Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Yes, 2021 Could Be Worse – AIER

As I write, the presidential election is still not resolved, with dramatic events potentially unfolding in the first days of the New Year. I’m not convinced that Mr. Trump is in as weak a position as the news media has made him out to be in these post-election months of political fog and noise. The January 6 meet-up of the Senate and House to confirm the electoral college votes may yet propel matters into a constitutional Lost World of political monsterdom. The tension is building. This week’s public demonstration by one Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the easy real-time hackability of Dominion Voting Systems sure threw the Georgia lawmakers for a loop, and that demo may send reverberations into next Wednesday’s DC showdown.

There may be some other eleventh-hour surprises coming from the Trump side of the playing field. As I averred Monday, we still haven’t heard anything from DNI Ratcliffe, and you can be sure he’s sitting on something, perhaps something explosive, say, evidence of CIA meddling in the election. There have been ominous hints of something screwy in Langley for weeks. The Defense Dept., under Secretary Miller, took over all the CIA’s field operational functions before Christmas — “No more black ops for you!” That was a big deal. There were rumors of CIA Director Gina Haspel being in some manner detained, deposed and…talking of dark deeds. She was, after all, the CIA’s London station-chief during the time that some of the worst RussiaGate shenanigans took place there involving the international men-of-mystery, Stefan Halper, Josepf Mifsud, and Christopher Steele. Mr. Ratcliffe seemed to be fighting with the CIA in the weeks following the election over their slow-walking documents he had demanded.

What else does Mr. Trump know about this rumored inter-agency feud? Or a number of other fraught matters surrounding the election, and also questions concerning the harassment he suffered from the four-year rolling coup run by his Deep State antagonists (many of them CIA). What does he know of China’s infiltration into our national affairs, of which the Biden Family’s business deals with CCP-connected companies is only one piece?  Or of China’s relationship with Dominion systems — China is rumored to have acquired a 75-percent interest in the company as recently as October.

In any case, the president cut short his holiday break in Florida before New Years Eve to fly back to Washington. The company line is that he wants to exhaust all the prescribed legal procedures to contest the November 3 vote tally. And if none of it avails to correct the outcome, he might move on to… something else.  If even the so-far publicly revealed evidence of the Biden family’s influence-peddling schemes overseas is true — and the emails and corporate memoranda from Hunter’s laptop seem genuine — then it would be Mr. Trump’s duty to prevent Joe Biden from becoming president. And outside the constitutionally-mandated process in the national legislature, that would leave him some sort of other emergency executive action.

Mr. Trump has called for a gigantic assembly of his supporters on January 6 in Washington. He didn’t call them there to watch him get humiliated. Something is up. You can feel it in the air. I’ll give it a fair chance that Donald Trump is the one with his hand on the bible come January 20. One caveat to all that: 2021 is going to be very rough sledding, with many discomforts, traumas, and things left behind for America. Whoever occupies the Oval Office is going to be buried in trouble. In theory, I would have preferred to see a Democrat left holding that awful bag, if only as payback for all their bad faith and dirty fighting of the past four years. But Mr. Trump is apparently willing to shoulder that burden, and, in such an existential emergency, he’s likely to be a better leader than the corrupt and feckless Ol’ White Joe.

Okay, I’m going to just come right out and splatter a bunch of individual forecast predictions up-front in this lead chapter, and if you’re interested, you can continue on to the finer points and arguments below. I’m grateful for all of you interested readers coming here twice a week, and for those of you who keep this outfit afloat with your Patreon support. A healthy, sane, purposeful, and upright 2021 to you!

A Bill of Particulars for 2021

  • The election is re-adjudicated, fraud subtracted from the tally, and President Trump is declared the winner.
  • The mail-in vote for the Georgia Senate seat runoff is disqualified as systematic fraud is revealed. Stacy Abrams is indicted for organizing the fraud.
  • A number of political celebrities, DC swamp rats, K-Street hustlers, media figures, and tech company executives are arrested and charged with serious crimes around election fraud.
  • The CIA is purged and reduced to a strictly analytical role for advising the executive.
  • The FBI is likewise purged; Director Wray is charged with obstruction of Justice.
  • Following the reversal of the news media’s election narrative (and the actual election results), Black Lives Matter and Antifa are loosed upon a number of cities and wreak considerable destruction, but eventually get their asses kicked by federal troops. City mayors who allowed the havoc to proceed are arrested, charged with abetting insurrection, and removed from office pending trial.
  • Nancy Pelosi replaced as Speaker of the House. Mitch McConnell replaced as Majority Leader.
  • US Attorney John Durham brings charges against lawyers involved in the Mueller Investigation, including Andrew Weissmann, Aaron Zebly, Brandon Van Grack and Jeanie Rhee. Mr. Mueller is named as an unindicted co-conspirator due to mental incompetence.
  • A special Prosecutor is named to investigate the Biden family business operations; indictments follow late 2021.
  • Stock market enters long, deep asset value deflation through first and second quarters and bottom-bounces the rest of the year. S & P falls to 550 range; DJI under 10,000; Nasdaq under 3000.
  • The dollar DXY index falls under 80 by 2nd quarter, 60 at year end.
  • US GDP down by 40-percent year end 2021.
  • US oil production (minus natural gas liquids) down by 40-percent, year-end 2021.
  • Banking system thrown into disarray due to non-payment of rents and mortgages. Federal government intervenes with direct renter relief payments. Home owners in default are allowed to remain in their houses on provisional basis (which is never reconciled).
  • Bubonic plague outbreak among homeless of Los Angeles as rats proliferate in their encampments.
  • Pension funds collapse as broken chain of rent-and-mortgage payments destroy Real Estate Investment Trusts.
  • Federal government forced to organize massive food giveaway programs.
  • Millions enrolled in make-work projects a la the New Deal (some of them of value).
  • New York City forced to curtail subway service to bare minimum as money runs out.
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom recalled out of office.
  • George Soros and several directors of Soros-funded NGOs charged with racketeering and election campaign finance crimes.
  • General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford are back seeking bankruptcy protection. This time, their assets are sold and reorganized into smaller companies. No bailouts.
  • Covid virus fades from the scene by 3rd quarter, but economic carnage remains. Huge amount of restaurant equipment sold for dimes on the dollar.
  • Bitcoin “Hodlers” becoming Bitcoin “Sodlers” as cryptos tank.
  • “Woke” hysteria evaporates as Americans struggle with desperate reality-based problems of everyday life.
  • Collapse of higher education begins in earnest as college loan racket implodes. Scores of colleges and even some universities shutter; others shrink drastically in desperate effort to carry on.
  • Hollywood celebrities apologize en masse for past “Woke” behavior, beg forgiveness from cancel victims and fans. Nevertheless, collapse of the movie industry continues as, post-Covid, Americans desperately seek the company of other people instead of canned entertainments, which they have grown sick of.
  • Professional sports collapse as business model fails. Impoverished Americans start-up low-cost, local baseball and football leagues.
  • Twitter and Faceback become public utilities.

The Covid Crisis and Economic Meltdown   

I won’t have a whole lot to say about the Covid-19 virus that others have probably analyzed better elsewhere, so I’ll make it short. In the fog of pandemic, it’s hard to know who or what to believe. The outbreak in early 2020 induced similar official responses and social changes in many other nations, raising the question: did the whole world get played? If so, it was quite a stunt. Was it intended as a cover to enable the much blabbed-about “Great Reset?” More on that below.

One big mystery is how, in China, the disease seemed mostly contained within Wuhan and its Hubei province, and how rapidly that country got over it compared to so many other places around the world where the illness lingered and got a second wind in the fall. All that said, it’s apparent that, in America, the virus was gamed opportunistically by the Resistance and its news media handmaidens, first to make Mr. Trump look as bad as possible, then to promote the mail-in ballot scheme that led to a fraud-riddled election.

Much of the confusion about the disease itself — ventilators or not… masks or no masks… hydroxychloroquine or not… lockdowns or not — ended up damaging the authority of the medical and scientific experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Surgeon General Adams, the NIH and the FDA, and is still not settled to many people’s satisfaction. And, as if we didn’t already have a big enough problem with failing institutional authority, that scientific failure added to our already acute cultural corrosion. I’m suspicious of the statistics regarding true case numbers and the official spinning of Covid-19 deaths actually from other causes, as well as the tests that produced so many false conclusions. It seems pretty obvious in these tense weeks post-election that The New York Times, CNN, and other media have worked to ramp up the Covid hysteria to distract the public from emerging news about the contested election.

What’s quite clear about the whole Covid-19 episode to date is how badly the states’ government response harmed the small businesses of America that make up at least 40 percent of the economy. According to Bloomberg News, more than 110,000 restaurants shut down, 17 percent of them permanently out-of-business, surely with more to come with the winter lockdowns. More than three million employees lost their jobs in that industry alone. Data from the University of California Santa Cruz indicates that nearly 317,000 small businesses closed between February and September, 60 percent for good.

The nation’s economic affairs were in considerable disorder before the Covid-19 virus threw things into more desperate disarray. Decades of off-shoring industry decimated the working class. In much of Flyover Country, the working class has been reduced to a demoralized idle-and-addicted class with a strikingly high suicide rate, especially for men. The situation only improved marginally under President Trump, who, after all, was bucking practically all of corporate America, which liked the benefits of off-shoring just fine.

I believe that working class will return to laboring, and not in the giant American factories of the kind we had in the 1960s, but because the government social safety nets will be running out of financial mojo in the coming decade. So, they will have no choice but to labor — at the same time that many automated activities we’ve enjoyed will not be running much longer. A lot of that automation has been applied, for instance, in agriculture, where one person could plow or harvest hundreds of acres a day riding in the air-conditioned cab of a multi-million-dollar rig guided by GPS, allowing the driver to watch movies while he “worked.” Well, that agri-business model is about to fail. The scale is all wrong and the capital requirements are too exorbitant. Bottom line: many idle working-class folk have a future in agricultural work. They don’t know it yet. Expect, also, more opportunities as household servants as American society becomes more distinctly hierarchical, and in more fine-grained strata than merely the rich and the poor. Far from being an evil outcome, consider how important to human psychology it is to have a place in this world, both in terms of purpose and a physical place to call home. And, anyway, how wonderful is the former working-class’s current plight as drug-addled, often homeless, and suicidal? Would you want things to stay that way, or can you imagine new social arrangements to meet new economic realities?

The consolidation of commerce into a few giant companies such as Walmart, Target, Amazon had reached a deadly and tragic pitch before Covid-19, destroying all lesser organisms in the business ecosystem, and thousands of local Main Streets in the process. With the Covid lockdowns, the big boxes were somehow exempted from closure. Though they seem to be triumphing for the moment, these giant national chain merchandising outfits are in their sunset phase headed for twilight. As I’ll surely state again in this forecast, the macro-trend is for downscaling and re-localizing in everything, all activities. The chain-stores and big boxes depend on systems and arrangements that won’t persist, for instance, the long supply lines from the factories of Asia. The end of mass motoring will also prove problematical for commerce at the giant scale smeared all over suburban landscapes. And, of course, Amazon’s business model of home delivery for absolutely anything and everything, was perfectly suited to the Covid-19 crisis — though in the longer term its model will prove fatally flawed, since it depends on trucking every single item to its customers, and the reason will become evident further down.

The catastrophic failure of so much small business in America through 2020 will provide the seeds for a rebirth of small businesses when the giants fall. A lot of equipment will be available at dimes on the dollar. Rents will be cheap. Enterprising people will have to be careful about where they decide to set up for new businesses: better Main Street than out on some empty strip-mall. Consolidation will be working in a different way — not to make companies bigger, but to bring many small businesses closer together in places people can get to without a car (what used to be known as a business district or downtown or Main Street). America is not going to need nearly as much shopping infrastructure as we had before 2020, and also not nearly as many restaurants. But we’re going to need some of these things and done in a new way. I can also imagine new businesses that would have been unthinkable a year ago. At some point when Covid-19 exits the scene, people will want to get together with other people very badly. Think about opening a dance hall or a nightclub with live music, even a life performance theater.

The American economy had already entered a zone of dangerous structural fragility before Covid-19 stepped onstage. As Tim Morgan and Gail Tverberg argue so well in their respective blogs, the economy is an energy system that, in the advanced techno-industrial form, depends absolutely on fossil fuels, which have become a problem the past two decades, leading to the present inflection point bringing on de-growth, the onset of a long emergency, and what others call a fourth turning. Same things, really. We’ve entered a state of contraction, and it’s in the nature of large economic organisms to move from contraction to collapse fairly quickly, because the complex interconnections in their systems ramify and amplify each other’s failures. The virus has made it all worse, and faster.


Hardly anyone paid any attention to the oil story this year with all the frightful distractions of Covid-19, the economic havoc of lockdowns, and the janky election. The oil story is probably more important than any other single factor in the current situation, and is largely responsible for America’s economic mess. Everything in the USA runs on oil and our business model for doing that is broken. De-growth changes everything.

