Before diving in, let’s agree to collectively leave the judgment at the door because, news flash, we're all guilty of stanky breath from time-to-time. Whether the cause is your diet, the morning, or overall dental hygiene, bad breath exists—and sometimes happens more than you’d like.

But what exactly is the cause for bad breath? Well, TBH, there's more than one. Thank god Dr. André Ritter DDS, MS, MBA, PhD, professor and chair at the NYU Dentistry Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care broke it down for us in professional terms: "Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is typically caused by oral, upper airway, or gastroesophageal issues." Dr. Ritter also pointed out that your mouth (therefore, your breath) is kept in check by a combination of 1) personal and professional hygiene and 2) dietary habits. So it's not just about if you use mouthwash or not.

Thankfully, it's the 21st century and there are so many expert-approved ways you can make sure your breath on point. For the most part, they're all pretty low-maintenance, but you may have to scale back your two to three cups of coffee a day and your **dumps garlic powder all over everything** habit.

Below, we asked dentists to share their expert tips on what you can do to prevent bad breath from creeping up again and how to help your breath stat if you want a fix, like, right now.

1. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption

It's tragic, I know. According to Dr. Kami Hoss, DDS, alcohol can really damage your oral microbiome, or microorganisms found in the human oral cavity that are really essential to our health. It also plays a big part in maintaining a steady and normal oral ecological balance. And a damaged microbiome is what causes your mouth to get really dry...and lead to stinky breath. If you notice the next time you drink that your breath is less-than-cute when you wake up in the morning, cutting down on the booze can help fix your microbiome!

2. Avoid eating certain foods and drinks

Unfortunately, onions, garlic, and coffee are *big* causes of bad breath. Dr. Hoss suggests steering clear if you want fresh breath. Woof, sorry to anyone who likes good food and feeling alive first thing in the morning.

        3. Clean! Your! Tongue!

        According to dentist Michelle Chan, DDS, one main source of bad breath is a type of oxygen-hating bacteria in your mouth called anaerobic bacteria. Since they don’t like fresh air, the bacteria nestle deep into your mouth’s surfaces, causing inflammation and bleeding of the gums, which, in turn, creates a stinky, sulphuric byproduct. Sexy, right? Dr. Chan suggests using a tongue scraper to remove the bacteria burrowed in the fuzzy filaments of your tongue. If your medicine cabinet is lacking a tongue scraper, try using a clean spoon instead.

        4. Try an oxygenated mouthwash

        Since anaerobic bacteria hate oxygen, try gargling with an oxygenated mouthwash to kill them fast, even in hard-to-reach places like your tonsils. Yep, anaerobic bacteria tend to accumulate in the contours of your tonsils and create super-pungent tonsil stones (a buildup of bacteria and debris in your tonsils). Yum! Dr. Chan also suggests gargling in the back of your throat with salt water to dislodge the stones or seeing your ENT doctor to remove them.

        Colgate Peroxyl Colgate Peroxyl Mouth Sore Rinse, Antiseptic Oral Cleanser & Rinse Mint

        Colgate Peroxyl Mouth Sore Rinse, Antiseptic Oral Cleanser & Rinse Mint
        $7 at Walgreens

        5. Stay hydrated

        Beauty editors like to respond to everything with “drink more water,” and I’m sorry in advance, but the same applies here. Dehydration reduces your saliva production, which is a problem because your spit has antibacterial and antifungal properties that keep your mouth healthy and your breath smelling good. And on a basic level, your saliva also helps break down your food, wash it away, and lubricate your teeth to prevent food getting stuck. “If the food’s decomposing in your mouth because it wasn’t broken down or washed out, bacteria can flourish,” Dr. Chan says. “The more food you leave behind, the more feasting for the bacteria.”

        TL;DR: Spit is good. Stay hydrated.

        6. Rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash

        While we’re on the topic of dehydration, go ahead and toss all your alcohol-based rinses because ironically enough, your mouthwash could be your problem. Alcohol dries out your mouth, which leads to more bacteria growth, says dentist Debra Glassman, DDS. If you don’t want to run to the store, you can create your own by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda with a cup of warm water and a few drops of peppermint essential oil. “Baking soda is a natural antibacterial, and the peppermint oil helps freshen your breath in a pinch if you run out of mouthwash,” Dr. Glassman says.

        TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse
        TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse
        Now 39% Off
        Credit: Amazon
        Listerine Zero Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
        Listerine Zero Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
        Credit: Walgreens
        Crest Antigingivitis/Antiplaque Mouthwash
        Crest Antigingivitis/Antiplaque Mouthwash
        Now 25% Off
        Credit: Amazon
        CloSYS Ultra Sensitive Mouthwash
        CloSYS Ultra Sensitive Mouthwash
        Now 20% Off
        Credit: Amazon

        7. Snack on apples or any other crunchy, healthy foods

        Better make a quick stop at Whole Foods (that’s romantic, right?). The hard texture of apples, celery, carrots, etc., can remove food caught between your teeth and rub away the bacteria that’s clinging to them. Think of crunchy health foods as nature’s toothbrushes.

        8. Chew sugarless gum containing xylitol

        Gum contributes to better breath for a few reasons: First, the act of chewing stimulates the flow of saliva, which, remember, helps flush away bacteria. Second, it helps pick up food that’s been left behind. And third, xylitol, a sweetener, is also an antibacterial. Try SuperSmile Whitening Gum With Xylitol, or if you’re not a gum fan, try Spry Xylitol Mints.

        9. Eat probiotic foods

        Dr. Glassman says good breath relies on a healthy gut. Eating probiotic fermented foods like kimchi, yogurt, and kefir increases the good bacteria in your gut (the large and small intestines and the stomach). And when good bacteria thrive, there’s less room for the bad bac, which can give off a not-so-pleasant smell that travels up the digestive tract and into your mouth.

        Prebiotic + Probiotic
        Prebiotic + Probiotic
        Credit: The Nue
        Within Probiotic
        Within Probiotic
        Credit: Sephora
        Complete Probiotic Formula
        Complete Probiotic Formula
        Credit: Sakara
        Women's Probiotics 25 Billion
        Women's Probiotics 25 Billion
        Now 29% Off
        Credit: Amazon

        10. Chew on fresh mint leaves or parsley

        You laugh, but it works! If you’re already on your date, order a drink with mint leaves or casually ask your server for a side of parsley (you just, um, really love parsley, okay?). The mint will help freshen your breath, and the parsley contains chlorophyll, which Dr. Jennifer Jablow, DDS, says fights against the aforementioned sulfur compounds.

        11. Brush and floss Every. Single. Day.

        Sure, flossing is an extra step, but it’s an essential one. Brushing your teeth helps nix the plaque and bacteria on the front, back, and the chewing surface, but flossing dislodges anything your toothbrush can’t get to between the teeth. If you don’t floss, Dr. Chan says here’s what will happen:

        The minerals in saliva (like calcium and phosphates) can cause the plaque to harden between the teeth (aka tartar). Tartar is full of bacteria. The bacteria colonies can multiply and burrow deeper into your gum. Over time, the tissue around the bone gets irritated, causing inflammation. Your gums start to break down, resulting in bleeding gums when you brush your teeth. If it progresses, the space between the gums and teeth grows. Welcome to gum disease.

        Basically, anaerobic bacteria are the culprit behind gum disease and bad breath. So brush and floss, or bad breath will be the least of your concerns.

        12. Steer clear of cigarettes

        Aside from the obvious fact that cigarettes smell bad, Dr. Chan says smoking inhibits your immune system, which can interfere with your bod’s ability to fight off bad bacteria. That can lead to a quicker progression of gum disease and bad breath.

        13. Don’t skip your dentist appointments

        See your dentist at least twice a year (depending on your oral condition) for cleanings, and while you’re there, don’t hesitate to bring up your concerns if you’ve tried everything and your bad breath still isn’t going away. It could be the result of multiple factors, so don’t WebMD yourself into a dark hole. Just go ahead and make yourself an appointment.

        Headshot of Carly Cardellino
        Carly Cardellino

        Carly Cardellino was the beauty director at Cosmopolitan. If you follow her Instagram, then you know she'll try just about any beauty trend or treatment once (the pics of her purple hair are on IG to prove it). But her favorite part about being in beauty is finding the most effective products, and then sharing that intel with others—because who wants to spend money on stuff that doesn't work? No one, that's who. Her most recent discovery: De La Cruz Sulfur Ointment, which will change your blemish-clearing game! Hopefully through the beauty stories she writes—and the experiences she shares—you can see exactly why she's in this business.

        Headshot of Brooke Shunatona

        Brooke Shunatona is a contributing writer for

        Headshot of Megan Uy
        Megan Uy
        Associate Shopping Editor

        Megan Uy is an associate shopping editor at Cosmopolitan, where she searches for the best products in all things fashion, home, beauty, sex, gifts, and more, so you don’t have to. When she’s not writing for the site, she’s whipping up some cool and trendy content for the fashion section of the print magazine. She’s been with the brand since 2019 (when she was an itty-bitty editorial fellow), and she's also written for Delish, House Beautiful, and People. Follow her on Instagram to get some BTS of the editor life and chaotic NYC content. Also, feel free to hit her up if you ever wanna discuss the madness that is TikTok