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Well, we already gave you 25 Ways to Be More Handsome, but we also know you want to dress your best, right? I mean, who doesn't—that's why your reading Esquire. Dressing your best boosts your career, gets you dates, and simply makes you feel damn good about yourself. And we're here to help. With this list, dressing your best is simple, just follow steps 1-30. It's a mix of pro tips, expert advice, and good ol' common sense. But don't dawdle reading this intro, read on and start dressing your best right now.


Get a Good Tailor

Even the finest clothes need tweaks and a truly talented tailor can act as your advisor. He won't just shorten your jacket sleeves and take in the waist (but, of course, he'll do that too), he'll also guide you to better style with his expert eye.


And Keep Your Measurements in Inches

Once you find your tailor, have him take your measurements and keep them for yourself. This will help when buying clothes online especially, but can also help fend off over-zealous salesmen in store, and it will save you money, because better fits means fewer alterations. Get to know (at least) these measurements: neck, shoulders, sleeves (shirt and jacket for both arms), waist, inseam, and seat.


Find a Good Cleaner

A cleaner you can trust is crucial. Knowing your clothes will come back better than you left them is great, but knowing that they'll come back at all is even better. A good cleaner won't shrink your favorite shirt, and will have secret tricks to get wine stains out of your Hermes tie. Once you have one, never, ever let them go.


And Know the Difference Between Dry Cleaning and Laundering

Good cleaners know that a fine shirt requires laundering not dry cleaning (to remove oils and sweat), and remind you that they can dry clean your sweaters after every winter to avoid moth holes while they're packed away for summer.


Learn How to Iron

There's a reason the Marines make you learn how to iron your uniform; it's the easiest way to freshen up your clothes and make them look sharp. Knowing how to do this will also save you money, requiring you to get your shirts and suits cleaned and pressed just a little bit less each year. The trouser crease is hardest to nail, so tread lightly while learning this technique. Fortunately, modern decorum doesn't require you to have creased trousers, but it does look sharp.


And How to Sew

This is the easiest way to prolong the life of your clothes, and just might save your ass when your jacket buttons pop off on a business trip. You don't need to know how to do it all, but at least know how to close a split seam and sew a button back on. Always carry a sewing kit while you travel, and if you forget yours, most hotels will provide one for free.


Get a Lint Roller

This seems obvious, but a lot of men forget this step. Any dark suit, whether wool or cotton, will attract plenty of lint, cat hair, and strands of that girl's hair you fell in love with. Give yourself a roll before you leave your house and keep one in your briefcase for emergencies.


And a Lint Trimmer

This one's easy to overlook, but even the best sweaters will pill over time (except cashmere, usually), and a lint trimmer will help keep them looking fresh. Make sure you get a high quality machine, or it could damage your sweaters. For mohair, go with one of the many pumice-stone-like scrapers on the market, which won't damage the sweater's unique "halo."


Know How to Tie at Least Two Necktie Knots

You should already know how to tie the simple, versatile, and stylish four-in-hand knot, which is all you need for most situations. But there will come a time, maybe at your friend's wedding, when you have to wear a skinny tie or a spread collar, and adding a half-Windsor knot to your arsenal will help fill in that extra space or beef up that slim neckwear. And, you just might save the rest of the groomsmen from looking stupid.


And a Bow Tie for Tuxedos

In civilian life, bow ties can come of a bit pretentious (I see you Tucker Carlson), but for tuxedos, morning suits, and dinner jackets, they're an absolute must. Clip-ons are for little boys, so at least become familiar with tying a bow tie, 'cuz eventually you're gonna need it.


Get Rid of Your Clothes From College

I know you love your lacrosse team crewneck and your J.V. basketball shorts, but you're a man now, and these have no place in your wardrobe. Even at the gym. Set them free, it'll feel good, trust us.


Use Wooden Hangers

Spending money on suits and shirts and hanging them on wire hangers is like eating caviar off a Dorito. Get some wooden hangers for god's sakes. They'll help keep the shape of your jackets and shirts, and look legit when you have bedroom company. Plus, cedar hangers keep the moths away and add the slightest of pleasing scents to your clothes.


And Cedar Shoe Trees

It's a bit of a cliché at this point, but a pair of fine shoes really can last you a lifetime if you take care of them. The first step is to get cedar shoetrees. These things are the triple threat of shoe care: they keep the shape of your shoes intact, help prevent odor, and suck up excess moisture. All of which are beautiful (and necessary) things.


And a Shoehorn

Young men often overlook this (old men don't, because they can barely touch their feet), but a shoehorn is one of the best tools for lengthening the life of your shoes. Stomping down the heels of your shoes tweaks the leather and cracks the structure of your shoe. Plus, it's just sloppy. Instead, get a good shoehorn and slip those shoes on like a gentleman.