From 2000 to 2008, we were on a downward slide with our conventional oil supply — the kind of oil where you just drill a pipe into the ground and the oil flows out, or, at worst, gets sucked out by a pump-jack — all-in-all, a simple procedure. In 2008, total US oil production was under 5-million barrels-a-day, down from the old production peak of just under 10-milliion b/d in 1970. And of course, our consumption kept going up to about 20-million b/d by 2008. So, we were importing most of our oil then.

That created terrible problems for our balance-of-payments in international trade, but we fudged that by pretending for decades that deficits don’t matter, as Veep Dick Cheney famously put it. The result, via the recondite and pernicious operations of financialization — that is, replacing a production economy with one based on the sheer manipulation of money and its derivatives — was the 2008-9 Great Financial Crisis. The GFC was presaged in the summer of 2008 by the price of a barrel of oil reaching just under $150 — which badly strained what remained of real productive industry. The dynamic in play induced political authorities to quit regulating wild misconduct in finance and banking, as they attempted to replace productive industry with money games. These malfeasances played out most vividly in real estate and the “innovative” securitized mortgage bonds that were gamed to a fare-the-well by the banks. The abstruse crimes have been chronicled widely elsewhere (e.g., my 2012 book Too Much Magic). But consider, also, that all the mortgage fraud of the early 2000s was based on the last gasp of the suburban expansion, and understand that suburbia was entirely at the mercy of mass motoring, which depended on affordable oil.

So, oil shot up to just under $150, the economy wobbled, the banks and the automobile companies had to be bailed out and central bank interventions became normalized, including zero interest Federal Reserve policy, a desperate legerdemain to keep up the appearance of a sound economic-financial gestalt. And that led to the “shale oil miracle.”

It was more a stunt than a miracle, really. First, you had this suite of techniques that could be employed to goose the last bit of oil from otherwise unproductive source rock. These included computerized horizontal drilling and the injection of fluids plus chemicals to fracture the impermeable rock and release the oil. This was “fracking.”  It was not new but had not been scaled up into a major activity while the easier pickings were good. It was way different from the old simple method of drilling a pipe in the ground and letting it flow out of permeable rock. The old simple method cost about a half million dollars (in current dollars) per well to drill and start the oil flowing. Shale oil, with all its complications, cost between $6-12 million per well. The old 1960s conventional oil wells produced thousands of barrels a day for decades. The new shale wells produced maybe 100-odd barrels a day for the first year and they were done after four years. The depletion rate was horrendous.

Shale oil was made possible by the Federal Reserve’s ultra-low-interest, easy lending policies. They made a lot of cheap capital available, and hundreds of billions migrated to the new shale oil plays in expectation that they would produce excellent steady revenues. Big institutional investors like pension funds and insurance companies especially were looking for reliable revenue with bond interest rates so low due to Fed policy. They thought they’d be swimming in shale oil company dividends and revenue streams from loans to shale drillers that paid better than US treasury bonds. One thing for sure, they thought: America wasn’t going to stop needing lots of oil. So, shale oil seemed like a sure thing. Except that after a few years, it turned out that nobody was making any money producing shale oil.

It just cost so damn much to get that stuff out of the ground. And the depletion rate was so savage that you had to drill and re-drill incessantly. And what was worse, the economy had evolved to the stage where there was no sweet spot for oil prices. Oil over $75 destroyed the business model for productive industrial activities that relied on cheap oil; while oil under $75 destroyed oil companies because they couldn’t make a profit at the well head. The melodrama played out over ten years through several rounds of Fed Quantitative Easing (money creation from nowhere) and relentless run-ups of government deficits. The oil companies themselves were caught in a “Red Queen syndrome” (ref.: Alice Through the Looking Glass) in which they were producing as much and as fast as they could just to keep up their cash flow to make loan repayments, without generating any profits — and quite a few companies couldn’t even keep up with their loan repayments, so shale was a total bust for them and they went bankrupt. It all came to a head in early 2020.

Just before the Covid-19 virus hit, shale oil production stood at over 9 million barrels a day, with another roughly 4 million from conventional oil, offshore oil, and natural gas liquids, for a grand total of nearly 13 million barrels a day in US oil production, a new record! That was 3 million b/d higher than the previous peak of 1970, at just under 10 million b/d. Quite a feat! Added to that was just under 5 million b/d in natural gas liquids. Daily US consumption was around 20 million b/d heading into 2020. It fell briefly during the initial Covid panic to around 15 million b/d and bounced back a little to around 18 million b/d in the fall of 2020. So, production appeared to be basically equal to our consumption.

However, the quality of the oil skewed the equation of “oil independence.” Shale oil tended to be ultra-light oil, composed mostly of gasoline-grade distillates. Fine, America uses a lot of gasoline because we drive everywhere and incessantly so. The trouble is, shale oil contains little of the crucial heavier distillates: diesel fuel, which the trucking industry and heavy machinery depends on, aviation fuel (basically kerosene), and bunker fuel, a heavy oil fuel for home heating and ships’ engines. Neither did those nearly 5 million barrels a day of natural gas liquids, which were really only used for cutting heavy oil, which was mostly what the USA did not produce and was not well-equipped to refine. The bottom line was that the US had to swap a lot of gasoline to other countries to get heavier distillates to keep the economy going. It worked, but it was awkward and involved a tremendous amount of transport. So, America’s oil situation coming out of 2019 was superficially stabile but fragile.

But entering 2020, shale oil production was in collapse. The lack of profitability finally caught up with the industry. Investors finally noticed that the shale oil producers couldn’t make money. At one flukey point in the Covid-19 spring of 2020, the oil markets became so disordered by collapsing demand that oil on the futures market cratered to a surreal negative-$40 a barrel. It soon corrected to the positive-$30-40 range, which was not nearly enough for the shale oil business to turn a profit. Consequently, the companies could not get new financing to continue their “Red Queen” operations, and without new financing they could not keep up cash flow… and they crapped out. Thirty-six producers filed for bankruptcy in 2020, including Chesapeake, Oasis, Lonestar, Ultra, Whiting, and Chaparral. Oil field service companies that are subcontracted to perform the drilling and fracking have also gone bust.

Shale oil production fell by roughly 2.7 million b/d from March to May 2020, recovered a little at mid-year and stumbled again with the winter wave of the virus. Oil analyst Steve St. Angelo predicts that total US oil production (shale and everything else) will fall to between 9.5 and 10 million b/d in 2021, which would put us back to 1970 levels when the nation’s population was just 205 million (compared to 330+ million today). So, that’s a lot less oil-per-capita, to view it from another angle.  Independent oil analyst Art Berman is predicting a more severe production crash by midyear 2021 to roughly half what it was at year-end 2019. Nafeez Ahmed, Director Institute for Policy Research & Development, is simply calling this the end of the oil age. Ahmed says it “will begin over the next 30 years, and continue through to the next century.”

I believe it will go down much quicker than that because falling production is so destructive to the business model of industrial society that it will induce gross economic, social, and political disorder. All that disorder will generate self-reinforcing feedback loops making a return to previous levels of comfort, convenience, prosperity, and order much less likely. The net effect will be a much lower standard-of-living among formerly “advanced” nations, and also falling populations. We’re just experiencing the beginning of that process with the destruction of America’s middle-class. It is the essence of the long emergency. We just can’t tell right now how far down these dynamics will drive us, and how fast. 2021 is likely to manifest intense disorder in the USA as people reel from the loss of small businesses, economic conditions deteriorate further, and political grievance gets amped up by institutional failure to resolve, or even address, our many problems and quandaries.

As for transitioning into a “sustainable economy” powered by “renewables” such as solar and wind power, that just ain’t going to happen — unless you’re talking about oxen and firewood, and a human population about ten percent of what the planet currently carries. All our fantasies about a high-tech utopia driven by wind and sun depend on a fossil fuel economy to produce the hardware for it and then the replacement parts for the hardware, ad infinitum. It’s not worth going into it further here, but if you want to see more elaborate arguments, they’re in my recent book Living in the Long Emergency (BenBella Books, 2020).

The So-called Great Reset

    Life in the USA, and other “advanced” nations will reset, but not in the way that most people blabbering about “the Great Reset” think or say it will.

Surely, there are groups, gangs, claques, and covens of people in the world who have some consensual agreement about how things might work, and how they would run them to their benefit, in their hypothetical ideal disposition of things. For instance, the so-called “Davos Crowd.” What are they? A convocation of bankers, market movers, politicians, business moguls, tech entrepreneurs, Hollywood catamites, black ops runners, and PR errand boys who have plenty of financial and political mojo in their own realms, but not enough collectively to carry out the kind of global coup that comprises the standard paranoid Great Reset fantasy. That they meet-up in an ultra-luxurious setting out of a James Bond movie every year stokes terrific fascination, envy, anger, and paranoia that they are capable of anything beyond a festival of ass-kissing, mutual self-congratulation, and status-jockeying, which are the actual activities at the Davos meet-up.

For another thing, in the USA, at least, there are too many pissed-off people with small arms, hardened by years of proffered bad faith and dishonesty from the political/media/higher-ed complex, to just bend over and take it up the back-door from a gang of seditious, would-be aristo-totalitarians with lèse-majesté dreams of nostalgie-de-la-boue Marxist redemption. If you have any doubt about how disruptive angry people with small arms and lots of ammo might be to condescending elites, just review the events in the Middle East the past twenty years and imagine those dynamics transferred to Kansas.

What does the “reset” fantasy supposedly include? A “new world order,” a phantasm of a unified world government, which is preposterous because the macro-trend at this moment of history worldwide is the opposite of consolidation and centralization of power, but rather breakup, downscaling, and re-localization. Why? As you saw in the Econ chapter, because the scale, pitch, and range of all our activities must be reduced to survive in the post-industrial conditions of resource and capital scarcity. And it will happen whether we like it or not and despite anybody’s objections.

What else is in the Reset grab-bag? Supposedly a single world currency, also absurd for reasons already stated — unless you are talking about gold and silver, which may eventually become the universally-accepted medium of exchange (and store of value, index of price) if the post-industrial contraction is severe and destructive enough. But fuggeddabowt “digital currencies,” especially in the USA because too many people are “un-banked,” or otherwise depend on cash-money in the informal “gray” economy of just-getting-by (and there will be a lot more of these types as the middle-class gets pounded further down into the mud), plus a large cohort of digitally-capable people just plain ornery about being herded into an IRS surveillance cul-de-sac — and the whole lot of them will fight like hell to prevent government-sponsored crypto-dollars from replacing what used to be considered money. And, if, in the unlikely event that rebellion fails, it’s back to gold and silver by default — and that might literally mean by default.

Now, I grant you that there are fer sure problems with all the major currencies, especially the USA dollar, and they are all liable to become worthless eventually for all the usual and traditional reasons. The US dollar is especially vulnerable since its status as the world’s “reserve” currency — a reliable medium of exchange in global trade — is no longer consistent with the true financial condition of our country, which is morbidly obese with debt that will never be repaid — a terminal case. There will eventually be some kind of default, either the straightforward way, by declaring nonpayment to bond-holders and creditors outright, or by sneakily engineering a hyper-inflation of the money supply to destroy the value of the dollar. If either of those events plays out, the nation will be thrust into serious social and political disorder, blame will get cast, people will get hurt, and it will be a while before the finer points of the social contract get pasted back together — such as any agreement to introduce a “new dollar” of some kind to replace the ruined old one. By then, the old USA may not still be standing intact, and it would be up to states or regions to address the money issue.

I don’t believe it will be settled as a new digital money for reasons outlined above, but also because digital money is utterly dependent on the Internet, which, in turn, is utterly dependent on a reliable electric grid, and both systems are susceptible to going down in the kind of socio-political convulsion that would attend financial collapse. Not only would transactions become impossible, but records of money ownership — “wallets,” or files — could be permanently lost, wiping out fortunes. This obviously includes Bitcoin and things like it. Blockchain is only as strong as the chain, and without the Internet there’s no chain at all. So, again, gold and silver must enter the picture, perhaps backing a paper currency, perhaps circulating as coin.

In the meantime of such a crisis, very little of daily life would come out the other end looking the way it used to in the years prior to 2020. We’ll see a Great Reset, all right, but not some totalitarian gruel dished out to the plebes from the Davos steam-table or any other elite catering service. It will be an emergent, self-organizing phenomenon, from the ground up, in which everyday people will have to improvise new systems at the local level for getting food, arranging for shelter, and creating business activities around their most fundamental needs: food production, transport, trade, manufacturing, energy supplies, medical care, cleaning, building, et cetera.

I’ve been saying for a while that this might amount to “going medieval.” Could be better, could be worse. Well, there it is. There’s your Great Reset for you.  Stand by and prepare to scramble.

