You can decoupage anything from frames and suitcases to shelves. Here we show you how to decoupage furniture to give it an instant new lease of life

You will need:

  • An old chair (we found ours in a junk shop for £1)
  • Decoupage papers
  • Decoupage adhesive
  • Decoupage varnish
  • Scissors
  • Brush or foam sponge
Decoupage furniture: Decoupage furniture for beginners pinterest
Helena Schaeder Söderberg//Getty Images
How to decoupage furniture to give it an instant new lease of life.

To make:

1. Start by making sure your item is clean and dry. If it's dark wood, you may want to give it a coat of pale paint to make sure the colour doesn't show through.

2. Work out where you'd like the different papers to go. You may want to give your chair a patchwork effect like ours has, or stick to one colour.

3. Apply a good amount of adhesive to small areas of the chair at a time - and to the paper if you like - using the brush or sponge. Stick small pieces on, overlapping them as you go.

4. Keep applying paper until the chair is completely covered, smoothing out any wrinkles using the brush or sponge.

5. Once you're satisfied with your coverage, leave to dry before applying a few coats of varnish for extra protection.

Decoupage furniture: A beginner's guidepinterest
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Learn how to decoupage a box