Get a Good Shoeshine Kit and Know How to Use It

Fact: women look at your shoes. Another fact: scuffed shoes will ensure you never get laid. So, get a good shoeshine kit (with wax polish, a welt brush, polishing cloth, buffing brush, and a toothbrush for details), and get those puppies in shape. Shining your shoes prolongs the life of your shoes, adds the perfect finishing touch to slick suit, and can spice up an easy-wearing casual outfit. It's a no-brainer.


Get a Good Cobbler

Every shoe is going to need repairs eventually, whether that's sewing up a popped seam or adding a whole new sole. A good cobbler is your best friend, and can also take care of your leather jackets and bags.


And Have Them Add Taps to Your Shoes

When you get new shoes, immediately take them to your cobbler and have them add plastic taps to the toe and heel. This will prolong the life of a leather sole by a couple years.


Be Honest About Your Body Shape

Look, you've got to work with what you've got, and ignoring a larger frame to try and squeeze into a Thom Browne suit is only going to exaggerate that girth. Be honest with yourself. Knowing that you have a bigger belly, a weak chest, or wide hips will only help you buy the right clothes, plus a good tailor can make alterations that minimize these problem areas. And remember, black and navy blue always lengthen and slim the body.


Know What Prints Work For Your Body

Once you've assessed your body honestly, learn what prints work for you and which ones don't. Tall and skinny? Go nuts, everything from florals to Breton stripes to polka dots are in play. But if you're heavier or shorter, vertical stripes are you best ally in the print game. Dip dying and ombre patterns can also help lengthen and slim.


And What Colors Suit Your Skin Tone

This is a bit trickier, and you may need to seek advice from fashionable friends or salespeople. Navy blue, black, and most shades of gray look good on everyone, but brighter colors can present problems. With warm, dark skin, you can pull off bright oranges, reds, and yellows that would wash out or overwhelm a fairer-skinned man. Cool, lighter skin tones work best with emeralds, blues, and purples. Experiment and ask for advice.


Have Someone You Trust Go Shopping With You

To that end, have a well-dressed friend that you trust to go shopping with you. Their taste and honesty will save you from yourself every time.


Buy Quality Over Quantity

Quality always trumps quantity, especially for big-ticket items like suits, shoes, outerwear, and bags. A $900 navy blue suit will get you years of wear, while the fused lapels on your $100 suit are bubbling after a month. This isn't like buying a car, either. You can fix up a beater, but buying cheap clothes is akin to throwing your money in the trash.


But Take the Cheap Wins Where You Can

Still, there are plenty of bargains out there, especially for simple basics. Uniqlo Oxfords and Gap denim are a good place to start, with quality that far outshines their low, low prices.


Keep Track of What Fits From Different Brands

Once you've started getting everything down, keep track of what fits you from which brands. This will help all of your future shopping, and may even allow you to successfully buy a suit jacket online. Maybe.


Know the Trends

Even in staid menswear, trends are important. They're just subtler and slower-moving than womenswear. Slim suits are on trend now. No one will hire you when show up to a job interview in a wide-shouldered '90s Armani power suit. Act accordingly.


But Don't Follow Them Blindly

Still, don't follow trends blindly. The goal here is to build a versatile, high-quality wardrobe that will last a long time. Just because Dries Van Noten showed tie-dyed biker pants for fall/winter 2014, it doesn't mean you need to own them. You don't. Those only look good on three guys in the world and they're all 20-year-old French models.


Stay Away From Novelty Items

Sure, you're not wearing a fish tie to work (right?), but even more innocuous-seeming items can fall into the novelty category. Like that photo of Pete Dougherty and his tiny little trilby? Fine, but that hat's pretty much a joke for 99% of men. Same goes for metallic shoes and a million other things, including, in some contexts something as simple as a bow tie. Be careful.


Find Someone You Admire and Learn From Their Style

This is simple, see someone famous you like (not Adam Levine) and take hints for how to dress yourself. Steve McQueen is a menswear idol for a reason, as are Paul Newman and Gianni Agnelli. But be honest with yourself and only take what you can truly use. Not every man can wear a bottle cap belt.


Don't Over-Accessorize

See above, and don't go nuts. Coco Chanel's famous rule: "Before you leave the house, take a look in the mirror and take one thing off," works for men too. If you're wearing a bracelet to brunch, you probably don't need a necklace too. Be subtle, be classic.


Be Yourself

Not to get sappy, but this is the most important rule of all. If you don't feel comfortable in something, it will show, and you'll only look worse. By all means, push your boundaries, but always stay true to your tastes.