The Abyss Stares Back

The federal eviction moratorium passed by Congress with the spring 2020 onset of Covid-19 will expire at the end of January as things stand now, placing 30-million renters at risk of losing their dwellings. Another 28-million house-holders have been placed in a mortgage moratorium. What happens a month from now? Well, for one thing, don’t overlook the brutal fact that these moratoria don’t excuse anybody from having to pay all the back rent and back mortgage installments that were suspended for the year. The federal government just can’t keep rolling that forward forever because it thunders through the banking system. If landlords don’t get paid, they cannot pay their mortgages — and most rental real estate is mortgaged to allow for a coherent cash-flow, tax payment, and business model. Neither can the landlords pay their taxes to the municipalities (states and US government). The cities are especially harmed by collapsing tax revenue because they can’t keep with infrastructure repair, can’t cover pensions, or schools, the vicious cycle of urban decay.

How are people who have lost businesses and livelihoods going to come up with the money to make up these back payments. They probably will not. So far, there is no national discussion of that problem, but we’re seeing the first signs of an emotional response in rent rebellions under the banner “cancel rent.” This quandary points to the likelihood of a campaign for the federal government to bail out renters and homeowners, and/or a campaign for the program that made its debut in the 2020 Democratic primaries, “universal basic income” (UBI). Either one of those has a fair chance of happening as America’s economic collapse proceeds and politicians panic.

These programs won’t work. As soon as they are bailed out for their old debts, the renters and home “owners” will start racking up new back-payments if they have not done enough to generate a regular income, or simply can’t because the economy is so broken. And then what? Another bail out in six months?  All the money creation to fuel that wheel of futility will only hasten the inflationary depreciation of the dollar as ever more money is created from thin air to make these bail-outs and hand-outs. The kind of UBI that was bandied about in the 2020 primaries, especially by candidate Andrew Yang, amounted to $1000-a-month. Most renters probably could not cover their monthly rents out of that, not to mention all the other costs of living. So then what? $5000-a-month? If you’re going to give away large sums of money for nothing, why not just make every impoverished American a millionaire? (And then watch the price of a Dunkin’ donut go up to $150.)

A parallel crisis has also ripened in commercial real estate as companies adjust to their employees working from home and try to get out of their leases – or just bail if their leases are up for renewal. The office building may not be altogether a thing of the past, but it won’t be like it was before 2020, and the problem is most acute in a place like New York or Chicago where midtown is chockablock with megastructures that went from being assets to liabilities virtually overnight. We have no idea what will become of them, but I doubt they will be retrofitted into apartments for two reasons: 1) the cost would be out-of-this-world, and 2) the apartment tower is just an accessory to the office tower, and if the office towers are obsolete, so are the apartment towers.

This leads to what I have been saying since I wrote Too Much Magic: our cities are going to contract substantially; the process is going to painful; and there will be battles over who gets to inhabit the districts that, for one reason or another, retain value — waterfronts, older small-scale, low-rise neighborhoods. Covid-19 plus riots-and-looting have prompted people-of-means to resettle hastily in the suburbs. But this trend is a head-fake. Facing the oil problems that we do, the suburbs will quickly follow the cities into disutility and dysfunction. The people who moved there the past year will discover that they made a major mistake, especially if they bought a house.

The more permanent shift will be to America’s small cities and small towns, places scaled to the energy and capital resource realities coming down on us, including the need to live closer to where your food is grown.

This snowballing national existential fiasco certainly suggests the need to reorganize the American economy and the choices are pretty stark. The Democratic Party and the whole left-leaning side of the transect is inclined to attempt centralized control of economic activity in a way that strongly resembles the gigantic national experiments of the 20th century that went by the name of socialism. I mean… what else can you call it? It doesn’t really exist anymore in practice, not even in China, which is now merely totalitarian racketeering state. The 20th century was a moment in history when everything really was growing in scale, and with it came a wish for controlling all that by national governments. It was tried in many places and everywhere it was tried it ended in tyranny, hardship, and mass murder

Things have changed. They have reversed. Things are contracting. So, the other choice we have is to go with that flow, scale down the things we do and the terrain we occupy and the range of things we think we can control. That will ultimately be the only choice, of course, since the urge for a new statist socialism is against the current impulse of history, and therefore against nature. It will fail and then we will have to get with the program that the zeitgeist actually offers.


Sometimes societies just lose their shit and go crazy and that is kind of what happened to America in 2020. The distress had been building for years, especially since the GFC of 2008-9 when the middle-class began dissolving in earnest. Now, their grown children discern that the future is going to be very unlike the recent past, and that their programmed hopes and dreams do not jibe with what that future actually requires of them: rigor, realism, earnestness, and rectitude. It’s too much for them. It’s too painful. And they’re not ready for it. They retreat into fantasy, cynicism, and ambiguity. So instead of virtue, we got virtue-signaling and, in adults who ought to know better, the kind of bratty behavior you’d expect from 13-year-old girls.

The ground for this was prepared by a society that opted to turn most of its important institutionalized activities into rackets, most particularly, higher education, which entered a late-stage metastasizing expansion fed by government guaranteed loan racketeering. The loan racket allowed the universities and colleges to jack up their tuition extravagantly, which prompted them to regard their debt-burdened, overpaying students as customers, which evolved into just plain pandering to their every wish.

Already in place, as a legacy of the 1960s, was a faculty of crusaders and activists in revolt against the bourgeois indignities of their own comfortable lives, making common cause with all other imagined “victims of oppression” as a form of careerist theater. They concocted curricula of bullshit disciplines for various victim-identity cohorts to monetize their grievance obsessions, and it all worked splendidly until Covid-19 ripped through the campuses and started blowing up the whole business model. And now college enrollments are headed down an estimated 20 percent for 2021, and an awful lot of the not-so-well-endowed schools will be going out of business, with even better-endowed schools soon to follow.

Another thing happened in parallel to the grievance hysterias on campus. The half-century-long civil rights campaign that went up a dead-end with all the family-destroying social services policies of the late 20thcentury, became such a manifestly embarrassing failure with an ever-growing hostile and dangerous underclass, that, in abject shame and disappointment, all of white liberaldom had to come up with an excuse for that failure, which finally fluoresced as Critical Race Theory with its hobgoblin-in-chief, systemic racism.

Hence: Black Lives Matter, based on the fantasy that white policemen were engaged in a genocide against people of color. Really, what you had with Trayvon Martin of Sanford, FLA, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Tamir Rice, of Cleveland OH, and a long line of insta-martyrs, was a series of extremely ambiguous incidents at best, and, at worst, episodes of teens with poor impulse control acting out in ways very likely to get them into big trouble. And then, finally, with the maddening Covid-19 upon the land, and temperatures rising around Memorial Day, came George Floyd, middle-aged ex-con (home invasion, armed robbery, etc.), sometime porn star, hustler, a drug abuser who was “turning his life around” in Minneapolis, suddenly trapped under the knee of officer Derek Chauvin….

Black Lives Matter can be simply understood as a well-funded hustle, and by “hustle” I mean a program for dishonestly extracting goods from others, a crude “street” variation of a racket.  BLM also features a patina of moral fakery, namely its supposed “Marxist” credo — an attempt to appear intelligent and political where it is actually merely criminal. In reality, it’s just a destructive force, a vehicle for punishing its perceived enemies, especially the police who are supposedly (but not in reality) perpetrating racist genocide. This gets to the heart of the Wokesterism more generally in all its aspects from Critical Race Theory to cancel culture to the #Me Too game. Its animating purpose is coercion, the wish to push other people around, to find excuses to punish them, and to do it for the sheer sadistic pleasure of watching them squirm, suffer, lose their livelihoods, and perish. That’s it. The rest is sheer bullshit.

In the new year, the ongoing economic carnage will be so severe that the nation may not have time for the finer points of Woke theory and philosophy, or the patience to hear tedious explications of identitarian complaints. Women will have to stop pretending to be an alt version of men, and begin conceiving of some plausible role for themselves as a complementary division of the human race in a new and harsh struggle to thrive. Woke cries of “racist, racist, racist” will no longer be greeted with supplication, apologies, and cosseting. Claims of special victimhood will be laughed out of the public meetings. For the first time in decades in the USA, everyone will have to pull his-or-her own weight, and shut the fuck up about it. Hard times will shake America out of its squishy fantasies and concentrate millions of minds on looking after their basic needs without mommy-hugs, participation trophies, or affirmative action line-jumping.

Antifa, a Woke auxiliary with a really bad attitude, spent most of the Covid-19 year as a social space for youth meet-ups as all the usual social venues — campuses, bars, coffee shops, parties, concerts, etc — all got locked-down. In Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, Minneapolis, MN, Philly, PA, and NYC, NY, where feckless politicians forced police to stand down, or crippled them with sanctions against the use of force, or just fired a bunch of them wholesale, Antifa rioters discovered that it was especially fun to play adult versions of capture-the-flag or ring-a-leevio on warm summer nights with the cops. They got to wear groovy street-fighting outfits and wield umbrellas against gas attacks, and the hormonal young men showboated acts of derring-do with fireworks, skateboards, baseball bats, and, more than once, alas, firearms. If they happened to get rounded up by the police, the local DA’s let them go and many returned to the fun riots time after time, all summer long.

A lot of property got damaged, statues of famous Americans got pulled down, spray-painted, peed-on, busted up, decapitated. Businesses having a hard enough time staying afloat under the Covid lockdowns, had their storefronts smashed, equipment and merchandise looted. Fifty years from now, wrinkled old Antifas will recall how romantic it was. In 2021, the public will lose patience with any further Antifa antics in the streets. They will just get their little umbrellas shredded and their asses kicked, and they’ll go weee-weee-weee back to whatever the equivalent of a crash-pad is nowadays, or to mommy’s basement. We’ll also learn a thing or two about who was funding Antifa in 2020, paying for their airplane tickets to stage their fun riots in city after city, and make sure they were well-supplied with pallets of bricks, Roman candles, and bear spray. Many of today’s Antifas will be tomorrow’s agricultural laborers. Having spent their youth rioting, drugging, playing with their gender presentation and their phones, they won’t be qualified for anything else.

Chinese Fire Drills with Russian Dressing

Donald Trump attempted to put the schnitz on the established order of things between the US and China, which had steadily turned against our own national interest. For a couple of decades, they sent us cheap manufactured goods and we sent them US treasury bond paper. China liked that arrangement well enough, but it really wasn’t working out so well for us. Having given away our manufacturing sector to them, and everybody else in East Asia, our working class no longer had decent-paying jobs and were increasingly strapped to buy all that cheap stuff made in China, even at low, low Walmart prices. So, Mr. Trump made a stink about it and slapped tariffs on Chinese goods, and they have lately been dumping US treasury paper instead of loading up on it as before. They still hold over a trillion dollars’ worth, and they can’t dump a whole bunch of it at once without destroying its value. And we still buy a lot of stuff from China, though the relationship is now very fraught.

Some say we’re at war with China, that it’s a new kind of war, an information and infiltration war. Just what and who does China own in the USA? The American people are starting to find out. Gawd knows what else our unreliable Intel Community knows. Perhaps China owns our CIA now. Perhaps that’s why Mr. Trump has been so busy stripping away the CIA’s various perqs and capacities. We’ve learned for sure that they bought and paid for the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, through a series of lucrative business deals made by his son, Hunter, with a subsidiary of China’s own Intel Agency. Nobody seems to care about that at the moment — but maybe they will care more as we approach his hypothetical inauguration.

It’s pretty clear that China put a bid on Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA), a majority member of the House Intel Committee. They sent a little fortune cookie named Fang Fang over to California some years ago when Mr. Swalwell was a member of the Dublin, CA, city council, and she hung with him for years, bundling campaign money and helping him rise into a congressional seat. He was rumored to be playing hide-the-winter-melon with her, for years. Was he owned? Nobody seems to care for now. Perhaps that will change.

And, of course, we learned some time ago that Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) had a Chinese (national) chauffeur and go-fer for twenty freakin’ years — including her years as chair of the Senate Intel Committee. He vamoosed to China when his identity as a spy was revealed.  Nobody cares. That’s what a sloppy-ass country we’ve become.

China, apparently, has thousands upon thousands of carefully placed agents throughout America, especially in big academic research centers and American tech companies and even the news media. Reports say that a Chinese company purchased a 75-percent interest in Dominion Voting Systems for $400-million from Staple Street Capital in October 2020 in a shadowy deal run through the Swiss Bank UBS. It has been demonstrated that Dominion voting machines used in the recent national US elections, were connected to the Internet, though, by law, they are not allowed to be connected. Weird, a little bit. Connected to whom? So far, nobody seems to care.

Oh, and there was China’s Lunar New Year gift to America almost a year ago: Covid-19.

Thanks, China. What do we actually know about how that went down? Apparently, they are busy as I write destroying virus samples in the Wuhan lab.

