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All those hours spent on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instant Messenger and online video games could be taking a serious toll on your teen. In fact, it may be a full-blown addiction. Experts estimate that 1 in 8 Americans is addicted to the Internet, and those numbers are rising quickly, especially among young people. "Technology itself is extremely addicting because it provides immediate feedback," says Hilarie Cash, PhD, founder of reSTART, the first inpatient Internet addiction treatment center to open in the U.S. "Children are growing up with so much Internet exposure that they are becoming dangerously uncomfortable without it."

The hope of curing Internet-addicted teens is why Cash founded reSTART. So far, four kids—all hardcore Internet video gamers—have successfully graduated from the 45-day program that takes applicants on a rolling admission basis. If you're not able to get your teen to the clinic, talk to a general addiction specialist in your town or check out these online resources:, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

To help prevent Internet addiction before it starts, try these tips:

1. Limit Time Online
The American Academy of Pediatrics says two hours tops of screen time should be the limit, but Demetri Christakis, MD, director of the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children's Hospital, thinks that's too much and suggests just one hour.

2. Lead by Example
Don't spend hours on the computer when your children are home and don't update your Facebook status constantly when you should be focusing on family time.

3. Keep an Eye on Gamers
The type of game your child is playing can make a huge difference. The reality-based ones (such as World of Warcraft or Second Life) are the worst because they never end or shut off. "There's always someone awake across the world ready to play," says Dr. Christakis.

Look for these signs of a serious addiction:

1. Internet usage interferes with your child's normal everyday activities such as getting ready for school, coming to family dinner or attending sports practices.

2. He doesn't go to bed when he normally would and appears exhausted in the morning.

3. He can't focus on homework long enough to finish an assignment without logging on to the computer.

4. If you try to cut down his Internet time, he becomes belligerent and abnormally irritated.

5. He's lost any interest in things that used to excite him, such as hanging out with friends or playing outside. To figure out if your teen's Internet usage is a problem or not, take the Parent-Child Internet Addiction Test.

Headshot of Abigail L. Cuffey
Abigail L. Cuffey
Abigail Cuffey is the Executive Editor of Women's Health. Abigail has more than 10 years of experience writing and editing for national women’s publications, and more than 12 years of experience working in the health and medical journalism field.