Volume 59, Issue 1 p. 58-61

Shyness Clinic: A Social Development Program for Adolescents and Young Adults

John Barrow

John Barrow


John Barrow is a counselor, Student Counseling Center, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois.

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Judy Hayashi

Judy Hayashi


Judy Hayashi is Director, Counselling and Psychological Services Center, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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First published: September 1980
Citations: 1


Shyness clinic groups were offered in a university counseling center for adolescents and young adults experiencing discomfort and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Thirty-four students went through a preassessment and screening procedure. Twenty-three participated fully in the program. The first part of the program focused on anxiety management; the second on assertiveness in social relationships; and the third on development of conversational skills. According to results on preprogram and postprogram self-report inventories, written feedback from participants, and observations of the group leaders, participants improved in social skills and ability to manage anxiety.

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