Will this so far informational and economic war between China and the US heat up and become a different kind of war? I don’t think there’s much in it for China to go that route. Anyway, they’ve got their hands full waiting to see if their bought-and-paid-for errand boy, Mr. Biden, actually becomes president and also perhaps waiting to see exactly how the USA falls apart in the coming year. They will lose a lot of customers for patio furniture and sundry other stuff, but then they won’t have to worry about us monitoring all their activity elsewhere around the world, where, let’s face it, they have a lot going on. The main thing is, China is nearly as fragile as we are, only in different ways. They don’t have whole lot of oil reserves, and they’re burning almost 13-million barrels a day, of which they produce close to 5-million and import the rest. Not a great situation, and not appreciably better than our own. Their banking system is at least as janky as ours, probably worse, since their banks only have to answer to the CCP and they can paper-over any financial sucking chest wound. A global depression could create serious unemployment problems for them, and hence political pressure on and within the CCP. For 2021. If, by some chance, Donald Trump ends up back in the White House, things could go a bit more non-linear.

Reports emerged only days ago that President Xi Jinping will be undergoing brain surgery for a worsening aneurysm. They imply a power struggle in the CCP to ensue in the event that the surgery doesn’t turn out well. I can’t confirm these rumors, but there it is… just sayin’….

Russia appears best positioned to sit out the economic disorders of the West and the discontents of China. Russia has already been through a traumatic economic  and political collapse and emerged much lightened, streamlined, and viable. Due to punitive US sanctions, she has had to develop an import-replacement economy, supplying more of her own needs. She has about twice the proven oil reserves as the USA and less than half our population. She has been steadily acquiring gold reserves and has been making noises about establishing a gold-backed currency — which would be a real novelty in a world of fiat junk money. She has a well-educated and relatively homogenous population of capable people who have recovered psychologically from the 75-year-long political mind-fuck of communism. She has an arsenal of world-beating hypersonic nuclear weapons. She has rational and intelligent political leadership. And Russia just passed a law stating that anyone who brings false #MeToo accusations against another citizen faces five years in prison. One looks on in awe!


Achhhhh. Fugeddabowdit. No oil. No mojo. Buried in debt. Failing social safety nets. Over a million hostile Muslim immigrants looking to burn the joint down. In 2021, the EU will break down and states will scramble desperately to shore up their economies. They will not succeed. Disorders follow and governments will fall. Angela Merkel waves goodby to das volk. Boris Johnson faces a no confidence vote in parliament. Macron survives and gets very tough, but France grows poor and bitter. Everybody starts saying nice things about Victor Orban.

There’s the whole shootin’ match. Forgive me for leaving out only about ten thousand other topics and issues, including climate change, about which I will only say: believe it or not, we’ve got more urgent things to worry about. Happy New Year everybody!

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Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres
January 1, 2021 10:15 am

Pollyannaish with subtle undertones.
It is going to be much worse.
Looking forward to the challenges ahead, glad to have The Burning Platform to enjoy.

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
  Old Toad of Green Acres
January 1, 2021 11:47 am

Kind of what I was thinking when I read through it. There were a few things in there I could do without but I thought overall it was pretty rosey

Known Associate
Known Associate
  Done in Dallas
January 1, 2021 6:14 pm

Excellent summary of the high points of recent history and a projection of the likely trajectory. One postulate in there that seems to have taken root globally via the MSM, that i firmly believe is misdirection: the origin of the virus.

If you believe that the Black Hats (h/t Mr Adams) have been in control here in the US since, let’s say, OKC or at the most recent 9/11, (keeping it within our lifetimes so we can remember personally) then one must consider that the origin is likely domestic as well. I’ve gotten in the habit of pouncing on the alt news immediately in the aftermath of the latest false flag when there are still shreds of evidence that have not been swept down the memory hole. I also spent over 20 years as a pharma research scientist, working with some of the more hazardous components.

In late summer of 2019, well before any hint of C19 was on the street, there was a “breach of containment” at Ft. Detrick MD DARPA/USAAMRID labs. The whole place was shut down for months and thoroughly sanitized (evidence removed). One of their missions was viral research in collaboration with a similar lab in Winnipeg and the Wuhan facility.

One might ask: what the hell was our bio-weapons lab doing working with Wuhan? One might also ask what happened to one Frank Plummer (a US citizen and member of many of the alphabet soup biowarfare agencies), who was apparently one of the regular go-betweens among the 3 labs. He was also involved in the AIDS mystery. This fellow was so deep in the game that he was a suicidal alcoholic and had a brain implant to keep him off the sauce so he could complete his mission. Plummer didn’t kill himself.

C19 was a warbug that, thankfully for us, was something of a dud, since humans are stronger than viruses (at least un-vaccinated humans), although they did have the PCR test as a backup plan to hoodwink the world.

Kary Mullis, the fellow who invented the PCR and received the Nobel Prize for it, said repeatedly that it was useless as a test, and best used as a production method for difficult to prepare strands of DNA/RNA. I did not know the man personally although we did overlap during the early part of my career at UC Berkeley. He was certainly an iconoclast, and would have been well-loved here at TBP.

He died “suddenly” of pneumonia about 2 weeks after the “safety problems” at Ft. Detrick were briefly noted in the MSM. Since then, his Wikipedia page ( has been heavily edited to paint him as a nutball. Mullis didn’t kill himself.

China is certainly complicit, though others were co-agents in this global shitshow.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Known Associate
January 1, 2021 6:56 pm

Ft Detrick, eh? Trust those idiots to fool around with Mother Nature.

We should get down on our collective knees and thank God that the criminal psychopaths didn’t instead release, on accident (or purpose), some Marburg hemorrhagic fever or another bat derived filovirus.

  Auntie Kriest
January 1, 2021 7:26 pm

yeah. Or Lyme Disease or something…

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Auntie Kriest
January 1, 2021 7:54 pm

According to “South Park” Randy Marsh fucked a Pangolin while in China with Disney trying to make a commercial weed deal and that was how it came to America.
“Any other day, that might seem strange.” (Nick Cage’s character in “Con Air”)


I suppose that South Park is as accurate and plausible as anything I see in the Quisling Media.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Known Associate
January 1, 2021 7:49 pm

One may also note at the beginning of this the CDC was unable to act because their lab was contaminated and they tried very hard to obfuscate regarding that too.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Done in Dallas
January 1, 2021 7:46 pm

I only mildly disagree with his guesstimates of the level of severity of a couple of things. Unfortunately rather spot on assessment. MAKE NOISE tomorrow at Noon cst.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Done in Dallas
January 1, 2021 8:15 pm

Hey Dallas… please consider this a friendly invitation to come to McKinney for an ice cream on me. Since we’re in the same area, facing the same issues with very similar mindsets, it would be my pleasure to meet you in person! Email me via the attached website if interested… 😊

Happy new year!

January 1, 2021 10:24 am


Tags: cheaters, Constitution, deep state, dominion, election fraud, electors, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, President Trump, rigged, senators, Situation Update, traitors, treason, truth

January 1, 2021 11:47 am

That NaturalNews “bombshell” article is full of provocative musings … including this;

“As of today, with a tweet from attorney Lin Wood, we now know that Jeffrey Epstein is alive. Epstein has all the knowledge of the pedophiles in the US Senate and in positions of governorships (as well as SCOTUS, involving Roberts). If Epstein is alive, it means Trump protected him from being killed, and it also means Trump has Epstein’s cooperation to testify against deep state pedophiles.”

If true ….. Holy Shit!!!

January 1, 2021 12:53 pm

Wouldn’t surprise me actually The whole “ clusterfuck” around his incarceration and alleged suicide was about as believeable as two airplanes destroying three buildings

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 1:46 pm

Could happen if a tall building fell on the short one but it didn’t.
Forever burned in my memory is how towers one and two dropped perfectly straight down one floor upon the next all the way to the ground.
That’s a lot of floors.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 2:42 pm

And then old #7 decided to collapse in sympathy to buildings 1 & 2…….what a scam.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Martel's Hammer
January 1, 2021 2:46 pm

That’s plausible. A massive coronary.

  Martel's Hammer
January 1, 2021 11:08 pm

The most telling part of it was that the FBI was on the scene before the Fire Department. The one thing I can tell you that all New Yorkers know is that without any doubt the first on the scene anywhere in NYC is the FDNY. ALWAYS.

The other is the ubiquitous food carts in Manhattan were mysteriously absent that day. In the morning, the food trucks and carts are selling coffee and bagels, muffins, danish and breakfast sandwiches. At lunch time they are selling hot dogs, falafel, gyros, burgers and sandwiches, etc. They are on every street corner – except that day. They all knew.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 10:44 am

The FBI may have had offices at ground zero.
That’d make for a quick response.

January 2, 2021 11:49 pm

All the Jews that worked in the buildings took the day off too.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 11:01 pm

Forever burned in mine was the fact that there was NOTHING recognizable in that rubble. I was there that day and for a week after. Not a phone, a desk, a chair, a computer, a door, a filing cabinet… absolutely nothing. Two things in particular – the dust and the papers. The dust was like superfine sand with a weird characteristic that it stuck to things like wet snow. My guess is that it was mostly pulverized glass, concrete and sheetrock (including the paper backing which gave it part of it’s weird makeup). Blocks away from the towers a standing light pole had a vertical wedge of the dust maybe 5 inches thick the entire length of the pole. As you got closer and closer to ground zero, the dust became incredibly deep – in some places 20 feet or more.

To this day, I still have the combat boots that I wore in a plastic bag. I have to believe that there are human remains in the dust that is still caked all over them.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 10:45 am

A whole lot of pulverized concrete and drywall dust

January 31, 2021 2:59 pm

Total B S.I took a train from Brooklyn in the evening,Canal street last stop.I was walking to the site.Police blocked any entry at Franklin street.Yes ,it was 2-3 inches fine dust on cars and trees.Some bars nearby were still open.

January 31, 2021 10:49 pm

F.U. I was a NYC Paramedic and was in ‘the pit’. I’m talking about Church and Cortland not a half mile away on Franklin. It was like ‘Planet of the Apes’. There were firetrucks completely buried with only a foot or two sticking out. The wind was blowing to the southeast, and huge amounts of paper made it to South Brooklyn.

January 1, 2021 1:23 pm


He is provocative and can be sensational, but I love his spirit and DEFIANCE…he is also fearless!

When Big Tech banned him long ago he built his own platform and gave them all the bird.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 5:36 pm


have ya seen this one?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–===

  ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 7:29 pm

ordo ab chao,

I did late last night. It had over 800,000 views then, and I sent it with a few other links to 75 contacts (some/many of whom are waking up!) Now that vid is up to 1.2 million.

We the People have to go around the media, social media,and big tech on our own.

The tsunami of Luciferian election theft evidence is as obvious as jaywalking in a blue bubble…I’m thinking (and hoping) satan and his flying monkeys, Orcs, and useful idiots are bum rushing their prophesied 7 years of being king of the mountain, and the Wild Card (who is also the Dealer) is gonna backhand them…back into His timing, not theirs?

We know who the real Savior is…and how long suffering He is…we may get some more of the most valuable commodity out of this crossroads…time?

That is my hope and prayer.

If not…I’m ready to fight…and meet the end of the beginning…on my feet facing the enemy…and on my knees facing Christ.

None of this complicated to me and you.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:18 pm

May God let me expend my cache before I fall if that is what is required.
FIRE ONE tomorrow at Noon cst. Let ’em know we will come for them.

Common Cents
Common Cents
  ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 11:52 pm

Arizona has not flipped for Trump and they are not going to. Nothing is going to happen. Biden will be sworn in on January 20th. The election was 2 MONTHS AGO! Nothing has happened and nothing is going to happen. Sorry, it is time to wake up to reality.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Common Cents
January 2, 2021 12:48 pm

The AG of AZ just filed an amicus brief supporting decertification.

Common Cents
Common Cents
January 1, 2021 11:49 pm

It’s not true. Nothing will happen on January 6th. Watch.

  Common Cents
January 2, 2021 12:14 am

Yeah, I think it is safe to say we will all be watching.

Jaded Flower
Jaded Flower
  Common Cents
January 2, 2021 8:21 pm

Trump has fulfilled the goals of his bosses so you’re probably right. The system is by, for and of the criminal class – Trump included.

January 2, 2021 11:54 am

Fantasy. Makes Lin look looney tunes! I would say it’s more likely the FBI found incriminating pedo tapes and other evidence on politicos and the connected and has deep sixed it! Clearly Epstein and ghisell were running a honeypot operation financed by rich joobies like lbrands waxman and others, and, Of course, Mossad has all the 1000’s of original pedo tapes and since Billy-boob Clinton is gone the now crown-jewell, pedo-tape is on the orange zionist grifter, or known as bibbi’s-buttboy, is under special lock and key!

January 2, 2021 12:46 pm

“Fantasy. Makes Lin look looney tunes!”


I generally post snarky comments whenever “conspiracy” type comments come up.

