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Latitude:   +52.516667 Longitude:   +13.366667

Antipode: -52.516667 , -166.633333

Sunrise: 03:22 GMT     Sunset: 18:44 GMT
Daylight: 15 h 21 m 21 s      Solar noon: 11:3 GMT

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Near spots:
Name Country Feature Latitude Longitude Dist. (km) Dist. (mi) Bearing Direction
Berlin Germany Populated place 52.51667 13.4 2.26 1.4 270° W
Glienicke Germany Populated place 52.63074 13.33156 12.92 8.03 11° N
Kleinmachnow Germany Populated place 52.40706 13.22073 15.71 9.76 219° SW
Stahnsdorf Germany Populated place 52.39103 13.21753 17.26 10.73 216° SW
Teltow Germany Populated place 52.40311 13.26014 14.56 9.05 210° SSW
Baumschulenweg Germany Populated place 52.46582 13.48524 9.83 6.11 235° SW
Berlin-Blankenburg Germany Populated place 52.59371 13.45277 10.37 6.44 34° NE
Berlin-Blankenfelde Germany Populated place 52.61936 13.39248 11.56 7.19 N
Berlin-Buch Germany Populated place 52.63413 13.50045 15.9 9.88 35° NE
Berlin-Buchholz Germany Populated place 52.60664 13.43239 10.96 6.81 24° NNE
Berlin-Friedrichsfelde Germany Populated place 52.50496 13.51048 9.83 6.11 262° W
Berlin-Friedrichshain Germany Populated place 52.5145 13.45206 5.79 3.6 268° W
Berlin-Heinersdorf Germany Populated place 52.57086 13.43798 7.73 4.8 39° NE
Berlin-Karow Germany Populated place 52.61221 13.48373 13.26 8.24 37° NE
Berlin-Lichtenberg Germany Populated place 52.51973 13.48449 7.99 4.96 88° E
Berlin-Malchow Germany Populated place 52.57658 13.48368 10.36 6.43 50° NE
Berlin-Niederschöneweide Germany Populated place 52.44674 13.50812 12.35 7.67 231° SW
Berlin-Niederschönhausen Germany Populated place 52.59832 13.40438 9.44 5.87 16° NNE
Berlin-Nordend Germany Populated place 52.59142 13.39537 8.54 5.31 13° NNE
Berlin-Pankow Germany Populated place 52.5681 13.41131 6.47 4.02 28° NNE
Berlin-Rosenthal Germany Populated place 52.599 13.37761 9.19 5.71 N
Berlin-Treptow Germany Populated place 52.4814 13.47998 8.62 5.36 243° WSW
Berlin-Weissensee Germany Populated place 52.5475 13.4667 7.59 4.72 63° ENE
Berlin-Wilhelmsruh Germany Populated place 52.5871 13.36855 7.84 4.87 N
Birkenhain Germany Populated place 52.38262 13.31139 15.39 9.56 194° SSW
Birkholz Germany Populated place 52.37536 13.36622 15.73 9.77 180° S
Blankenburg Germany Populated place 52.59371 13.45277 10.37 6.44 34° NE
Blankenfelde Germany Populated place 52.61936 13.39248 11.56 7.19 N
Britz Germany Populated place 52.45086 13.44077 8.88 5.52 214° SW
Buch Germany Populated place 52.63413 13.50045 15.9 9.88 35° NE
Buchholz Germany Populated place 52.60664 13.43239 10.96 6.81 24° NNE
Buckow Germany Populated place 52.41667 13.45 12.48 7.76 207° SSW
Buckow I Germany Populated place 52.42227 13.43623 11.52 7.16 204° SSW
Buckow II Germany Populated place 52.43333 13.47017 11.63 7.23 217° SW
Buckow-West Germany Populated place 52.42227 13.43623 11.52 7.16 204° SSW
Charlottenburg Germany Populated place 52.51633 13.3035 4.28 2.66 270° W
Dahlem Germany Populated place 52.4567 13.29216 8.37 5.2 217° SW
Düppel Germany Populated place 52.42921 13.22938 13.47 8.37 224° SW
Eichkamp Germany Populated place 52.49446 13.26483 7.33 4.55 250° WSW
Friedenau Germany Populated place 52.46917 13.32578 5.97 3.71 208° SSW
Friederikenhof Germany Populated place 52.38292 13.34714 14.95 9.29 185° S
Friedrichsberg Germany Populated place 52.51667 13.46667 6.77 4.21 270° W
Friedrichsfelde Germany Populated place 52.50496 13.51048 9.83 6.11 262° W
Friedrichshain Germany Populated place 52.5145 13.45206 5.79 3.6 268° W
Frohnau Germany Populated place 52.63327 13.28816 14.03 8.71 22° NNE
Gartenfeld Germany Populated place 52.55014 13.24298 9.17 5.7 66° ENE
Gesundbrunnen Germany Populated place 52.55398 13.38011 4.25 2.64 12° NNE
Gropiusstadt Germany Populated place 52.425 13.46667 12.25 7.61 214° SSW

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Page issued on Tue 07-May-2024 19:57 GMT
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