily or weekly. Now, figure out how to automate it.

    Maybe it’s setting up a recurring calendar alert for meetings or automating your monthly utility bills. Feel how this tiny shift leads to big freedom.

    Final Thoughts

    Life’s short. Too short to be wading through chaos or stressing over things that, with a little organization, could be straightforward.

    You’ve got the tools now. Simple, actionable steps to streamline and declutter, not just your space, but your mind too.

    Being organized isn’t about grinding through a never-ending to-do list. It’s about working in a way that is not just efficient but also effective. It’s about leveraging available resources to make your life easier and more enjoyable.


    And if you want to make organizing life easier, I strongly recommend you to try out our Time Flow System.


    [1] WebMD: Clutter Control: Is Too Much ‘Stuff’ Draining You?
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