No longer. 2020 changed me. I now know I have no way of knowing whom to believe, ever. The whole fucken world consists of liars. As such, I’m open to almost ANY conspiracy suggestion.

January 2, 2021 2:07 pm

Good on you, Stucky.

I consider conspiracies to be just as possible as any other explanation. Years ago someone made a very cogent statement that convinced me that those with large amounts of money and power would logically band together with others of like resources to keep (and/or grow) that power. It made sense, and also convinced me that backroom deals between the so called left and right to help each other against ‘the little people’ was also a reasonable possibility. I’ve since recognized that those with money always want to associate with people that have more than they do. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think that conspiracy theories are any more likely than not. I do believe, however, that to dismiss them altogether is foolish.

January 2, 2021 2:56 pm

ANY evidence at all LIN Wood??? A freaking crumb that Epstein is alive. If anything the pedo-crew wanted Epstein dead. Dead men tell no tails but any video and audio recording left behind certainly do!!! That’s where i would be looking for evidence that was taken by the Pole-ice! But like all sensitive evidence that the common sheep can have it will be deep sixed in gvt safes!

January 2, 2021 4:28 pm

“ANY evidence at all LIN Wood??? A freaking crumb that Epstein is alive. “

I don’t know if evidence has been provided.

BUT, if I understand correctly — I’m new at this — a conspiracy theory does NOT require evidence.

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 2, 2021 7:10 pm

Correct, Stucky, which is why I went straight to the nation’s top rated Fact Checkers:

“It may seem that we are living in an age of conspiracy theory, but such theories were even more popular in the past.”

“From at least the 17th century to the 1950s, conspiracy theories were a widely accepted way of understanding the world and often the official versions of events. They were articulated by elites and usually targeted external enemies or subversives who were allegedly trying to undermine the state. It was only during the late 1950s and early 1960s that conspiracy theories started to become a stigmatised way of explaining big events.

One side-effect of this move from the mainstream to the margins of society was that conspiracy theories started to primarily target societal and political elites. They are no longer concerned with alleged plots against the state but with those orchestrated by the state.

Another side-effect of this new stigma was that the label conspiracy theory or theorist became a pejorative term. The Kennedy assassination was the first major instance in which conspiracy theorists accused the state of secretly plotting evil and provided alternative accounts that were then labelled conspiracy theories, as in the 1967 CIA document. So it is hardly surprising that conspiracy theorists – who blame events on the intentional actions of evil people – retrospectively see the emergence of the term as a deliberate attempt to uphold the official version of the Kennedy assassination.”

Who in the world would believe that a group of people would ever meet secretly, or share a set of principles on which the practice of their activities are based………let alone both at the same time?,are%20even%20two%20versions%20of%20this%20conspiracy%20theory.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-====

  ordo ab chao
January 3, 2021 1:19 am

I have now seen it all, Stucky is open to conspiracy theories.

Building 7 Stucky…. WTC .building 7.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 2, 2021 12:52 pm

He will be disbarred if it is not up to legal snuff. He isn’t going to risk the 33% of millions in settlements he wins every year. The old Georgia Blood Hound is on the scent unless he’s gone insane.


Lin Wood released a Lolita express flight log with an identical name as SCOTUS Roberts. He has cause backed with evidence, though circumstantial, to go after Roberts over Epstein’s mossad honeypot operation but why say Epstein is alive and produce nada evidence. Makes him look looney tunes but perhaps his idea is to gain the support of the many who actually believe Epstein is alive.
And, of course, he doesn’t look looney tunes to those epstein0-is-alive folks! Of course, the GOP aided in the steal the vote, just as McCain delivered the steele dossier to Comey. Comey is smart enough not to put his head on the chopping block unless he had uni-party support!

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 1:39 pm

January 6th.
Smoke or Substance?
Spicy or a nothing burger?

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 2:53 pm

Nothing burger…..people are not deseperate enough to truly revolt…..there will be a nice calm collection of protestors….who destroy nothing, pick up there trash and accomplish nothing. The Brave RINOS will protest and gesticulate for the camera’s knowing it is all a Kabuki theater and they will get paid later by the Deep State.

There will no arrests, no consequences for a 4-year coup, a stolen election and utter destruction of the US economy via COVID lockdowns.

Durham will quietly fade away and Chris Wray at the FBI is going nowhere and neither is Gina at CIA…..

Nope the frog is not ready to jump out of the pot…….remember we are very much outliers here on TBP…….most folks sleepwalk through their lives thinking about chicken wings and getting laid.

While I enjoy my wings and bedroom flings as much as anybody I can see the beast…..we are enslaved and yet the people will not rise up.

Kunstler loves the end of the oil mantra…..and he has not been right yet…..until a more energy-dense commodity comes along we are wedded to the black gold. Nuclear is the obvious choice though the problems of portability, toxicity, waste disposal and potential diversion for weapons make it a distant dream.

Maybe we will get our Boston Massacre after Biden is installed and that will start the ramp-up. But remember the Boston Massacre occurred in 1770 and it took another 5+ years to declare independence.

The road ahead to freedom and self-determination is long ugly and uncertain but at least some of us know we need to fight.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Martel's Hammer
January 1, 2021 3:19 pm

Just regarding the powers to be I expect some huffing and puffing but in the end likely a great big zero.
But you never know and it ain’t over till the senile, crooked old groper is sworn in.
After that we’re on our own.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 4:37 pm

comment image

  Martel's Hammer
January 1, 2021 9:14 pm

I sure hope you’re wrong, because if not, we’re cooked as a country. Stick a fork, etc.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 2, 2021 12:14 am

We will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Martel's Hammer
January 2, 2021 10:48 am

Like the planet of the apes?
I want to know how their hunter gatherer agrarian culture got the automatic rifles.

  Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 3:16 pm

the ruskies, of course.

Commie Killer
Commie Killer
  Martel's Hammer
January 2, 2021 4:47 am

Everything was on a slower timetable back then. We live in the electric info age now. Events can be compressed very quickly.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Commie Killer
January 2, 2021 12:55 pm

Lenin said something like there are decades where nothing happens and days where decades happen. Fuqueing former communist youth leader of East Germany Angela Merkel just sold the EU to the Chicoms. Details will follow I am sure.
Nuke them now or regret it forever.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 8:23 pm

Time will surely tell, and shortly too. Hang on brother!

Common Cents
Common Cents
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 11:54 pm

Nothing Burger. In fact, less than a Nothing Burger. They stole the election and they got away with it. Time to face that fact and proceed from there.

January 1, 2021 5:10 pm

Mike Adam’s is full of shit, a liar and panic driver.

Fuck Mike Adams. He breathed life into the Covid panic amongst alt-media. His less than useless ass can be thrown out with the rest of the fake news media scum.

January 1, 2021 6:00 pm

1. “Mike Adam’s is full of shit”
• Gee that was a detailed evidence based criticism. At least he has the balls to use a name blather mouth.

2. “A liar and panic driver”.
• Prove one specific lie…punk? (Do you feel lucky?)
• He talks, acts, and lives an amazing life and runs an amazing company. Prove different or shut your piss ant libel pie hole.

3. “Fuck Mike Adams”.
• Is this the gay .22 or just an another anonymous glory hole participant of the same posting ilk???

4. “He breathed life into the Covid panic amongst alt-media”.
• A lot of people went for it at first…many here…and I prepped for it…but he figured it out well before most.

5. “His less than useless ass can be thrown out with the rest of the fake news media scum”.
• Me thinks you are filled with blind stupidity. Are you a Mormon?
• Can I ask you a personal question? Why do you wear that band aid on your nose?

January 1, 2021 7:48 pm

At least 99% of what Mike Adam’s says is WRONG! Are you paying attention or are you just dumb? The worthless scumbag called for martial law – he wants you to support giving criminal politicians MORE POWER. Unbelievable, that anyone would defend him, especially liberty minded folks. Open your eyes, Mike Adams is a snake.

Mike’s bs about how people don’t know simple exponential math when he hyped covid was pure bs. Mike doesn’t understand simple genetic diversity or hygenics in terms of attempting to apply “simple exponential math” to viral infections, his lying ass scared the crap out of the liberty community over Covid and those of us who knew the facts were censored from his comments. Humans are not just walking incubators for viral infections. Mike’s lying ass hid that fact from people and his lies directly contributed to the lockdowns and small businesses being shuttered. Mike is a snake. You have been warned.

January 1, 2021 8:07 pm

“At least 99% of what Mike Adam’s says is WRONG!”

We are truly BLESSED that you have come along to straighten out us morans. 2021 is off to a GREAT start!

January 1, 2021 8:30 pm

MSM is mum. Pelosi got her garage doors vandalized, fake blood and pigs head. Yes it is a good start.

January 1, 2021 9:20 pm

Indeed we are and there’s that word again HSF.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:24 pm

That’s why the CCP disappeared all the whistle blowers? Romney butt boy.

January 2, 2021 11:34 am

“At least 99% of what Mike Adam’s says is WRONG”!

Below is what he actually said from the end of January through March…as the Plandemic was just hitting…he got most of it right, and before most.

He has had nothing to do with Lockdowns, and had railed against them.

I follow dozens of alt right liberty movement people and cross reference what they say and prove and take the best bits and pieces. Adams is one. He is articulate, witty, informative, fearless, and does a hell of a job in many disciplines. No one is perfect 100% all the time. But, I’ll tell you this…he doesn’t deserve what you have said about him.

You’re an asshole.


While nearly all conservative publishers got it WRONG, Natural News called the coronavirus with uncanny accuracy – see video timeline animation

While nearly all conservative publishers and journalists tried to downplay the coronavirus for political purposes, ultimately looking foolish for claiming the pandemic was “no worse than the flu,” Natural News got the story right from day one (and we stood by our original reporting even as much of the pro-liberty publishing community collapsed into denialism).

Once again, we were way ahead of the mainstream media in accurately warning our readers about what was to come. We continue to be the most accurate pro-liberty publisher when it comes to providing science-based analysis and solid mathematical analysis of where things stand (and what’s coming).

People who read Natural News had access to stunningly accurate foreknowledge of the stock market crash, the coronavirus infections across America, the quarantine lockdowns and much more.

From the timeline animation video below:

On January 27th, we warned readers about the coming “coronavirus quarantines in the USA.”

On January 28th, we warned about how both Trump and China were “hiding the truth” about the coronavirus. (At that time, Trump was in a state of total denial.)

On February 1st, we announced that the coronavirus pandemic would “go global” and spread across the world. This was at a time when there were near-zero infections in the USA.

On February 3rd, we warned how Facebook and other Big Tech organizations were fronting communist China’s “pandemic lies” by pushing WHO propaganda as “facts.”

On February 5th, we warned how the WHO was covering up China’s lies and actually helping spread the coronavirus across the world by objecting to travel bans that blocked travelers from Wuhan, China.

On February 8th, we announced in a podcast that the coronavirus had, “escaped containment” and was no longer to be contained (and would spread across the world).

On February 11th, we warned that the CDC was deliberately releasing high-risk coronavirus-infected individuals in Texas, Nebraska and California without adequate quarantine times.

On February 16th, we warned that the coronavirus pandemic would impact the 2020 elections and wrote that, “Democrat cities are the most likely outbreak hubs.”

On February 18th, we asked why hundreds of potentially infected people in Washington State were being “monitored” but not tested.

On February 20th, we released a bombshell podcast: “You have advance knowledge of the coming coronavirus wave in the USA” that told Americans to prepare for a massive pandemic wave. (Few heeded the warning.)

On February 22nd, we broke the story of the massive gap in coronavirus testing, declaring that fewer than 600 people had been tested across the entire USA, labeling it a CDC cover-up.

On February 24th, we released a podcast with the phrase I coined, “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell,” which became a viral meme on Twitter and elsewhere. We were among the first to expose the CDC’s total failure to produce functioning test kits.

On February 26th, we announced that the coronavirus would devastate the stock market. (Yes, in February. If only more people had listened…)

On February 28th, we explained to the world why the coronavirus was not the flu (as was being falsely claimed by many).

On March 5th, we warned again that almost no one was being tested for coronavirus anywhere in the USA.

On March 8th, we announced that President Trump would soon declare a national emergency over the coronavirus pandemic. (He then declared a national emergency about 5 days later.)

On March 10th, we projected that hospital beds would be overrun in certain areas of the country by late May (it actually happened much sooner).

On March 12th, we warned that “medical martial law” was being rolled out across America, and warned retail investors of a coming stock market wipeout.

On March 14th, we warned about “pandemic denialism” and how conservative publishers were destroying their credibility by trying to deny the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

On March 17th, we warned that unless health authorities encouraged people to use nutrition to boost immune function and help stop the spread of the virus, we would never get the infections fully under control.

On March 18th, we warned that the economic fallout from the coronavirus would further devastate the stock market.

