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1. Limiting oneself or itself.
2. Self-limited.

self′-lim′i·ta′tion (-tā′shən) n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
A survey of 48 cases with pneumorrhachis secondary to SPM found that in 98% of cases the condition was self-limiting with no neurological findings.
Treatment for Gianotti-Crosti syndrome is largely supportive, given that this is a self-limiting entity.
Kikuchi's disease is an idiopathic illness characterized by a self-limiting lymphadenitis that normally resolves over subsequent weeks or months without specific treatment.4
Utilising advanced genetics and molecular biology, Oxitec has developed a new solution to controlling insect populations through the production of 'sterile', self-limiting insects whose offspring do not survive.
Since this is a self-limiting condition, the patient began to improve spontaneously over the next few weeks, and he experienced a complete recovery.
There is no treatment for the illness which is usually self-limiting, although it is important that anyone with the illness keeps hydrated.
Alere offers a rapid diagnostic to enable practitioners to distinguish between respiratory tract infections that require treatment and those that are self-limiting as well as several other diagnostic tools to help clinicians identify pathogens at the point of care and define an appropriate treatment strategy earlier.
Clinical psychologists Robert and Lisa Firestone, and their associate Joyce Catlett, argue for a new perspective on processes of self-differentiation and advocate a method for liberating oneself from self-limiting and interpersonally aggravating behaviors.
This lack of motivation, direction, or the feeling that everything doesn't seem to go right, all boil down to certain self-limiting beliefs people have, according to UAE-based learning consultant and motivational speaker, Carol Talbot.