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The 10 Hair Mask Tips No One Ever Tells You

Seriously, why didn't anyone tell us these things sooner?

Considering the amount of torture we put our hair through on a daily basis with heat styling, teasing, and coloring, we should all be using luxurious overnight hair masks. But the truth is a lot of us are still nervous about using masks on a regular basis, in part because we aren’t quite clear how best to use them. What if it makes my hair greasy? Will it wash out when I try to take it off? Do I have to sit still for five hours if I use one?

To keep it simple, we broke down the top 10 things no one ever tells you about how to use hair masks.

Once a Week Will Do

Even if you think your hair is relatively healthy, the change of seasons can be hard on your strands, so it’s good to get in the habit of using a mask weekly to make sure you’re giving your hair the moisture it needs.

Not All Are Created Equal

There are a lot of “masks” on the market today, so be careful to read the directions. Some may be marketed as masks but actually require daily use, while others are heavier and therefore should just be used once or twice a week (depending on your hair type and amount of damage). Others still ask to be left in for 1-2 minutes or 15 and up, so choose which ones you can see yourself sticking to before you make your purchase.

SheaMoisture Strengthen & Renew Masque

The key here is finding one that will realistically work for your routine. For instance, if you have textured hair and swear by a cleansing routine that isn’t daily, a rich deep conditioner, like SheaMoisture’s top-selling Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen and Renew Masque is suitable for once-a-week use.

Applying to Dry Hair Is Fine

If you’re willing to make a time commitment, apply your mask to dry hair, and let it absorb for about 20 minutes. This is a great Sunday morning activity before you take a shower.

Sleep in Your Hair Mask

Pacifica Moon Cloud Overnight Repair Masque

If you think your hair is especially dry, try sleeping in a hair mask. Simply apply the mask at the end of your shower (or apply it to dry hair), and cover with a shower cap or silk scarf you don’t mind using for this purpose. Rinse out in the morning and you’ll have silky, soft hair.

It’s Not an All-Day Event

Keep in mind that applying a mask does not need to take hours. You can put in a mask for two minutes as you’re shaving in the shower and get the moisture boost that your hair needs.

If Your Hair’s Greasy, Ditch

If you find that your hair is greasy after you apply a mask, you are most likely using one that is too heavy for your hair type. Look for one that is specific to your hair (whether it is fine, curly, etc.) and that should lead to better results. For instance, fine hair types benefit from formulas that have lightweight, but effective ingredients that target fragile hair strands without weighing them down.

Kerastase Nutritive Fine Hair Mask

Also, don’t go overboard with the application—a little goes a long way.

Shampoo and Condition After

You’ll always want to shampoo and condition your hair after you use a mask in order to make sure you won’t have any leftover product build-up.


Since the entire goal of a hair mask is to add moisture to your hair, there are plenty of easy DIY ways to achieve this with the ingredients in your fridge. Yogurt, honey, and olive oil are popular ingredients that will have your strands looking great in no time.

Comb the Mask Through

Machete No. 2 Comb

As a reminder, you should always be using a wide-tooth comb when handling wet hair. It also comes in handy with a mask. Comb the mask through to the ends to make sure you’ve applied it to every last spot before you let it sit.

Concentrate on the Ends

Your ends are the most fragile part of your hair (split ends anyone?), so always concentrate your mask to the ends of your hair as they are most likely the part that needs the most loving.

A version of this article was originally published in May 2015.

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