On March 21st, we warned that the coronavirus would eventually devastate Los Angeles, sweeping across homeless populations there and ultimately killing as many as 100,000 people in Los Angeles alone.

On March 26th, we encouraged readers to start growing food in order to avoid the coming collapse of the food supply chain.

On March 28th, we updated our initial estimates to arrive at a new range of 45,000 to 90,000 deaths for the USA through the end of July. (These projections still stand.)

On March 30th, we declared that “the economic world as you know it has come to an end” and that a global depression was under way.

For getting it right, we were labeled “fear mongers,” “doom-and-gloomers” and “conspiracy theorists.” Those are the labels assigned by people who were, of course, clueless and in a state of total denial. Many of them have lost as much as 50% of their investment portfolios now, and more losses will mount in the months ahead.

The bottom line? If you want the most honest and accurate news analysis in the world, read We got it right when almost everybody else got it wrong. And we stuck to our analysis despite being accused of “spreading fear” or “attacking Trump.”

Our job is to get it right, and we don’t bend the facts to carry out some political agenda. When Trump was in denial, we stated that Trump was in denial. When he got it right, we pointed that out, too.

And most importantly, we can do math, which appears to be a basic skills that is utterly lacking among independent publishers and mainstream media journalists today.

Mike Adams Bio:

January 2, 2021 12:23 pm

“People who read Natural News had access to stunningly accurate foreknowledge of the stock market crash”

Obvious shit from Jan 10th on. Why was it obvious? Because the people who never believe MSM started to believe because alt-media picked it up while MSM mentioned and downplayed. As soon as the fire started catching in the liberty people it was known that the market was going to crash. Some of us made alot of ‘money’ off the obvious outcome but the cost was not worth it. Mike Adams was a prime contributor to the liberty people believing the hype and thus a prime contributor to the lockdowns. Now Wuhan parties while New York is shuttered. The MSM tried so many times before to get that fire started but noticed that it never caught until alt-media started pumping out the lies.

Now your dumbass acts like Mike got it “right”. No he didn’t. He was behind the curve, wrong, backtracked somewhat and was still wrong. Almost everything he says is wrong and you promote his wrong, deceitful ass here.

Mark, you have lost all credibility in promoting who is so obviously wrong over and over and over while you say he is right.

Open your eyes dude. Mike is either an idiot or controlled opposition leading everyone to dead ends over and over all while he profits from his lies.

January 2, 2021 1:02 pm

“Mark, you have lost all credibility “

At least Mark had credibility.

You never even had it. Anonymous. Chicken shit coward, you are.

One Mark is worth more than 1,000 Anons!

January 2, 2021 6:07 pm

Thanks Stucky…I greatly appreciate your kind words…the flames on the Platform on Fire were defiantly not as colorful during your recent sabbatical!

It is good to know you have my six.

January 2, 2021 6:30 pm

I value all of the info you have put out there, including, especially, the preps, of every kind, physical, intellectual, spiritual and political.

January 2, 2021 7:30 pm


We are simpatico buddy…always have been.

No matter what happens on the 6th…and after…when I went full on ‘mad mark prepper’ in 2012 after the Petulant (Dominion) Selected One could continue his destructive betrayal…I never, ever thought I was going to have this much precious TIME to get ready for the greatest crescendo in history.

My mold was hardened in grunt war…and it looks like I will ‘probably’ end my life as an old grunt in war.

To be candid I’m counting the amazing blessings in-between…and ‘praying for an honorable death that matters’.

I’m still a robust guy, most who don’t know me peg me for at least 15 – sometimes 20 years younger than I am…and I still have that physicality.

Not really looking forward to a home hospice ending…just for some more dew on the grass time…so I’m praying, praising, checking and oiling my mag springs, sipping a martini or even two before dinner, and getting ready to make my STAND.

Best to you and yours in the coming storm.

January 2, 2021 6:12 pm

No he isn’t.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 2, 2021 1:10 pm

Bannon was the first, long before the MSM. He changed the name of War Room Impeachment to War Room Pandemic late December 2019. MSM called all early talk xenophobic and racist. Why are they even allowed to open their lying mouths without a hundred fists striking them?

January 2, 2021 1:45 pm

Poster who doesn’t have the courage to use a name,

Actually, me and another regular just started putting up some of Adams links recently.

Most of his links I posted with no comments. Now, I like him personally, you don’t…and I enjoy listening to his updates, I don’t think you even have?

His interview with Stewart Rhodes was my cup of TEA and Admin let me put it up…Rhodes was strong and schooled Adams a bit on the Constitution, and Adams was humble about learning from an obvious Constitutional scholar.

Adams defense of what he said on the plandemic, when he said it is above. You made some broad sweeping charges…I looked up what he actually said…and when he said it, you can take issue with some of it…but he never stampeded me or anyone I know, I wasn’t even following him then or posting any of his Covid writings. Your charge that he was 99% wrong is balderdash.

As far as the stock market I wouldn’t touch it with your hands…way too old for that Ponzi casino, but I did go back into PMs in March and made a frigg’in killing!

As far what is going to happen on the 6th…I agree with what Adams has said, paraphrasing:

After Trump exhausts all legal means, and when that is 100% played out Trump has to publically expose the overwhelming foreign/fraud interference, use his EO on that obvious cyber-attack, massive declassification, the Insurrection Act at least in the swing states…and if he Trump does all that and some more…Trump will be a candidate for Mt. Rushmore…if Trump doesn’t and he just walks letting the Blather mouth corrupt Crypt and Cackling Commie take the White House he is a Judas Goat.

Adams has also said: paraphrasing…Civil War now under the above moves by Trump (that would be my choice) is the only way to save what is left of the Republic…or if Trump is Judas it will be Civil War later with China controlling the White House, and those of us who will fight (including me) will be under a much greater disadvantage.

As far as my personal approaching (and past) Grunt combat experience/stand:

Fuck you no name.

January 2, 2021 2:24 pm

When two opposing sides of an issue engage in discourse, the one hiding behind anonymity and spouting claims backed by nothing immediately succumbs to the victor who puts forth verifiable sources in rebuttal.

January 2, 2021 6:11 pm

Says another who hides behind anonymity.

January 2, 2021 6:18 pm

Anyone that has gone to the July 4th event knows who I am.

January 2, 2021 9:08 am

Here’s an accurate prediction for you about Mike Adams being wrong. Everything in that linked article above that Mike says will happen on Jan 6 will be WRONG. None of what he predicts regarding arrest warrants etc will happen.

You guys admiring people that give you bs is precisely why you guys are losing your liberty. You dumb morons are getting beaten at every turn by criminals whom laugh at your stupidity and you downvote those who point out truth. You are so sure you are smart and the people you admire are smart but the problem with stupid people is that they don’t know they are stupid and have no way of knowing the difference between good info and bad.

Did you guys ever consider that you are losing because you won’t do the due diligence necessary to protect your liberty in the most strategic way? Did you consider that spending your valuable time listening and respecting liars is detrimental to your freedom and contributes to your stupid choices?

You guys talk tough but your not. A good analogy of that shows you as a big, dumb, tough guy vs a nimble strategic fighter:

You are so sure of toughness but in reality it is not even a fight because you made all the wrong choices long before you ever got to the battlefield.

January 2, 2021 1:52 pm

Hey no name…take your Hollyweird pretend battle scene and shove it up your ass.

There are plenty of us here who have assaulted on line in fire team rushes in the real shit…and plenty of us who will stand and fight no matter what happens on the 6th.

January 2, 2021 6:09 pm

You already lost. You just haven’t figured that out yet.

January 2, 2021 7:34 pm

No name…I’m a child of the Living God…my eternity is sealed.

Started my manhood in war and will probably end it in one…go away…you remind me of a buzzing mosquito.

January 3, 2021 12:22 am

It doesn’t matter if someone tells you truth, you won’t listen. You guys are so far off the mark of what has really happened and is happening that you will never climb out of the abyss. All of the truth tellers were attacked hard core as in assets seized, them and their friends thrown in jail on bs charges, harrassed until they died, became disabled or just black bagged never to be seen again. The FBI, CIA, Fusion centers, IRS, ADL, SPLC are literally hunting the truth tellers that are publishing the death blow facts. Mike Adams, Alex Jones, and others MS alt-media won’t touch the real facts and this is why they are still on air. There are many who don’t publish but exercise the knowledge of those death blow facts and have successfully defended themselves and severed themselves from the tyranny and have remained within the physical bounds of the US. There are people in the US who have literally proven driver’s license or plates are not required, battled the courts, won and now hold letters from Judges that explain personal liability to police if they interfere with their travel without an accuser alleging some form of injury. There are others who declared their individual sovereignty, stopped withholding taxes, stopped filing, were attacked by the Treasury and IRS, went to federal court, won and maintained their property effectively being officially recognized as individual sovereigns.

The system knows that the sovereigns are their biggest threat, are agents of God, and cannot allow the truth to spread. Even Lavoy Finicum was targeted and assassinated because of his deep knowledge of the truth and their is actual public record of the correspondence between Orrgon Governor and Valarie Jarret about how that the sovereign issue “is a virus that must be eliminated”.

The sovereigns study and master law to a level superior to ‘judges’ and ‘prosecutors’ and know every detail of how the gov has been actually overthrown, how governments in the US were NEVER authorized to make law applicable to the people and all elements of each fraud that was and is perpetrated to fraudulently applying statutory code to the people. American exceptionalism is that every government in the world can lawfully make law that applies to their people EXCEPT the governments in the US. That is the final death blow fact that the authoritarian psychopaths are so afraid of and why they will attack sovereigns who publish and teach this fact. It is also why the FBI, ADL and prosecutors will fund bogus sovereign teachings, have real murderers and rapists make similar arguments and then have their MSM, SPLC, ADL operatives spew those instances across media but will NEVER show the vast number of cases that sovereigns are winning without any violence, without any anger or elevated vibe at all. They are intellectually dominating the psychos and the psychos know it and they just need the sovereigns out because logic and reason begins to wake up the court worker bees thereby initiating distrust with court ranks.

Your alt-media ‘heroes’ do not know these facts in law, they lack the intellectual vigor to obtain them or they know they will be directly attacked or framed for a crime if they start publishing the death blow facts or they don’t believe it and have succumb to the brainwashing in which the FBI, ADL and other psychos know they are still under mind control so they let them continue. In any of these scenarios the fact is that they lack the death blow facts; govs in the US have never been authorized, and are lawfully prohibited from making law applicable to the people – their laws apply to their workers NOT the people.

THIS INFORMATION is the final awakening. It is the information that every authoritarian will conspire and levy war on to stop from spreading. They are scared to death of this single truth from becoming common knowledge because they know it will to their crime rackets being totally dismantled, their livelihoods based on crime evaporate and them never having control ever again. That is what real winning looks like. It doesn’t require physical violence and in fact reveals that physical violence ensures they win and liberty loses.

Anyone who doesn’t comprehend that the individual sovereignty is the ONLY issue has still not awakened. There are people winning everywhere but they know that publishing the information is liability that is in contradiction to divine law so they don’t publish. They have learned that the tyranny is judgement for those who refuse to find the lawful path to remedy, the lawless, hence the real sovereigns are not going to teach anything beyond the starting path. Each has to walk the long, deep path to unravel the facts for themselves so that they obtain the ability to use the successful logic and reason to defend themselves and prosecute for remedy on their own. This is how we sovereigns, agents of God, know that politics, alr-media failed predictions and war is ALL A LOSING STRATEGY for re-establishing and maintaining enduring liberty.

January 3, 2021 12:34 am

“It doesn’t matter if someone tells you truth, you won’t listen. You guys are so far off the mark of what has really happened and is happening that you will never climb out of the abyss. “

Niiiice!! Trying to convince people by right out the gate telling them how dumb they are.

Fuck off, man.

January 3, 2021 1:40 am

I am not trying to convince you. We are beyond all that. You guys losing big time.

January 3, 2021 11:58 am

Just fuck off.

January 3, 2021 4:59 pm

No Name,

You ooze arrogance and haughty sniping slander…you lecture and talk down knee capping yourself on the ‘Platform on Fire’ with know it all smug Sovereign self-righteousness.

I am not against Sovereign courage…or its foundation…but your mouthy attitude sucks.

I love to debate…but, respect is a two way street…you post in a one way alley.

At first I thought you were .22…he is big fan of mouthy slander, and disrespect too.

Save the Hollyweird close combat movie clips for the unscarred…those of us who have been in it are the real .0001% of the 3%.

It’s not all what you say…but it is defiantly the way you say it.

This is not a group to talk down to.

You have been warned…

David O'Grady
David O'Grady
January 2, 2021 10:59 pm

Amen, brother..

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:06 pm

Again, “On any other day, that might seem strange.”

January 2, 2021 12:04 am

Something wicked this way comes.

