If you want eyes that look bigger and more awake, you don't need to learn any complicated contouring techniques or do a bunch of eyeshadow blending. All you need is an eyelash curler and a swipe of mascara. Bonus: This tip helps glasses wearers prevent getting mascara on their lenses.

BEFORE: Start fresh

Make sure your previous day's mascara is off your eyes completely. Otherwise, you risk having your lashes stick to your curler, potentially tearing them out.

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Step 1: Position the curler at the base.

Put your eyelash curler close to your lash line. Gently squeeze down for a few seconds, then release.

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Step 2: Move it halfway down.

Position the eyelash curler towards the middle of your lashes' length, then gently squeeze again.

Step 3: Curl the tips.

Make your curl look as natural and wide as possible by placing the curler towards the tips, then squeezing again.

Step 4: Add mascara.

Swipe on a layer of lengthening mascara, jiggling the brush at the base of your lashes for added volume. Voila! Big eyes.

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The Results

As you can see, the difference between my non-curled lashes and curled ones — even without mascara — is huge.

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When you add mascara to the curled lashes, the enhancement is even more dramatic.

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And from further away, eyes look wider and more awake.

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Headshot of Sam Escobar
Sam Escobar

Sam's enthusiasm for makeup is only rivaled by their love of all things relating to cats. In their spare time, they enjoy watching scary movies, putting avocado on everything, and seeing how many shades of the rainbow they can dye their hair before 30.