How to Clean Gold Plated Jewelry So It Looks Shiny and New

A high-end jewelry designer shares what you must avoid when cleaning costume jewelry.

Project Overview
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Learning how to clean gold plated jewelry is just as important as caring for solid gold jewelry because it can tarnish easily, and its color could fade if the wrong cleaning solutions are applied. If you have a favorite piece of costume jewelry found at a flea market, passed down by a family member, or given as a gift by a loving friend, that bauble deserves just as much TLC as any real-deal gem. Here's how to clean gold plated jewelry the right way, so it will sparkle for years to come.

Sheryl Lowe is a high-end jewelry designer whose jewelry is sold at Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, Moda Operandi, and other fine retailers.

How Often to Clean Gold Plated Jewelry

It's a good idea to wipe down your jewelry with a soft cloth after each use to remove any tarnish, sweat, residue from lotions, and smudges. Follow the steps below for a deep clean whenever your gold plated jewelry shows signs of visible tarnish.

Considerations Before You Get Started

First, determine if your jewelry is real or fake. Solid gold never tarnishes, while faux gold—or gold plated metal—does. If your jewelry has started to discolor and tarnish, or if it turns your skin blue or green where it comes in contact, then it's not solid gold. If you're still not sure, take it to your local jewelry store for a little assistance in identifying what it's actually made of.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Soft cloth or jewelry cloth
  • Small bowl
  • Cotton swab or soft-bristled baby toothbrush


  • Mild liquid soap


How to Clean Gold Plated Jewelry Without Gemtones

person wearing necklace and earrings and rings
Phamai Techaphan/Getty Images

When you remove your jewelry for the day, get in the habit of giving it a quick wipe with a soft cloth or a jewelry cloth. Remember, less is more. Here's how to keep gold plated jewelry looking like new with a more thorough cleaning:

  1. Soak the Jewelry

    In a small bowl, combine warm water with a few drops of mild soap. Stir the soap into the water to create some suds. Add one piece of jewelry and allow it to soak for about five to 10 minutes.

    If you don't want to use liquid soap, another option is a reliable (and gentle) jewelry cleaner to keep your costume jewelry collection sparkling.

  2. Remove Any Dirt

    If there is any dirt embedded in the crevices of the jewelry, use a cotton swab or a soft-bristled baby toothbrush to gently remove it. Then rinse the piece thoroughly.

  3. Dry Thoroughly

    Using a soft, lint-free cloth, dry the jewelry and buff the surface so it shines. This step will dry the piece and remove any built-up tarnish.

Don't use silver polish, toothpaste, harsh chemical cleaners, or abrasive scrub brushes on gold plated jewelry. "I've often heard that household items like baking soda or Coca-Cola do wonders on cleaning gold," says high-end jewelry designer Sheryl Lowe. "Unfortunately, I worry that those products could be too harsh or abrasive, especially if your gold has precious or delicate gemstones."

How to Clean Costume Jewelry With Gemstones

If your jewelry has precious or semi-precious stones in it, you're going to need to be a bit more careful. You can either use a cloth or do a deep clean with a solution. Here's how:

  1. Wipe the Pieces with a Soft Cloth

    Use a soft cloth to wipe the pieces regularly or after every wear. Take care when wiping so as not to snag the cloth on any gemstones. This step will help remove tarnish before it takes over.

    Avoid soaking the jewelry, and don't use water that's too warm, as both could loosen the glue that may be adhering the stones to the jewelry.

  2. Deep Clean with a Solution

    For a deep clean, dampen a cotton swab or soft-bristled toothbrush in a solution of water and mild soap to clear away any dirt or debris. Rinse and thoroughly dry the jewelry. (Remember, no soaking!)

When to See a Professional

If a piece of costume jewelry is really precious to you, or you're just unsure what the material may be, Lowe suggests bringing it to a professional cleaner instead of making it a DIY project.

"To really get your gold and gemstones to sparkle, I often tell customers to have their pieces professionally checked and cleaned every six months to a year," she says.

A pro will not only know the right way to clean your gold plated jewelry, but they can also fix loose settings so you won't lose any gemstones. If the gold plating on your jewelry has worn away, it may also be possible to get the piece replated by a professional.

Tips for Keeping Jewelry Clean for Longer

  • Store your gold plated jewelry properly. Give it a home in your jewelry box, and consider wrapping it in a soft cloth before storing it away. You can also order anti-tarnish bags that will prevent your jewelry from oxidizing and getting discolored.
  • Avoid applying hand lotions or sunscreens while wearing your jewelry. And try to remember to use hairspray and other products before putting on your jewelry.
  • Always remove your jewelry before a workout. Sweat can cause jewelry to tarnish.
  • Take off your jewelry before going into a chlorinated pool or hot tub. This one should be self-explanatory.
  • When traveling, avoid tossing all your jewelry into one bag. Costume jewelry can rub against each other and get scratched. Instead, use a travel-ready jewelry organizer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you use baking soda to clean gold plated jewelry?

    According to Lowe, baking soda should not be used to clean gold plated jewelry. Baking soda and other abrasive natural cleaners can be too harsh for cleaning jewelry and might scratch or damage the metal. The same applies for cleaning jewelry with hot water and vinegar as well as hydrogen peroxide.

  • Can you restore tarnished gold plated jewelry?

    If your gold plated jewelry is tarnished, try a jewelry polishing cloth to remove some of the tarnish. Although seemingly soft, polishing cloths are slightly abrasive as they are infused with a cleaning agent, so be firm but gentle when removing residue. The tarnish may not come off right away, so be patient. Eventually, the piece will begin to shine again.

  • How long does gold plated jewelry last?

    Depending on the amount of care and wear, gold plated jewelry can last for several years. Since it is not made of solid gold but rather a layer of gold over another precious metal, it is not as durable as its more expensive and finer counterpart.

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