January 1, 2021 10:30 am

This screed basically describes The Imperial Collapse of the United States. There will be worthless money, worthless checks sent out to the half of the population that does nothing, and shortages in everything not made in America, which is just about everything except food. No clothing or shoes; no fabric, leather, and sewing machines needed to replace that which will be unavailable in shuttered stores. Ditto for any kind of machinery and parts. Most people still can’t fathom that the outsourcing of everything will eventually lead to mass suffering and death.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:27 pm

Eventually it will all be replaced with the most efficient, most modern stuff. The Zips didn’t invent anything, they stole it all or were given it by the Globalist bastards who own the Uniparty.
Real Americans will accept the challenge and succeed.


Agreed. The lazy, shiftless spoiled brats need to be bitch-slapped back into reality. They’re about to be spoon fed the reality that if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Hard work was what built this country to such a level that we have been able to coast for decades. The free ride is over – one way or another. I have always hoped that we could turn things around without going to the opposite extreme. That wasn’t meant to be. My parent’s grew up in the Great Depression. They knew what it was like to go hungry sometimes. I’m sick to death of hearing how 400 pound ‘poor’ people are suffering as they ride the little scooter around Walmart. America NEEDS bad times right now the same way a spoiled little child needs a good spanking. Oh, I forgot – progressivism says that’s wrong.

My parent’s obeyed the Bible; particularly Proverbs 13:24 “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.”

It’s time to taketh the rod to progressivism.

January 2, 2021 6:07 pm

There is some good news coming out of my home town. Our “dead” integrated steel mill is showing activity. All of the work is being done on the midnight shift, and I have good source that everything is being rebuilt. Supposedly they’re even working on the Amanda Blast Furnace. It’s interesting that there is no activity during the daylight hours, and the parking lots are empty. However, at night, the parking lots are full.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 2, 2021 7:42 pm

Wars require months of logistics preparation. I’d say it’s great that your town is employing folks, but it’s likely a harbinger of doom.

  Articles of Confederation
January 2, 2021 10:06 pm

The Ashland Works was built in 1869 and has worked most of that time. However, in the Great Depression it was idle for several years, then in World War II it was one of keystones of The Arsenal of Democracy. That’s when lean times turned into a boom with men working 16 hours a day at Union Wage. It has been idle for the last 5 years and now there’s night time reconstruction going on and most people in town have no idea of it.
comment image?resize=1200%2C1200

January 2, 2021 5:24 pm

There is a poster “Dr D” on “The Automatic Earth” website that agrees with you (at length). His long post on Kunstler’s 2001 article focuses on the collapse of oil production and starts with

Hardly anyone paid any attention to the oil story this year with all the frightful distractions of Covid-19, the economic havoc of lockdowns, and the janky election. The oil story is probably more important than any other single factor in the current situation, and is largely responsible for America’s economic mess. Everything in the USA runs on oil and our business model for doing that is broken. De-growth changes everything.

And ends with

The American economy had already entered a zone of dangerous structural fragility before Covid-19 stepped onstage. As Tim Morgan and Gail Tverberg argue so well in their respective blogs, the economy is an energy system that, in the advanced techno-industrial form, depends absolutely on fossil fuels, which have become a problem the past two decades, leading to the present inflection point bringing on de-growth, the onset of a long emergency, and what others call a fourth turning. Same things, really. We’ve entered a state of contraction, and it’s in the nature of large economic organisms to move from contraction to collapse fairly quickly, because the complex interconnections in their systems ramify and amplify each other’s failures. The virus has made it all worse, and faster.”

I won’t cut and paste the whole thing, but you can read it here (Dr D post, timestamp January 2, 2021 at 4:00 pm Oil

Debt Rattle January 2 2021

January 2, 2021 11:40 pm

Thanks for the link, we can produce enough for real life, for a spell longer, no more fat fucks driving their Escalade to DQ for a blizzard, people will need to adjust, we waste an obscene amount of petroleum.

January 1, 2021 10:37 am

Happy New Year to Jim Kunstler and the the whole TBP gang from contributors to admin and all you commenters. You help make my life interesting. Don’t forget the popcorn!

January 1, 2021 10:47 am

If only you could be correct in facts and predictions, we would know what to do. If even half of what is said comes to be, it will be a matter of who should we pray to be wiped out first, Biden or Trump? From your reading I guess the worst shit hits sooner and harder with Biden, and the corrupt world he lives in. With Trump it is a long and hard slog uphill to some mountain top of word garbage, that has a lot of pain and unknown solutions to all of the problems. I am only torn with savage the beast now, or continue to starve it to starvation death.

January 1, 2021 11:07 am

lol. only had time to skim read. Should’ve kept going and written a book

January 1, 2021 11:25 am

Amen!!! Article was to dang long. I gave up reading it.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 5:30 pm

I did too, but probably for different reasons….when I read:

[Secretary Miller, took over all the CIA’s field operational functions before Christmas — “No more black ops for you!”]

Haha….most take their orders from the Dark Prince and Big Mike, so what difference is that?

Then Trump would “most likely” be a better leader, and I didn’t see any reason to go on.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <——===

Trump is probably a better vaccine salesman………I ain't buyin'

Known Associate
Known Associate
January 1, 2021 6:25 pm

Oh ye weak of mind and lacking in powers of concentration, ye shall be among the first to be surprised…

January 1, 2021 11:09 am

Well,first off,Happy New Year(?) to everyone here.

This is certainly a feel good story about our near future!

I will say it once again as is a New Year and all,@ the moment food/clothes/tools/ect. reasonably priced and available,get shopping!

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:30 pm

The only thing I would like a bit more of is .30 Carbine. See any out there?

David O'Grady
David O'Grady

Nary a one… bought a bunch when i purchased my M1 years ago and have shot up a lot of it… still got enough to make a small difference but having faced the evil once before i truly hope i don’t have to again… pray, prep and protect….

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 1, 2021 10:00 pm

Thanks, James. Happy New Year to you, as well.I noticed you have dropped ammo from your list as it is no longer available at a reasonable price.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  TN Patriot
January 2, 2021 1:19 pm

I saw non corrosive Tula 7.62×39 for $8 a box, about double normal time price yesterday. Cheapest M193 Ball 5.56 I saw was about 95 cents a pop. $1.60 for 75 grain fmj made by the Ees-ra-aylees.

January 1, 2021 11:21 am

Meh new year to all.

Found this and thought I’d share.
Makes a LOT of sense. To me anyway.
It’s going to be an interesting month.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 11:49 am

That interview has really made the rounds. Fitts know how to explain the unexplainable.

  Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 11:59 am

It will be interesting to see the documentary when released.

January 1, 2021 12:28 pm

Gonna be an interesting year I’m not sure about Kunstlers list but many of his predictions will certainly come to pass Not all and some to a lesser degree

January 1, 2021 3:45 pm

Don’t miss the part about “Opportunity Zones”!

(For context, start listening at 28:55)

January 2, 2021 7:07 pm

That interview scared the @$%# out of me.

January 1, 2021 11:22 am

Sorry Jim, no such thing as man caused Global Warming. Numerous books and articles have been written that show it is a farce, hoax, and a lie.
If the Fracking Industry is in such a shambles, why are they constantly advertising for more employees???
Next time, make your article a multi-part article. It was SO DANG LONG I gave up reading it.

January 1, 2021 11:50 am

A pleasant fantasy to be sure

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 11:56 am

I think he and Catherine Austin Fitts agree on the local economy becoming very important. I’m not going to hold my breath for arrests after Trump manages to retain office, which I do think will happen. As far as his predictions on the stock market drop and other economic issues, I will defer to people who are more adept at that than me. I’d be interested in Admin’s opinion on this.

I hope he is right about the WEF’s Great Reset plans. If so, they will not give up. They will go back to the drawing board and rear their ugly heads later.

The article is very long, almost a booklet. I read it in sections.

  Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 12:56 pm

The stock market is totally manipulated therefore the only people who really know what will happen are the top people at the FED

  Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 1:30 pm


“They will go back to the drawing board and rear their ugly heads later”.

One size fits all…WEF…WHO…FED…CDC…IMF…Traitors…its a long list…We the People need to be checking it twice.
comment image%3Fresize%3D1200%252C900&f=1&nofb=1

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 1:53 pm

Mark, someone on twitter posted that $600 buys 55 gallons of tar and 10 lbs of feathers…lol!

  Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 2:43 pm

comment image&f=1&nofb=1

Both parties…and don’t forget the corrupt Judges!

January 1, 2021 9:29 pm

Thanks Mark! you made my day. I’m stealing it, LOL

January 2, 2021 7:38 pm

Jaz…don’t tell anyone…but I shoplifted it!

January 2, 2021 11:44 am

Corrupt judges ARE politicians.

January 2, 2021 6:13 pm

Yep…and donkeys are jackasses and RINOS are Trojan horses.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Mary Christine
January 1, 2021 8:33 pm

Just boil some used motor oil. Why waste “good tar” on those fuqueres?

Larsen from Accounting
Larsen from Accounting
  Mary Christine
January 2, 2021 3:45 am

$600 also buys 6 gallons + 1 quart of the $12/pint ice cream Queen Nancy loves.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 1, 2021 2:49 pm

One size fits all? There’s an adapter for the l’ll ones.

  Mary Christine
January 2, 2021 9:14 pm

comment image

The National Pulse today is publishing a comprehensive list of all current and former elected U.S. officials who participated in sponsored trips to China on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party-tied China-United States Exchange Foundation.

Moar tar and feathers…

CHINESE COMMUNIST CONGRESS (and other elected officials):

• Congressman Timothy Roemer (D-IN)
• Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL)
• Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR)
• Congressman Jim McCrery (R-LA)
• Congressman Thomas Petri (R-WI)
• Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
• Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
• Senator John Sununu (R-NH)
• Congressman Jon Christensen (R-NE)
• Congressman Jim Slattery (D-KS)
• Congressman Steve Bartlett (R-TX)
• Congressman Don Bonker (D-WA)
• Congressman Phil English (R-PA)
• Congressman Martin Frost (D-TX)
• Congressman Barbara Kennelly (D-CT)
• Congresswoman Connie Morella (R-MD)
• Congressman John Tanner (D-TN)
• Governor Bob Holden (D-MO)
• Mayor James Brainard (R-IN)
• Mayor Paul TenHaken (R-IA)
• Mayor Jamael Tito Brown (D-OH)
• Mayor Richard Carr (R-OH)
• Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele (R-CT)
• State Representative Mark Parkinson (R-ID)
• Governor Jim Folsom Jr. (D-AL)
• Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton (D-WI)
• Brian Rolicki
• State Senator Steve Harrelson (D-AK)
• State Senator Mark Norris (R-TN)
• State Representative Robbie Wills (D-AK)
• State Representative Jim Tucker (R-LA)
• State Representative Seth Hammett (D-AL)
• State Senator Ron Richard (R-MO)
• State Senator Chuck Colgan (D-VA)
• Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib (D-WA)
• Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch (R-WI)
• Congresswoman-Elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
• State Representative Clarice Navarro (R-CO)
• Commissioner Bridget Gainer (D-IL)
• Mayor Michael Copeland (KS)
• Treasurer Tishaura Jones (D-MO)
• Congressman Charles Boustany (R-LA)
• State Representative L.F. Payne (D-VA)
• Congressman Gary Franks (R-CT)
• Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA)
• Congressman Mike Mclntyre (D-NC)

Got this from Mike Adams…

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
January 1, 2021 11:58 am

Regarding your forecasts, I think there is a better chance that Melania Trump would declare that she is going to appear in public wearing only body-paint, instead of spending all that money on designer clothes.

  Lazaris Procrustes
January 1, 2021 12:13 pm

“Melania Trump …. appear in public wearing only body-paint, instead of spending all that money on designer clothes.”

Hey! Melania in designer clothes is still HOT!!!

comment image

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
January 1, 2021 12:19 pm

I give all six of my thumbs up for this one…

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Shotgun Trooper
January 1, 2021 8:18 pm

She is gorgeous. Period.

  Lazaris Procrustes
January 1, 2021 12:37 pm

And I think you’re wrong

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 1, 2021 8:36 pm

Didn’t realize you were a Warren Jeffs follower in addition to all the rest.



Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
January 1, 2021 12:15 pm

Ah, the perfect 1 Jan 2021 morning gimlet-eyed analysis for the start of another annus horribilis.

Auntie so appreciates the fact that JHK’s delightful prose is filled with cynical sneak previews, potent prognostications, and real possibilities for the ongoing “Collapse of All Things Human “(c) 2021 edition.

The most immediate issue to be played out is the resolution to the Nov 20’s rotten general election and do the events of the two Georgia senate run-offs coupled to the projected pro-Trump demonstration on 6 Jan 21 in Bahgdad on the Potomac make for political theatre of legend. Could might well be. Next week Tuesday and Wednesday will tell us much about the tenor of the times.

Auntie is betting on a epic fiery shit-storm to get 2021 off on the right foot.

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
January 1, 2021 12:18 pm

Jeez, youse guys can’t focus for more than 15 or 20 minutes to read all that? I thought it was pretty good, even if maybe more like a wishlist…

January 1, 2021 12:25 pm

In regard to Catherine Austin Fitts discussion, didn’t Aaron Russo warn us about this nonsense decades ago? Yes he sure did

January 1, 2021 1:43 pm

JFK blurtered out a warning just before they murdered him…and great detail came from Coleman in 92.


Here is Russo’s last interview for those who haven’t seen it, and are interested.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
January 1, 2021 12:34 pm

Yep not sure whether to laugh or cry at the poor people celebrating 2021’s arrival. 2021 is where many chickens will come home to roost. Either way I agree life as we knew and enjoyed is practically over. The sun is setting on the west and rising in the east

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  Depressed Aussie
January 1, 2021 8:40 pm

They crap out pretty quickly after us. The Three No’s: No Water, No Women, No Banks. I add a fourth, No one left to steal from.

January 1, 2021 1:40 pm

First Boomer-post of the New Year. Hey, Bitcoin, get off my lawn!

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 1, 2021 1:40 pm

On a positive note, 2021 sounds like a good year to do a kitchen remodel using all that cheap restaurant equipment that will be sold at fire sale prices.

January 1, 2021 2:59 pm

We’ve got fishing and hunting and gardening, and repairing of old cars, and metal roofs hopefully. We’ve got department stores and toilet paper. Styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer. Fuel to burn? I hope so.

Taras 77
Taras 77
January 1, 2021 5:16 pm

“Normally” I go with kuntzler for at least half of his optimism-in this case, over the top; as they say, I want what he is smoking.

January 1, 2021 7:17 pm

Very interesting, prescient, wide-ranging, & intelligent analysis. Much appreciated!

One thing that was gently alluded to in various places that I might put a finer point & firmer emphasis on, which just so happens to underlie many of the issues identified & discussed: the (decades long) mao-marxian insurgency & total warfare doctrine being waged against us by enemies foreign & domestic that has accelerated into new phases as of late.

Given all that we know, it’s safe to say that we certainly face disruptions, but I think ultimately they’re an opportunity for Restoration. That will take vision, fortitude, cooperation, & hard work, but it’s in everyone’s own best interests, & it’s the best, really the only option out there. The fact that the status quo is broken is fairly undeniable at this point. People tend not to adopt something new until they have the incentive to do so. It certainly seems that we are at that point.

Some perspectives on that, along with some options & solutions:

‘The View’ from Flyover Country: YOU need US – We Don’t Need You

The Great Restoration

A DUTY, A RESPONSIBILITY, & A Dialectic Hammer

January 1, 2021 8:07 pm

C’mon man! Its time to abandon these delusions. The election was stolen … fair and square. Covid is a total fraud yet 95% of the population either believes in it or is willing to go along with the destruction of our civil liberties. 20221 is going to be 2020 ‘squared’. The plan to change the very structure of civilization is (probably) going to enter the next phase. I take no comfort in this pronouncement.

Common Cents
Common Cents
January 2, 2021 12:04 am

Motley – Agreed. I think most of the country WANTS to be told what to do and when to do it. I think a lot of people LIKE the lock downs and ENJOY wearing the masks. At least that’s what I have observed.

January 1, 2021 8:23 pm

From your pen to God’s ear.

January 2, 2021 5:51 am

Now-a-days it’s ‘from your keyboard to God’s monitor.
No need to thank me.

January 1, 2021 9:21 pm

Click-bait par excellant’

Nothing, and I mean nothing will happen that isn’t in the OnePartyState’s interests, nothing.

January 1, 2021 10:28 pm

Outstanding wrap up, I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you.
Decentralization. It’s what’s for dinner.
Digital currency will prevail, the internet will not fail, it will continue growing. Oil doesn’t power the internet, the dramatic cuts in availability will actually be fuel for more internet usage. Renewables, coal, natgas, and nuclear are all relatively plentiful. The grid is safe for planned evolution.
Digital currency/crypto/money/scrip will dominate. It’s also what’s for dinner.
Gold and silver will always have a place, probably the head of the table, but not for proles, who have none.
Enjoy the show!
Promises to be: The Greatest Show on Earth.

Common Cents
Common Cents
January 1, 2021 11:47 pm

I predict the polar opposite of what you predict. The fix is in. The game is lost. The charade is over.

Bet I’m right and you’re wrong. You will know by January 8th when Pence does absolutely nothing and Biden’s “victory” is certified.

From now on, I am the revolutionary. I will vote for the WORST candidates I can find. I will ENDORSE the Defund the Police movement. I will GLADLY yell “Black Lives Matter”. In short, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to bring about the demise of this rotten existing system as soon as possible. It is going to be painful, but it is unavoidable. After the complete collapse, then we can begin to rebuild the country as the Founding Fathers intended and this time put in measures to keep it from deteriorating again like it did this time. There is NO HOPE for the current system.

  Common Cents
January 2, 2021 12:16 am


Common Cents
Common Cents
January 2, 2021 1:22 pm

Yes. This belief that some great reckoning is coming is truly pathetic. It is not happening. Wake up. The tooth fairy is not coming to make things right. The Left is ruthless and powerful. They have all the money and all the power and they control everything. Wake up you dope.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
January 2, 2021 4:04 am

Excellent review, Jim, thank you. I agree with all you project. If we know all this, then so do the elites and they are panicking with the thought of their losing wealth and power as the Anglo/American economic collapse progresses. Their plans are revealed in my Letter today – whether authentic or not – it is much in line with what is happening at present:

January 2, 2021 6:26 am

[grown children] retreat into fantasy, cynicism, and ambiguity.

That’s a weird use of the word ambiguity. Can someone retreat into ambiguity? I don’t think so.
Better words might in that case might be
  discretionary [thinking]

But Jim does use the word correctly at

a series of extremely ambiguous incidents at best


Overall a good article, even though Jim cannot stop beating his dead horse of Peak Oil – while dancing around questions such as ‘at what price does fracking become economically feasible again’ or ‘if the US stops the blockade of Venezuela, what would the [medium-term] higher availability of heavy crude from them do to oil markets’?

January 2, 2021 8:07 am

“Jim cannot stop beating his dead horse of Peak Oil – while dancing around questions such as ‘at what price does fracking become economically feasible again’”

Some dead horses are worth beating. Probably nothing in his article will change our lifestyles more than the end of really cheap oil.

Regarding “economically feasible “, he did answer that;

“Oil over $75 destroyed the business model for productive industrial activities that relied on cheap oil; while oil under $75 destroyed oil companies because they couldn’t make a profit at the well head. “

He ties in peak oil with the end of the shale oil “miracle”. He says it costs about $6m – $14m to drill a shale well. But,it only produces about 100 barrels a day, for about 4 years …. and oil today is about $48 a barrel ….. so, that’s about $7m revenue per well. Pretty easy to do the math from there; even if oil doubles to $100/barrel, they still won’t make a profit. Seems about right as 36 shale companies files for bankruptcy this year. I’m guessing shale companies need oil to be $150/barrel for them to make a decent profit.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 11:02 am

Cheap affordable energy makes the American way of life go round

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 10:21 pm

And U.S.N. carrier groups sailing the seven seas helps plenty.

January 2, 2021 1:14 pm

Possible, I cannot verify those shale cost numbers.

But if you plug in the real inflation (shadowstats), the price of gasoline in the US is effectively unchanged over the last 50 years – so there goes even the Peak Cheap Oil theory.

January 2, 2021 3:15 pm

If we take the average cost of a shale well at $10M and divide it by 4 years at 100 bbl/day, then the production cost per bbl is $68.49. Then, if the price the driller receives per bbl (NOT the price sold on the COMEX) is only one dollar more, the driller receives a grand total of $146,000 profit for the ENTIRE 4 years. This doesn’t take into account the interest on the loan to perform the drilling and to pay the overhead and labor costs of running the well accumulated over 4 years.

To me, this spells past-peak oil.

Joe Wazzzz
Joe Wazzzz
January 2, 2021 7:01 am

From your lips to God’s ears.

very old white guy
very old white guy
January 2, 2021 8:13 am

What I see is kind of a back to the future scenario with millions dying, and not from a virus but from the crumbling of everything around us. One of the most important things that people have failed to learn is, THAT EVERYONE CANNOT HAVE EVERYTHING. I also think that much of what the author had to say reflects my brief analysis and seems to be closer to reality than most would like to admit.

January 2, 2021 10:23 am

Hope for Georgia. I can say this about the Republican Party with supreme confidence. One upon a time the Democrat party was an organization of men of integrity, honor and courage, but the Republican party has always been party of scoundrels and carpetbaggers. Georgia which had no Republican governor for 150 years, got their first in 2003 with Sonny Perdue . Next came two more Republicans governors, Nathan Deal and the current Brian Kemp. All three have been bad for Ga and corrupt to the core. There is no Representative party for Georgians or for that matter Americans either. The Unity Party is the party of backstabbing curs. America will do well to DX the entire lot and start anew.

GOP is now running ads in GA claiming that Warnock is bad for Israel…. not Ga , but Israel. smh…you can”t make this shit up.

Recall Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

January 2, 2021 10:34 am

Sometimes, a la George Floyd, a revolution can be sparked by a minor event. Consider the scenario where a restaurant “illegally” re-opens and the police show up to close it down. The owner resists, a shoving match ensues, and the owner gets shot dead. Would the incident pass without much comment, or would we hear the deafening roar of rifle bolts being shot across the county as people decide they have had a enough?

Farfetched? Perhaps, but consider that just the other night Nancy Pelosi’s garage was spray painted with a demand to cancel rent, and the message “We want everything!” A pig’s head was also left in front of the garage. Not exactly a horse’s head under the bed covers, but the message was the same: “We know where you live, and you are not safe.” Remember, four years ago an idiot with a gun tried to shoot a bunch of Republican congressman, and only wounded a few before being killed himself. And that pre-Covid time was a dream compared to now. There are more idiots with guns out there, who are tired of being robbed and lied to, and they are probably better shots.

January 2, 2021 2:20 pm

All in all, I liked the read but felt it is too optimistic in some of his theories. It was pretty long and I did take a few breaks. One thing that stands out is:
“I’m suspicious of the statistics regarding true case numbers and the official spinning of Covid-19 deaths actually from other causes, as well as the tests that produced so many false conclusions.“
Suspicious? I think the evidence about that is indisputable.

I guess we will find out on Wednesday which way the wind will be blowing. If Snowden and Assange aren’t pardoned this weekend, I’m not sure that DJT will have any chance of coming out on top here. Even without that I am still a hanger on for the red team but the chances a very slim.

Mass arrests and tribunals are the only thing that will be left and I’m not convinced that that will happen. The NDAA veto has been over-ridden and if they did have a way to legally block the use of the insurrection act in there then is probably all over.

January 2, 2021 5:24 pm

Anyone that holds citizenship of another country in addition to the United States should not be allowed to hold any public office. It is the very definition of conflict of interest.

PLEASE sign the petition:

“Dual citizenship is dual loyalty. Loyalty to any country other than the USA is treason. All politicians holding dual citizenship must be recalled and barred from any future government and or government contractor work.”

Thank you.

January 2, 2021 9:45 pm


Done…and will pass on…

January 2, 2021 6:19 pm

Can it, Kunstler. You spent almost 4 years mocking Trump (The Golden Golem of Greatness) and now when it
dawns on you what a Dem victory will mean, you finally see the light? Bullshit.

January 3, 2021 4:54 am

Nice to see there are other people with a memory span of more than 6 months…!

January 2, 2021 9:08 pm

Why don’t Bitem just CONCEDE the election to Trump now that we found out what a LOSER he is that he has to go and CHEAT to win?

Just get out of town Bitem before you cause a lot of mayhem. Please, I’m begging you to swallow your pride and just GO???

If you don’t and the mayhem comes, you’ll be HANGED for what you Pssylousi, Chick Schemer, James Commie, and the rest of you Demoncraps have done.

That’s a lot of risk to take. But I know your hatred of Trump is so great you won’t go so Retardicans should just order some rope 1/2: thick. 500 feet for now.

Jaded Flower
Jaded Flower
January 2, 2021 9:39 pm

They’ve been telling folks the plan and scheming for centuries but everything in this modern era is manufactured for our distraction. Since the Jacobins were invoked in the article, research the Jesuits and think why DC is Roman architecture, with all its esoteric symbology, originally known as Rome-on-the-Potomac. All the window dressing of democrat vs. republican, communist vs. capitalist or any other dialectic is just theatre to cover the psychopaths’ religious ritual of rebirthing the world for themselves whilst using “end times” as a script and useful idiot Dominionists of the Evangelical movement. Separation of church and state has never existed.

January 3, 2021 4:29 pm

Here’s the first in a new series, if YouTube hasn’t already removed it?